Household Haz Waste - Saraniecki Flashcards
How does household waste relate to RCRA subtitle C?
It is exempt on the premise that EPA assumes congress intended household waste to be exempt
allows waste streams from residences to be considered non hazardous
except for DIY motor oil changes
How much waste oil is in the US per year?
1.2 billion gallons
60% used motor oil
-60% of this is reprocessed, 25-30% re-refined and reused, 12-20% road, oil, dust control, surgace discharge
What is found in waste oil and what is so hazardous about it?
contains toxic metals and additives - lead and MTBE
One gallon of waste oil can contaminate one million gallons of fresh water
What is assumed of household hazardous waste since it is not regulated under RCRA?
it can be stored in any amount for any amount of time
transportation does not require manifesting
state-approved household waste drop off programs are allowable and treated under haz waste regulations
What are federal guildelines for household hazardous waste? (3)
reuse and recycle as much as possible
treat household waste in a hazardous waste treatment facility\dispose remaining household haz waste in a haz waste landfill
What does OSHA require of employees working at haz waste collection sites?
all employees should receive adequate basic training for handling hazardous chemicals
Toxicity is determined by a laboratory procedure called what?
toxicity characteristic leaching procedure
What is the regulatory level for total cresol under RCRA toxicity characteristic rule?
200 mg/l
What are three types of haz waste incinerators?
rotary kiln
fixed hearth
What is plasma pyrolysis technology?
heating of air, gas, or gas mixture to 9032F for the thermal destruction of hazardous wastes
What are some sources of dioxin and how much must be destroyed or reduced before disposal in a secure hazardous waste landfill?
wood preserved with PCPs
paper mill bleached pulp and sludge
bleached paper products
must be reduced 99.999%