Neo-Marxists on Crime and Deviance Flashcards
Who do Neo-Marxists agree with?
What do Neo-Marxists agree with Marxists on about Capitalism?
That it causes crime because of greed
What do Neo-Marxists believe about working-class crime being committed?
It can sometimes be committed as a political act
What do Neo-Marxists observe with racism and labelling?
This is used by the police and the media to create an image of who will be a criminal
What reason do Neo-Marxists believe working class individuals commit crime?
They do it as a political act
Who said working class people commit crime as a deliberate act with political motives?
Taylor, Walton and Young
What did Taylor, Walton and Young say about the amount of working class people who commit crime?
Most working class people will not commit crimes
What did Taylor, Walton and Young say about the cause of some crimes?
It was due to the redistribution of wealth from the bourgeoisie to the proletariat
Give an example of a working class crime acting to redistribute wealth
If a poor person stole something from a rich person
What would Postmodernists argue Neo-Marxist views on why working class people commit crimes?
They argue it is outdated
What do Postmodernists say about how many crimes are politically motivated?
Few crimes are politically motivated
What does it mean if it is impossible to identify causes of a crime for each different person?
Each person has different needs for committing a crime
What did Henry and Milovanovic argue?
In a postmodern society it is no longer possible to identify causes of crime
Name a crime which may have many different causes
According to 2020 Home Office Data, how many times more likely are black people to be stopped and searched?
9 times more likely
What is the effect on OCS if the police believe in the myth of black criminality?
The statistics are not correct
Name 3 reasons why people might commit murder
Revenge, Jealousy, Rage
Which social institution believes in the myth of black criminality?
The Police
What do police assume about black people’s upbringing?
They did not experience efficient primary socialisation, leading them to become criminals
What does Gilroy say about the frequency of black people committing crime?
They do not commit crime more frequently than people from other ethnic backgrounds
What did Gilroy say was the reason for all ethnicities to commit crime?
Who said people from all ethnic backgrounds commit crime?
What is the impact of the myth of black criminality for police actions towards black people?
They are more violent towards them
According to 2020 Ministry of Justice data, how overrepresented are black people in prison?
10% overrepresented
Why are Official Crime Statistics reliable if the methods are standardised?
There will not be any bias present in the reporting of crimes
What would Functionalists say about the police being more likely to report black people for crime?
It is not true as they use Standardised methods to record their data
What is standardisation?
When the same processes are used throughout something
According to Functionalists, how would the police report a crime if a poor black woman or a wealthy white man stole a pair of shoes?
They would report it the same either way
How will the media spread the myth of black criminality?
They highlight the ethnicities of criminals
Who said the media spread the myth of black criminality?
What is the impact among the white working class for the myth of black criminality spread?
White working class individuals will blame ethnic minorities for crime
What is a benefit for the bourgeoisie of the proletariat being divided among themselves?
They are less likely to overthrow the ruling class
Which Sociologist argued Black and Asian people have been stopped and searched more frequently?
What did the government introduce in 2000?
The Terrorism Act
What did Gilroy say the government try and do with heightened fears of crime?
Use it to justify society becoming more controlled by the police
Who found there was a moral panic around young black muggers in the 1970s?
What was the Terrorism Act?
A law that gave police the ability to stop and search people and their cars without any justification
Which groups of people in society do the media show as committing the most crimes?
Ethnic minorities
What was the job situation for many black youths during the 1970s?
They were unemployed or in low wage jobs
How did a minority of the struggling black youths cope with the unemployment?
They started to mug people
What does Hall argue about why the Moral Panic was made?
It was to divert attention from capitalism not working
Police response to the moral panic
More likely to stop and search black people
What did Hall say the media did in response to a minority of black youths mugging people?
They portrayed the issue as being carried out by all young black people
Who were the folk devils due to this black mugger moral panic?
Young black people
What was a result of the response by the media among black youths?
Deviancy Amplification
Which 2 Feminists say Moral Panics are an outdated concept?
McRobbie and Thornton
Why would these Feminists say moral panics are outdated?
There are so many forms of media that folk devils no longer have a negative perception
Due to the abundance of media outlets, what will some media outlets do for folk devils?
They will sympathise with them
What is the case for Deviant Youth Culture norms and values?
They are different from mainstream societies norms and values
Who did Willis study?
A group of working class boys
What did Willis want to find out?
Why working class boys got working class jobs
How did the lads see school?
They saw it as an opportunity to prepare for their jobs being tedious
What jobs did the role models do?
Factory jobs
Who were the role models for the lads?
Their dads
What form of youth culture was created due to the lads acting deviant?
Deviant youth culture
What would Functionalists say about Neo-Marxist views on youths joining deviant youth cultures?
They do not focus on status frustration
Who created the concept of Status frustration?
What is status frustration?
When working class people feel unable to move up a class so stop trying
What was a deviant act Cohen observed the deviant youth culture doing?
They vandalised property
What is the impact of status frustration in terms of youth cultures?
Young people will join deviant youth cultures