Functionalist Subcultural Theories Flashcards
What do Functionalists say strain theory can explain for young working class people?
Explains why they join deviant subcultures
Who created strain theory?
According to Merton, what is the shared goal in the USA?
The American Dream
Within the shared goal in the USA, what do people aspire to own?
A house and a car
What is the socially accepted way to achieve the American Dream?
Get a job
What is the name for people who try to achieve the American dream by socially acceptable means?
Would Conformists commit crime?
Why would Conformists not commit crimes?
Because they want to achieve the American Dream in a socially acceptable way
Would Innovators commit crime?
Why would Innovators commit crimes?
Because they want to achieve the American Dream in ways that are socially unacceptable
Name something Innovators would do to achieve the American Dream
Sell drugs
What would Marxists say about Functionalist subcultural theory explanations as to why working class people commit crime?
They fail to explain why middle class people commit crimes
What 2 types of crime do Marxists say middle class people commit?
White collar crimes and corporate crimes
Which Marxists said middle class people commit white collar crimes as it is less likely they will be prosecuted?
How many reasons did Croall create as to why middle class people committed crimes?
Name 2 reasons Croall created as to why middle class people will not be prosecuted for white collar crimes
- Responsibility is diffused 2. It is unlikely the victims and offenders will come face to face
What do Functionalists say status frustration can explain for young working class people?
It can explain why they join deviant subcultures
Who created the concept of status frustration?
What did Cohen find the boys in his study initially tried to do?
Gain status in education similar to middle class students
What did Cohen find the working class boys did after a short while?
Stopped trying to gain status in education as it was too difficult
How did Cohen find the working class boys felt about their failure?
They experienced status frustration
Why did the working class boys experience status frustration?
They felt unable to achieve success in education as working class students
Name 2 deviant behaviours the working class boys engaged in in Cohen’s study
Vandalism, Violence
What had the status-frustrated boys done with their values?
They had fully deviated them from middle class values
What would Feminists argue about Functionalist subcultural theories?
They fail to explain why girls join deviant subcultures
What does Jackson call girls who join ASSC’s?
Anti-School Subcultures
What reason did Jackson find for girls joining ASSC’s ?
Fear of Failure
What was fear of failure for the girls?
They were worried of not doing well in education so decided to not try at all
Which Feminist studied girls in gangs?
What was the family background of the girls in gangs?
They had dysfunctional families
What were girls looking for by joining gangs?
Looking for a sense of belonging
How did girls experience gang life differently?
They were sexually exploited
What do Functionalists say differential opportunity theory can explain for young working class people?
Explains why they join deviant subcultures
Who created differential opportunity theory?
Cloward and Ohlin
What did Cloward and Ohlin say most people use for success?
Legitimate opportunity structures
What do young people turn to if they think they cant succeed using legitimate opportunity structures?
Illegitimate opportunity structures
Which class of area is more likely to have illegitimate opportunity structures?
Working class areas
What type of subculture will working class youths initially join as an illegitimate opportunity structure?
Criminal subculture
What form of subcultures will working class youths turn to if rejected from criminal subcultures?
Conflict subcultures
What do conflict subcultures focus on?
Protecting territory
What form of subcultures will working class youths turn to if rejected from conflict subcultures?
Retreatist subcultures
How do Retreatist subcultures behave?
They heavily use drugs
Why do Retreatists subcultures follow this behaviour?
They have not been able to gain status in any other part of society
What would Postmodernists say about Functionalist subcultural theories?
They are outdated
What would Lyotard say about Functionalist subcultural theories?
They are an outdated metanarrative that no longer explains crime
What concept did Lyotard create?
Fragmentation of society
Who said there are no structural causes of crime?
Henry and Milovanovic
Why did Henry and Milovanovic say there are no structural causes of crime?
There are too many reasons to why individuals commit crime
What do Functionalists say working class youths having different focal concerns will lead to?
Lead to them joining deviant subcultures
Which Functionalist said working class boys were socialised into values more likely to make them join deviant subcultures?
What did Miller call the distinct values working class boys were taught making them join deviant subcultures?
Focal concerns
What did Miller argue focal concerns were a form of?
Cultural deprivation
What did it mean if Miller felt focal concerns were cultural deprivation?
The values working class boys were taught were inferior to middle class values
What did the fate focal concern teach working class boys?
That they would not be able to improve their social status
What did the toughness focal concern teach working class boys?
That they had to prove they were tough
How did working class boys prove they were tough?
What would Marxists say about Functionalists believe working class boys are taught inferior norms and values?
This argument is too generalised
What would Marxists say enforces the negative stereotype against working class people?
The media
Who wrote the book “Chavs”?
Owen Jones
What did Owen Jones say about media depiction of the working class?
The media made all working class people look lazy and claim benefits and committing crime
What does Owen Jones say the reality is for most working class people?
They have jobs and do not commit crimes