Nursing Assistant Theory Chapter 1 Flashcards
A sudden illness from which a person is expected to recover
Acute illness
Provides housing, personal care, support services, health care, and social activities in a home-like setting
Assisted living residence
A nursing care pattern; a case manager (an RN) coordinates a person’s care from admission through discharge and into the home setting
Case management
An ongoing illness, slow or gradual in onset; it has no known cure; the illness can be controlled and complications prevented with proper treatment
Chronic illness
A nursing care pattern fociusing on tasks and jobs; each nursing team member has certain tsaks and jobs to do
Functional nursing
The many health care workers whose skills and knowledge focus on the peron’s total care; interdisciplinary health care team
Health team
A health care agency or programs for persons who are dying
A nurse who has completed a 1-year nursing program and has passed a licensing test; called licensed vocational nurse (LVN) in some states
Licensed practical nurse (LPN)
Licensed practical nurse (LVN)
Licensed vocational nurse
A person who has passed a nursing assistant training and competency evalution porgram; performs delegated nursing tasks under the supevision of a licensed nurse
Nursing assistant
Those who provide nursing care– RNs, LPNs/LVNs, and nursing assistant
Nursing team
A nursing care pattern; services are moved from departments to the bedside
Patient-focused care
A nursing care pattern; an RN is responsible for the person’s total care
Primary nursing
A nurse who has completed a 2,3, or 4 year nursing program and has passed a licensing test
Registered nurse (RN)
A nursing care pattern; a team member staff is led by an RN who ecides the amount and kid of care each person needs
Team nursing
An illness or injury for which there is a reasonable expectation of recovery
Terminal illness
Case mix group
Director of nursing
Diagnosis-related group
Health maintenance organization
Licensed practical nurse
Licensed vocational nurse
Nursing assistant training and competency evaluation program
Preferred provider organization
Registered nurse
Resource utilization group
Skilled nursing facility