Muscle Training Adaptations - Lecture 32 Flashcards
How do you improve strength through strength training
- Motor neuron recruitment increases
- More cross bridge connections; hypertrophy (more actin and myosin filaments).
What happens to the muscle when there are more cross bridges formed?
How does Hypertrophy work?
It’s when a cross sectional area of the muscle gets bigger
Do the number of muscle cells (fibres) increase with hypertrophy?
No; only the size
What is hyperplasia in the muscle?
Increase in the # of muscle cells (fibres)
What are the two types of hypertrophy
Myofibrillar Hypertrophy & Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy
Myofibrillar Hypertrophy
Number of myofibrils increase, meaning more actin and myosin filaments.
Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy
The cytoplasmic fluid increases not the myofibrils
Why is Myofibrillar Hypertrophy a functional form of movement?
It’s considered functional because there are more crossbridges to allow movement, longer lasting and more force output is allowed.
Why is Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy non-functional?
It does not help with force output.
Hypertrophic adaptations to resistance training
- Increase in X-section area
- Increase in # of muscle fibres (myofibrils)
- Increase in sarcoplasm
What is the opposite of hypertrophy?
Which fibre type does atrophy affect?
Type IIa and b muscle fibres.
What contributes to the inducing of hypertrophy?
Mechanical Tension, Metabolic Stress, and Muscle Damage
What is the imposed demand that leads to the factors?
Resistance Training (Progressive Overload)
What muscle fibres does resistance training work on and why?
Type II because resistance training is very intense and fast not like Type I which is slow twitch muscles.
Importance of Protein?
It’s key to functional hypertrophy
What type of protein intake is there?
Regular dieting and Supplementation
Regular Dieting
Whole foods
Whole protein and BCAAs (amino acids)
What is the right amount of protein to intake?
1.4-2.0g/kg of body mass
What happens to hypertrophy when protein intake is too little or too less?
Hypertrophy does not increase.
What are the timings for protein intake to maximize muscle protein synthesis?
Daily Intake, Pre-Exercise, Post Exercise
Daily Intake amount?
20-40g dose every 3-4 hours
What does daily intake of protein help with?
Maximizes hypertrophy
Pre-Exercise protein?
Protein alone or with carbs improves strength and body composition
Post Exercise timing
Immediately to 2 hours after to increase MPS
Intensity for Novice and Advanced?
Sets and reps for Intermediate and Advanced?
3 sets and 6-12 reps.
How long is the rest for Beginner, Novice and Advanced?
Intensity for Beginner?
Sets and reps for Beginner?
1-3 sets and 8-12 reps
Why is changing intensity and reps important to hypertrophy?
It lets you improve on either sarcoplasmic or myofibrillar hypertrophy depending on either increasing intensity or increasing reps.
Best intensity, reps and rest for myofribrillar increase?
85%, 6 reps and 1.5min rest
Best intensity, reps and rest for sarcoplasmic hypertrophy?
65%, 12 reps and 30 sec rest.
Phases of exercise?
Essential to optimizing training by letting you know not to overreach or overtrain and time your next exercise (Supercompensation)
A form of overtraining but recoverable. It’s not ideal in many cases.
A syndrome that allows for a very long recovery that takes months to come back to baseline.
What are flaws in the training program designs that contribute to overtraining?
Exercise selection, rapid sudden increases in load, training multiple times in a day, Excessive training,
What are the effects of overtraining?
Loss of performance, excessive soreness, lack of appetite, fatigue, mood problems, illness increases, etc.