Qui, que, où, dont, ce qui, ce que Flashcards
a) possible translations
b) always followed by…?
c) Example: We congratulate the artist who took this photo
a) who, whom, which, what or that (can refer to people or things)
b) A verb
c) Nous félicitons l’artiste qui a pris cette photo
a) possible translations
b) always followed by…?
c) Example: She doesn’t like the frame that you are showing her
a) whom, which, that (can refer to people or things)
b) A subject
c) Elle n’aime pas le cadre que vous lui montrez
a) possible translations
b) always followed by…?
c) alternative phrases to use
a) Where, when (can refer to times or places)
b) A subject
c) dans lequel, sur lequel, par lequel
a) refers to..?
b) possible translations
c) always followed by…?
a) objects of verbs that require ‘de’
b) of which, from which, of whom, from whom, that, whose, with
c) A subject (so is most similar to ‘que’)
Give me back the book that I lent you
Rends-moi le livre QUE je t’ai prêté
Are you the owner ? (Literal: is it you that is the owner?)
C’est vous QUI êtes le propriétaire ?
It is me that sold him this lamp
C’est moi QUI lui ai vendu cette lampe
The objects they make are of great value
Les objets QU’ils fabriquent sont de grande valeur
It’s the person who I was thinking of
C’est la personne À QUI je pensais
à qui - a person
Do you know what he is thinking of?
Tu sais À QUOI il pense ?
à quoi - an indefinite thing / object
It’s the painting that I was thinking of
C’est le tableau AUQUEL je pensais
au quel - a specific thing / object
It’s the company for which I am working
C’est l’entreprise pour laquelle je travaille
lequel/ laquelle / lesquels/ lesquelles = specfic things
Here is the person without whom I would not have been able to succeed
Voici la personne sans QUI je n’aurai pas pu réussir
Conditionnel passe formation: Conditionnel présent (futur simple stem + l’imparfait endings) + past participle
These are the tools with which I was able to prosper
Ce sont les outils avec LESQUELS j’ai pu prospérer
They are the friends at whose house we had lunch on Sunday
Ils sont les amis CHEZ QUI nous avons déjeuné dimanche
Do you remember the day when he was elected?
Tu te souviens de l’année où il a été élu ?
The film that (of which) you were talking about
Le film DONT tu as parlé
It is the film that you watched.
What did you think of it?
C’est le film que tu as regardé.
Qu’en as-tu pensé ?
I am suspicious of him.
Do you know the man whom I am suspicious of?
Je me méfie de lui.
Connaissez-vous l’homme dont je me méfie?
You will never guess what happened!
Tu ne devineras jamais ce qui est arrivé !
Deviner = to guess
Devenir = to become
What is good for the client is not always good for the vender
Ce qui est bon pour le client n’est pas toujours bon pour le vendeur
What he does is not my concern
ce qu’il fait, ça ne me regarde pas
I will see what I can do
Je vais voir ce que je peux faire