Eye And Ear OTC Flashcards
What are the symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis?
Both eyes, one eye first
Sticky, purulent discharge
What are the symptoms of viral conjunctivitis?
Both eyes Watery Redness Gritty Cold/flu
What are the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis?
Both eyes Clear and watery Redness Itchy Hayfever/allergic rhinitis
When do you refer conjunctivitis?
True eye pain Vision affected Photophobia Contact lenses Foreign body in eye Eye/head trauma Eye surgery/laser in past 6 months Eye inflammation associated with rash on scalp/face Dry eye
What are the symptoms of glaucoma?
Sudden, severe eye pain Nausea and vomiting Cloudy eye Vision blurred, halos Headache
Immediate referral
What are the symptoms of keratitis?
Severe eye pain
Loss of vision
Redness around iris
Immediate referral
What are the symptoms of uveitis?
Affects one eye
Irregular shaped pupil
Pupil is unreactive to light
What are the OTC products used for bacterial conjunctivitis?
First line - 2+ chloramphenicol
Eye drops - every 2 hours for first 48 hours then every 4 hours for 5 days
Store in fridge
Eye ointment - 3-4 times a day for 5 days
Refer if not improving > 48 hours
When is chloramphenicol contraindicated?
Blood dyscrasias
What is the chlorphenamine alternative in bacterial conjunctivitis?
All ages propamidine isetionate
What is the advice for conjunctivitis?
Bathe eyelids
Throw away tissues
Regular hand washing
Avoid contact lenses
What are the symptoms of otitis media?
Common in children with a cold/flu
Throbbing earache
Mucopurulent discharge
Pain in mastoid area
Self-limiting 3 days
What are the symptoms of otitis externa?
Swimmers ear
Inflammation of ear canal = pain
What are the symptoms of ear wax build up?
Temporary deafness
Ear discomfort/sensation that ear is blocked
When do you refer for otitis media?
Pain does not resolve with analgesics Systemic symptoms No improvement > 72 hours High risk of serious complications Mastoiditis Children < 2
When do you refer for otitis externa?
Deafness Tinnitus Vertigo Blocked ears Discharge Nausea and vomiting Bleeding Children < 12
What are the referral criteria for ear wax build up?
Usual discharge from ear canal
Persistent pain within the ear
OTC failure
What OTC products are used for otitis media?
Simple analgesics
Self limiting
What are the OTC products for otitis externa?
Ear calm 12+
Treat mild superficial infections
Refer if no improvement after 2 days
What are the OTC products for ear wax?
Olive oil
Sodium bicarbonate
Hydroxide peroxide
What is the advice for otitis media?
Self limiting and resolves within 3 days
Treat with simple analgesia
What is the advice for otitis externa?
Can be caused by allergy or irritation of ear canal
Wear ear plugs when swimming
Avoid shampoo, soaps in ears
What is the advice for ear wax build up?
Ear is self cleaning
Clean with cotton buds as this can cause wax impaction