AP Literature Literary Terms Part 2 Flashcards
The specific, exact meaning of a word; dictionary definition
The resolution of a plot after the climax
Deus ex machina
An unexpected, artificial, or improbable character, device, or event introduced suddenly in a work of fiction or drama to resolve a situation or untangle a plot
An author’s choice of words
Dramatic irony
Irony in which the character use words which mean one thing to them but another to those who understand the situation better
The opposite of a utopia; a controlled world where pain exists instead of pleasure
Lyrical poem about death; a serious poem, usually meant to express grief or sorrow
Line of verse that carries over into next line without a pause of any kind
A long narrative, usually written in elevated language, which related the adventures of a hero upon whom rests the fate of a nation
A brief quotation at the beginning of a book or chapter
An engraving on a tombstone
Nickname or appellation
Substitute word(s) that sounds better than another; the use of inoffensive or neutral words to describe a harsher, more serious concept
A term applied to a group of attitudes which emphasize existence rather than the essence and sees inadequacy of human reason to explain the enigma of the universe
The introductory material which sets the time, gives the setting, introduces the characters, and supplies necessary facts
Figurative language
Writing or speech not meant to be taken literally figure of speech; states something that is not literally true in order to create an effect
A device by which an author can present action or scenes that occurred before the opening scene in a work
Characters who provide a contrast to another character thus emphasizing other’s traits; a character in a play who sets off the main characters or other characters by comparison
The arrangement and presentation of events and information in such a way that prepare for later events in a work
Free verse
Unrhymed poetry with lines of varying lengths, containing no specific metrical pattern