Postmodernists on Crime and Deviance Flashcards
What would Feminists apply causes of crime to?
The patriarchy
What would Marxists apply causes of crime to?
What do Postmodernists argue about structural causes of crime?
There are no structural causes
What do Henry and Milovanovic say for the needs of people committing crimes?
They will differ heavily for each individual
What did Henry and Milanovic argue with general causes of crime?
It was no longer possible to identify general causes of crime
Name 2 reasons why people could commit murder
Revenge, Rage
Why do Henry and Milanovic argue it is no longer possible to identify structural crime causes?
People who commit crimes are responding to their own needs
Name a crime which may have multiple different reasons for it being caused
What do Marxists and Feminists say about social structures?
They can still explain why crimes are committed
Who created the concept of Capitalist Hegemony?
Name 2 values under the Hegemony of Capitalism
Greed, Competitiveness
What will people do to fulfil the Hegemonic Capitalist values?
Commit crimes
What concept did Messerschmidt create?
Hegemonic values of masculinity
Name a hegemonic masculinity value
Valuing strength more than intelligence
Why do Postmodernists argue people commit crimes?
It is exciting
What did Lyng say about young people committing crimes?
It is edgework
Why does Katz say offenders get a thrill when committing crimes?
Uncertainty if they are caught or the chance of getting away with the crime
What does Lyng say about CCTV to reduce crime?
It increases crime
Why does Lyng argue CCTV increases the chance for people to commit crimes?
It makes getting away with a crime more difficult
What does Katz say in terms of thrill?
Committing crimes creates a thrill
What is the impact on CCTV according to Postmodernists?
It makes committing crimes more exciting
What did Foucalt say about a shift in society in controlling people?
There had been a shift from sovereign power to disciplinary power
Who do Katz and Lyng focus on in their arguments in terms of age group?
Young people
What did Taylor, Walton and Young say about why people commit crimes?
They do it as a conscious political act
Why do Postmodernists argue most people do not commit crime?
Because of disciplinary power
What do Neo-Marxists say about crimes only being for the purpose of excitement?
They can be more meaningful than this for people
According to Taylor, Walton and Young, what is the main reason WC people commit crimes?
To redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor
What does Foucalt argue about sovereign punishments in the present day?
They are no longer needed
What is sovereign power?
Controlling people with the threat of force
What is disciplinary power?
Controlling people through surveillance
Give an example of a physical punishment
How were offenders punished centuries ago?
With physical punishments
What does it mean for crimes if everyone is now constantly under surveillance?
People are less likely to commit crimes
Name 2 types of crimes people will be deterred from with CCTV in public areas
Vandalism, Theft
Why are people less likely to commit crimes if under surveillance?
It is more likely that they will be caught
What do Right Realists argue deters people from committing crimes?
What deviant behaviour will people be deterred from with registers in schools
What do Right Realists say about Foucalts argument?
They say people are not deterred from committing crimes due to possibly getting caught
Which theory did Clarke create?
Rational Choice Theory
What form of policing do Right Realists want in society?
Zero-tolerance policing
Why do Right Realists argue zero-tolerance policing will reduce crime?
The cost of committing crimes will be larger than the rewards
What does Rational Choice Theory say about why people commit crimes?
The rewards are higher than the demands
According to Postmodernists, what do the media influence with their reporting on C&D?
Fears over crime and deviance
What did Kidd-Hewitt and Osborne say?
Crime and Deviance are ‘media staples’
What did Kidd-Hewitt and Osborne say the aim of ‘media staples are’?
Make people buy more newspapers
How do consumers of the media feel about crime?
They are fearful and fascinated by it
How would the Twin Towers apply to people being fearful and fascinated?
People were fearful of the terrorism but fascinated with the scale of the event
Give an example of a crime people were fascinated by and fearful of in 2017
Grenfell Tower Incident
What type of society does Beck say we live in?
A ‘risk society’
What does Beck say has caused the formation of a ‘risk society’?
How do the media often present criminal behaviour to the public?
As a threat
Name a crime reported on that causing fear
Murder, Kidnapping
How would Interactionists feel about Postmodernists saying the media creates C&D fears?
Interactionists would agree with them
Interactionists would agree with them
Mods and Rockers
What was the initial deviant act of Mods and Rockers?
Fighting on the beach
How did the media present the Mods and Rockers conflict?
They sensationalised it
What did the media create with their reporting on the Mods and Rockers conflict?
A moral panic
Who became the folk devils in Cohens study?
Mods and Rockers
How did young people react to media reports on Mods and Rockers?
They wanted to get their 5 minutes of fame so joined in
How did the police respond to the mods and rockers moral panic?
They were more violent towards mods and rockers
According to Postmodernists, what policies over crime should be introduced?
Restorative Justice Policies
What do Henry and Milovanovic argue happens when people commit crimes in terms of power?
Criminals take away the power of victims to be their own person
What do Henry and Milovanovic suggest about how victims should feel in the CJS?
They should be empowered
What do restorative justice policies do?
‘Redress the balance of harm’
What would victims talk about in restorative justice meetings?
How the crime made them feel
What would occur in restorative justice meetings for the offender?
They explain why they committed the crime
What would be the intended outcome of restorative justice meetings?
The victims would feel their power has been restored
What would be an example of restorative justice?
A domestic abuse victim finding out why their partner did it
Why do Feminists say restorative justice would not work for domestic abuse?
If the victim and offender are reconnected, the domestic abuse may restart
Who said women are economically dependent on their husband?
Dobash and Dobash
Which type of crime would Feminists argue restorative justice policies would not be suitable for?
Domestic Abuse
According to Dobash and Dobash, what might victims offer offenders?
Financial stability
What crime might husbands commit if they feel they are losing control of their wife?
Domestic abuse
What did Johnson say husbands try to keep with their wives?
Keep control over them
Who created the concept of metanarratives?
What do Postmodernists think about metanarratives?
They are outdated for a postmodern society
What are metanarratives?
Ways that other sociological theories think
Who argued crime needed to have a broader definition
Henry and Milovanovic
How do Henry and Milovanovic want crime to be defined?
As any attempt to reduce someones position using power
How could poverty be seen as a crime under Henry and Milovanovic’s definition?
The position of many individuals have been reduced with the use of power
If workers are less able to afford essentials due to minimum wage, what does this mean?
Their power is being suppressed
What would Functionalists criticise Postmodernists for their redefinition of crime?
They make it too broad
Who created the concept of Anomie?
What does Durkheim say anomie is?
When people are uncertain on changes in society
Who created the concept of value consensus?
What will happen to the value consensus if anomie occurs?
Value consensus will be threatened