Muscular System Flashcards
Protozoans and primitive algae use ___ or __ by means of a __ __ and ___ __. Amoeba extend their ____ in which the advancing cell membrane extends forward
cilia, flagella, power stroke, recovery stroke, pseudopodia
Flatworms contain longitudinal and ___ ___ muscles that contract ___ the hydrostatic skeleton. This causes the skeleton to flow ____, lengthening the animal
circular, bi-layered, against, longitudinally
Annelids or segmented worms advance by the action of ____ on the hydrostatic skeletons, The bristles in the lower part of each segment known as ___, __ the worms in the earth while the muscles push ahead. They also use ___ of longitudinal and circular muscles to worm
muscles, setae, anchor, peristalsis
The muscular system consists of __ ___ held together by ___ __ and muscles covered by a loose connective tissue known as ___.
contractile fibers, connective tissue, fascia
skeletal or ___ muscles are involved in ___ movement and contain fibers with ____ cells.
striated, voluntary, multinucleate
___ of striated muscle contain microfilaments and are divided into ___, which are individual contractile units separated by the border or _____. ___ are present in large amounts in myofibrils
myofibrils, sarcomeres, z-line, mitochondria
the sarcoplasm reticulum stores ___ and surrounds the myofibrils. The ___ is the same as the cytoplasm but in striated muscles. The ____ are the plasma membrane of muscles cells that can propagate ___ __. They are invaginated by ___ which are channels for ion flow. The plasma membrane wraps several myofibrils together to form a muscle ___/___
Ca2_. sarcoplasm, sacrolemma, action potentials, t-tubules, cell/fiber
The sarcomere is a structural unit of a myofibril in striated muscle and is composed of thin _____ made of ___ __ and thick filaments made of _____ ____.
filaments, actin polymers, protein myosin
The boundary of a single sarcomere and anchors thin filaments
the center of a sarcomere
the region containing thin filaments only
i band
the region containing thick filaments only
h band
the area where actin and myosin overlap
a band
the __ and ___ bands reduce during contraction but the ___ band does not
H, I, A
The contraction of skeletal muscles can squeeze ___ and ___ vessels, aiding in circulation. The process occurs via the __ ___ model, which occurs via an _____ ___ ___ response.
blood, lymph, sliding filament, all or nothing
In the all or nothing response, the action potential of a neuron releases _____ when it meets a ___ __. The action potential is then generated on the ___ and throughout the ____. The sarcoplasmic reticulum releases ____ and __ __ ___ form, resulting in the binding of the former to ____ on an __ ___. At the end of each contraction cycle, Ca2_ is actively pumped back to the __ ___
ACh, neuromuscular junction, sarcolemma, t-tubules, Ca2_, myosin cross bridges, toponin, actin helix, sarcoplasmic reticulum