Radiation 2017 Flashcards
Describe alpha radiation
cannot penetrate skin
significant internal emitter
stopped by paper
dangerous if ingested
Describe beta radiation
penetrate more than alpha
internal/external emitter
electron emission
dangerous if ingested
Describe gamma rays
originate from the atomic nucleus
highly penetrable
What is x-radiation?
refers to radiation that does not come from a radioactive nucleus
What are x-rays?
discovered by Toentgen in 1898
overexposure can permanently damage cells and tissue structure
How is radioactivity measure?
Bequerel (Bq) units
How is specimen activity expressed?
Curies (ci)
How ios ionizing ability expressed?
x-ray and gamma radiation
expressed in roentgens (R, expression of radiation exposure)
What is RAD?
Radiation Absorbed Dose
measure of energy deposited in any medium by all types of radiation
What is rem?
Roentgen equivalent man
measure of absorbed dose
What are the three routes of radiation to humans?
inhalation - most common
skin absorption
What are acute radiation effects?
radiation poisoning
loss of hair, skin ulcers, damage of blood-forming organs
What are chronic radiation effects?
early signs are changes in texture/color of skin
cancers - leukemia, skin, bone cancer
What is the order of response in the body, most to least sensitive?
blood/blood-forming organs
skin, reproductive organs, GI tract
lungs, kidneys
bone, muscle, nerve cells
What are survey instruments criteria for radiation?
none of ionizing radiations can be detected by 5 senses, therefore all indications of presence/intensity must be obtained by instruments
What are ionizing chambers?
instruments in which ionization initially produced within chamber by radiation
What are Geiger-Mueller instruments?
same as ionizing chambers except there is formation of secondary electrons
radiation enters GM tube, sends pulse to indicating unit
quenching gas used to control amplification
used by landfill operators
What are proportional survey instruments?
operates in proportional region of the instrument response curve
probe has thin window that emits alpha particles into ionization chamber
What are scintillation survey instruments?
scintillation counters depend on light produced when ionizing radiation interacts with phosphor or crystal of certain substances capable of producing this light
What is a film badge?
personnel monitoring instrument
provides permanent record of exposure but requires more work to obtain readings
What is a dosimeter?
useful to determine exposure at any time while continuing to act as a monitor without further attention
What is a pocket chamber?
simple and inexpensive means of measuring exposure
Describe radon gas
derived from radioactive decay of Radium
naturally occurring, can accumulate in homes, especially in confined spaces with no ventilation
How is radon a health hazard?
inhalation of contaminated dust
emissions bombard lung tissue with alpha and beta radioactive particles resulting in higher risk of lung cancer
Describe a microwave
long wavelength radio waves
causes internal heating
high moisture tissues at risk
What measures for microwave leakage?
power density meters
Describe ultra violet light
light in high-light wavelength
used to detect leptospira, fat cells
surface disinfectant
Describe infrared light
light in lower wavelength spectrum
very hot
popular in food processing for hot holding
What does LASER stand for?
light amplification stimulated emission radiation
What does NEPA require in regards to nuclear?
National Environmental Policy Act
requires the environmental aspects be analyzed and that alternative sites be considered for nuclear facilities sites
What does NRC require in regards to nuclear?
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
requires solidification of high-level radioactive wastes within 5 years of their production, then transfer to a federal storage site within 5 years
licenses areas of disposal for nuclear waste and facilities
What is the FRC?
Federal Radiation Council
provides guidelines for federal agencies carrying out activities (light nuclear energy, weapon testing) that might affect individuals or groups