Feminists on C&D: Women at a CJS Disadvantage - Police Treatment of Women Flashcards
What do Feminists argue about police and court treatment of women?
They are more harsh to female offenders
Which theory did Heidensohn create?
Double deviance theory
Whose theory does double deviance state is a myth?
Pollaks chivalry thesis
Is Pollak a Feminist?
What did Pollak argue?
Women are treated more leniently by male police officers and court judges
What does Pollak say about why male police officers and court judges are more lenient to female offenders?
They see them as vulnerable and not fully responsible for their actions
Due to Pollaks chivalry thesis, how will court judges rule female sentences?
They will give them a less harsh conviction
What does double deviance theory say about the treatment of women by the police and courts?
They are treated more harshly
Why is it called double deviance theory?
It is as if women are punished twice
What is the first punishment under double deviance theory?
They are punished for committing crimes in a similar way to men
What is the second punishment under double deviance theory?
They are punished for going against their gender roles