Diversity of Life pt 2 Flashcards
Kingdom animalia are all __ and ___. Most are ___ during some part of their life cycle. They have no __ __, and have __ or ___ ___ ___ that form during embryonic development.
multicellular, heterotrophic, motile, cell wall, 2, 3, tissue layers
One way to classify animalia is by body symmetry. ____ animals have a sagittal plane that divides the body into left and right halves. These organisms also have a __ and ____, and most have ____. ____ symmetric animals have a circular arrangement around a central axis that has an ___ and ___ (without a mouth) side. Some animals are ___. Some animals show different body plans at different stages in their ___
bilateral, head, tail, cephalization, radial, oral, aboral, asymmetrical, development
Collection of nervous tissue in the front of an animal (brain
Examples of bilateral symmetrical animals are __ and ___. ___ are examples of radial symmetrical animals with the oral side on the ___. ____ are examples of asymmetric animals
humans, lobsters, starfish, bottom, sponges
____ are animalia that lack tissues. They have no ___ design or specialized ____. There is only one phylum which are ____ (___). ____ make up the rest of the animalia and they do have tissues
parazoa, complex, organs, porifera, sponges, metazoa
Animalia can also be classified by their __ ___. ____ animals have 2, an __ and ____. ___ animals have 3, an ___, ___ and ___.
germ layers, diploblastic, endoderm, ectoderm, triploblastic, endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm
All radial symmetrical animals are _____. All bilateral animals are ___
diploblastic, triploblastic
a body cavity located between the mesoderm and endoderm
Triploblastic animals can either be an ____, when there is no coelom located in the body, ___/___ where the coelom is completely surrounded by the mesoderm, and ____, where the coelom is not completely surrounded by the mesoderm
acoelomate, eucoelomate, coelomate, pseudocoelomate
Triploblastic coelomates become a ____ if the blastopore becomes the mouth and undergoes ___ cleavage, and a ___ if the blastopore becomes the anus and undergoes ____ cleavage
proteostome, spiral, deuterostome, radial
If animalia have a ______/ ____ digestive tract, in which there is only a ___ opening for food and no ____. in this, food is digested in a ___ ___, and expelled through the same hole. if animalia have a complete or ____ digestive tract, they have both a __ and __ and the tract is also referred to as an __ ___
two way, incomplete, single, anus, gastrovascular cavity, one-way, mouth, anus, alimentary canal
A form of asexual reproduction where an egg develops into a new individual without fertilization
When gametes are released into the environment where they meet and fuse
external sexual reproduction
When gametes are deposited inside and organism and fuse
internal sexual reproduction
Individuals that have both male and female reproductive organisms
monoecious / hermaphroditism
individuals that are males or females and produce one type of gamete
sexually dimorphic / dioecious
Porifera or ____ are ______. Thus they are not __ or ___ and have no coelom. They are the only phylum that are ____. They rely on the flow of water through their bodies to gain food, in the simplest form of digestion called __ ___. They can reproduce asexually by ___ or ____. They can also reproduce sexually, and release either sperm or eggs ____, making them ___.
sponges, parazoa, diplo, triploblastic, intracellular digestion, fragmentation, budding, externally, hermaphrodites
Porifera are also __ __, they feed on particles in water. They are ____, or do not move, and contain ____, cells that have flagella that move water in and out of the sponge. They also have ____, sharp-needle like structures that provide ___ and ____
suspension feeders, sessile, choanocytes, spicules, support, defence
Cnidaria compose ___, __ and ____. They are _____, and exhibit ___ symmetry. They have an _____ digestive tract and can produce __ and ___. When cnidarians are sessile, they are in the ___ stage, and when they are mobile, they are in the -__ stage
jellyfish, coral, hydras, diploblasts, radial, incomplete, asexually, sexually, polyp, medusa
The polyp stage is ___ and ___. They reproduce asexually by ___ and can also reproduce sexually. Organisms in the medusa stage only reproduce by __ __ reproduction
primitive, sessile, budding, external sexual
Cnidaria have a __ ___ or a primitive nervous system where nerves are spread apart to allow them to respond to __ __ and ___ in the water. Due to them being a radial symmetrical animal they do not have ___ and thus no ___. They also have ___ or cells that have ____ that can sting. They also have a ____ skeleton or a build up of __ __ that helps in locomotion
nerve net, physical contact, motion, encephalization, brain, cnidocytes, nematocysts, hydrostatic, fluid pressure
____ compose trematodes, tapeworms and flat worms. They are ____, and ____. They have ____ symmetry and also have _____ in the form of a ______ ___ which is their brain. Their digestive tract is ____, and they can reproduce asexually or sexually in which they are ___. They also have two __ ___ or collections of nerves that span the length of their bodies
platyhelminthes, triploblastic, acoelomates, bilateral, cephalization, centralized ganglia, incomplete, hermaphrodites, nerve cords
Platyhelminthes also have a ____ system made of ____, or a collection of flame cells. These cells aid in _____, or the movement of substances across a semi permeable membrane.
excretory, protonephridia, osmoregulation
Phylum _____ are composed of ___ and ___ worms. They are ____, and _____. They exhibit ____ symmetry, but no ____, rather _ ___. They have a ___ digestive tract. They have a wide range of reproduction, can be ___, __ and ____. They also have an _____ ___ that acts as a __ and physical barrier to the environment, can be shed in a process called ____.
nematoda, round, hook, triploblastic, pseudocoelomates, bilateral, encephalization, nerve cords, complete, monoecious, dioecious, parthenogenic, exoskeleton cuticle, chemical, ecysis
Phylum rotifera or ____, are small ___ animals. They are ____, ___ and exhibit ___ symmetry. They have ___ in the form of a small ___ brain. They have a ___ digestive system, and a ___ a structure that has cilia to sweep food into the mouth. The can produce sexually or asexually via ____. They also have __ __ for osmoregulation
rotiferss, microscopic, triploblastic, pseudocoelomates, bilateral encephalization, naterior, complete, corona, parthenogenesis, flame cells
Phylum ___ are the most advanced type of worm, and are made up of ___ and ___. They are ____ and coelomates. They are also ____, and have ___ symmetry with an __ ____ cephalization. They have a ___ digestive system, and can reproduce sexually where they’re ____, or asexually via ____. They have a __ ____ ____.
annelida, leeches, earthworms, triploblastic, coelomates, protostomes, bilateral, anterior gnaglia, complete, hermaphrodites, regeneration, closed circuatory system
Annelida are also called ______ worms because of their body plan that has ___ features. They also have ___ or glands for excretion and osmoregulation that work in tandem with __ ___. They have ____ which are hair like bristles that aid in traction. ____ and ____ are common classes.
segmented, repeated, metanephridia, blood vessels, chaetae, oligochaetes, polychaetes
Phyla mollusca includes ___, ___, ___, and ___. They are triploblastic, and contain a ____. They are ___ and have ____ symmetry, but cephalization is present in only ___ mollusks. Most but not all are ____ and participate in ___ fertilization. They have a ___ digestive tract and use a ___, They have a metanephridia or ___ __ ___ for excretion, and both __ and ___ circulatory systems. They have ___ and thus a respiratory system
octupus, slugs, squids, clams, coelomate, protostome, bilateral, some, dioecious, external, complete, badula, organ of bojanus, open, closed, gills
Mollusca have a ___ on the ___ ___ side of the animal used for locomotion and anchoring. They also have a ___ __, where all the digestive, nervous, excretory, reproductive, and respiratory organs are found inside. They also have a _____ a tongue-like organ with ___ projects that is used to shred food and ___ it into the mouth. The ___ which is a tissue layer that secretes a hard shell
foot, ventral posterior, visceral mass, radula, teeth-like, sweet, mantle
Cephalopods mollusks are mollusca like ___, ___ and ___ that have a very well developed ___ system. They also have a ____ circulatory system, because they are highly ___ and thus have greater oxygen demand. All other mollusks have ___ systems
octopi, squids, cuttlefish, nervous, closed, mobile, open
_____ are mollusks with open circulatory systems. They have ____, which is an open space inside a mollusk where blood can flow to the surrounding tissues. This is not the ____. They have ____, and all demonstrate ____ during the ___ stage, which is the rotation of the visceral mass which brings the ___ right above their heads. Examples are __ and ____
gastropods, hemocoel, coelom, cephalization, torsion, larval, anus, snails, slugs
___ are mollusca that have no cephalization. they are __ ___, and have shells made of two hinged parts called ___. They have an ____ circulatory system with a ___ to bathe the surrounding tissues in blood. Examples are __, ___, ___ and ____.
bivalves, suspension feeds, valves, open, hemocoel, clams, scallops, oysters, mussels
Phylum _____ is the largest animal phylum. They include __, __ and ___. They are triploblastic, have a coelomate, and are ___. They display bilateral symmetry and ___. They also have a complete digestive system and excrete via __ ___, which excretes the ___ byproduct __ __. These tubules also secrete fluid into the ___ __ (digestive tract) which is reabsorbed so certain substances are transported into the ___ circulatory system. They have ____ instead of blood, which is blue.
arthropoda, insects, spiders, crustaceans, protostomes, cephalization, malpighian tubules, nitrogenous, uric acid, alimentary canal, open, hemolymph
Aquatic arthropods have ___ ___ as their respiratory system, spiders have _____ ___, and terrestrial arthropods have __ ___
book gills, book lungs, tracheal tubes
Arthropoda also have ___ legs, a ____ exoskeleton, and undergo ____ (shedding exoskeleton). Most arthropoda have a head, ___ and abdominal ____, or specialized segments. However, spiders and ___, have ____, a fused head and thorax tagmata. They can be born as ___ which are small versions of their larger adult form, such as ___ or ____ that undergo metamorphosis in a pupa (cocoon), such as butterflies
jointed, chitin, ecdysis, thorax, tagmata, crustaceans, cephalothorax, nymphs, grasshopper, larvae
Arthropoda ____ have the largest number of species and have ___ legs. They have ____ which are openings on their exoskeleton where air can enter and exit, and ___ ___ for respiration. They also have one pair of _____
insects, 6, spiracles, tracheal tubes, antennae
Arthropoda crustaceans like __, ___, ___ and ___, have book gills for respiration. They have a ____ and __ pairs of antennae. Some use __ __ instead of malpighian tubules for excretion which filter ___ and are located near the base of the ___
lobsters, crabs, shrimp, crayfish, cephalothorax, two, green glands, hemolymph, antennae
Arthropoda ____ include spiders, ___ and ___. They have ____ legs and ___ __ for gas exchange. They have a ___ and no antennae
arachnids, ticks, scorpions, 8, book lungs, cephalothorax
Phylum echinodermata include ___, __ and __ __. They are triploblastic, coelomate, and _____. They have __ symmetry as larvae but ___ symmetry as adults. They do not have cephalization, but they have a __ ___ ___ with radial nerves. They have a complete digestive system, an ___ circulatory system, and can reproduce asexually by ___ or sexually by ___ ___
starfish, cucumbers, sea urchins, deuterostomes, bilateral, radial, central nerve ring, open, fragmentation, external fertilization
Echinodermata have a __ ____ __ a hydraulic system used for movement, nutrient and ___ ___ and respiration. This is unique to echinoderms and is also used in ___. They also have ___, or cells that filter the bodily fluids
water vascular system, waste transportation, locomotion, podocytes