OTC GI Flashcards
What is the BMI needed for orlistat to be supplied?
28 or above
When do you refer patients who want orlistat?
Levothyroxine Amiodarone Ciclosporin Warfarin and DOACS Acarbose Anti epileptics
Take caution if oral contraceptives, ADEK vitamin deficiency
What conditions need to be referred if a patient wants orlistat?
High cholesterol
Chronic malabsorption syndrome Cholestasis Pregnancy or breastfeeding Kidney disease Failure to lose weight after 3 months
How do you take orlistat?
1 capsule TDS
Prevents absorption of dietary fat
What is the advice needed for orlistat?
Not substitute for healthy diet 5 portions fruit and veg 18-30g fibre 2.5L fluids Exercise 30mins/day 5 days a week Alcohol, 2-3 units a day if interspersed with several alcohol free days
What are the symptoms of constipation?
Small hard stools passed less frequently than normal
Incomplete emptying
Abdominal cramps/bloating
When do you refer constipation?
Blood in stools Unexplained weight loss, appetite loss Patients over 40 with sudden change in bowel habit Medication ADR Constipation and lethargy, weight gain , coarse, thinning hair, dry skin Stimulant laxatives abuse Obstruction > 2 weeks
What are the OTC products for constipation?
BOSS laxatives
Bulk forming
Stool softeners
What are the bulk forming laxatives OTC?
Isphagula husk 6+
Sterculia 6+
2-3 days
Oesophageal or intestinal obstruction
Swallow with water and not immediately before bed
What are the osmotic laxatives used OTC?
Macrogol 12+/2-11 movicol
Lactulose 3 months +
Magnesium sulphate 12+
2-3 days
Discomfort, flatulence, cramps
What are the stimulant laxatives used OTC?
Senna 6+/12+
Bisacodyl 10+
Sodium picosulfate 10+
Docusate 18+
6-13 hours
Glycerin suppositories, 15-30 mins
Hypokalaemia, diarrhoea, lazy bowel
Take at night
What is used otc for pregnant women constipation?
Bulk forming or lactulose
What is the caution for elderly patients with constipation?
Caution recommending bulk forming as risk of obstruction
What is used for children OTC constipation?
What is used for opioid induced constipation otc?
Lactulose and stimulant laxative
Avoid bulk forming
What is the advice for constipation?
Lifestyle advice
What causes dyspepsia?
Gastric or duodenal ulcers