Marxists on why WCC and CC are Problematic: White Collar Crime Problems Example - Enron Flashcards
When did the Enron scandal occur?
What did Enron do to illegally make money with their assets?
They wrote down numbers they believed their assets would generate them over time and then they would get this money
Why did Enron create fake accounts?
To transfer money to them
What happened to high-ranking business members if they opposed the crimes of Enron?
They were fired
What did Enron do in California to make money? Who would this have impacted?
They caused rolling blackouts, the public would have been affected
How many people became unemployed when Enron was exposed?
What was the average unemployment fee for Enron employees?
Would general Enron employees have known about the crimes?
Name a political figure who supported Enron before they were exposed
George W Bush