Left Realists on why working class Black youths commit crime Flashcards
What form of deprivation do Left Realists argue causes Black youths to commit crime?
Relative deprivation
What do Lea and Young argue would happen with crime if all working class people experienced material deprivation in the same way?
All working class people would commit crimes
What is relative deprivation?
When the way people see their deprivation differs for each person
How might black youths experience relative deprivation?
If they see middle class white people own things that they cannot afford
What did the social activist, Akala talk about in his song Absolute Power?
The frustration of relative deprivation
Roughly quote a line from “Absolute Power”
“Go to Glastonbury any year and you will see unlike Notting Hill Carnival it’s not a place where police will be”
What does this line from “Absolute Power” mean?
Police are more likely to be present at a festival with more black people attending than white people
What would Interactionists say Left Realists ignore the impact of for working class people?
The impact of labelling on working class people
Who did Chambliss study?
The Saints and the Roughnecks
What did Chambliss find with the labelling of the Saints?
They were not labelled negatively
What was the social class of the Saints?
Upper class
What did Chambliss find with the labelling of the Roughnecks?
They were labelled negatively
Name 2 authority figures in Chambliss’ study that labelled the 2 groups
Police, Teachers
What was the social class of the Roughnecks?
Working class
What do Left Realists argue is the result of marginalisation of Black Youths?
It causes them to commit crimes
What did Lea and Young argue about the frequency of marginalisation of Black Youths?
They often feel marginalised
What will be the impact of black youths being marginalised in education according to Lea and Young?
They will get less qualifications