Molecular Biology Timeline Flashcards
1859 _______ Published On the Origin of Species
Charles Darwin
1865 _______ Advanced the principles of segregation and independent assortment
Gregor Mendel
1869 ________ Discovered DNA
Friedrich Miescher
1900 _____, ______, ______ Rediscovered Mendel’s principles
Hugo de Vries, Carl Correns, Erich von Tschermak
1902 _______ First suggested a genetic cause for a human disease
Archibald Garrod
1902 _______, _______ Proposed the chromosome theory
Walter Sutton, Theodor Boveri
1910, 1916 _______, ________ Demonstrated that genes are on chromosomes
Thomas Hunt Morgan, Calvin Bridges
1913 ________ Constructed a genetic map
A.H. Sturtevant
1927 _______ Induced mutation by x-rays
H.J. Muller
1931 ______, _______ Obtained physical evidence for recombination
Harriet Creighton, Barbara McClintock
1941 _______, _______ Proposed the one-gene/one-enzyme hypothesis
George Beadle, E.L. Tatum
1944 ________, ________, ______ Identified DNA as the material genes are made
Oswald Avery, Colin McLeod, Maclyn Mcmacarty
1953 _____, ______, _______, ______ Determined the structure of DNA
James Watson, Francis Crick, Rosalind Franklin & Maurice Wilkins
1958 ________, _________ Demonstrated the semiconservative replication of DNA
Matthew Meselson, Franklin Stahl
1961 ______, ________, ________ discovered messenger RNA
Sydney Brenner, François Jacob, Matthew Meselson
1966 ____, ______ finished unraveling the genetic code
Marshall Nirenberg, Gobind Khorana
1970 ________ Discovered restriction enzymes that cut DNA at specific sites, which made cutting and pasting DNA easy, thus facilitating DNA cloning.
Hamilton Smith
1972 _____ Made the first recombinant DNA in vitro
Paul Berg
1973 _____, ______ First used a plasmid to clone DNA
Herb Boyer, Stanley Cohen
1977 ______ Worked out methods to determine the sequence of bases in DNA
and determined the base sequence of an entire viral genome ( ϕX174)
Frederick Sanger
1977 ________, ________ Discovered interruptions (introns) in genes and others
Phillip Sharp, Richard Roberts
1993 ________ and ______ Discovered that a cellular microRNA can decrease gene expression by base-pairing to an mRNA
Victor Ambros and colleagues
1995 ________, _______ Determined the base sequences of the genomes of two bacteria: Haemophilus influenzae and Mycoplasma genitalium, the first genomes of free-living organisms to be sequenced
Craig Venter, Hamilton Smith
1996 Many investigators Determined the base sequence of the genome of brewer ’s yeast, _____________, the first eukaryotic genome to be sequenced.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
1997 ________ and _______ Cloned a sheep (Dolly) from an adult sheep udder cell
Ian Wilmut and colleagues
1998 ______ and _______ Discovered that RNAi works by degrading mRNAs containing the same sequence as an invading double-stranded RNA
Andrew Fire and colleagues
______ Many investigators Reported a finished sequence of the human genome
2005 Many investigators Reported the rough draft of the genome of the _______, our closest relative
2007 ______ and _____ Used traditional sequencing to obtain the first sequence of an individual human.
Craig Venter and colleagues
2008 ______ and _______ Used “next generation” sequencing to obtain the first sequence of an Asian (Han Chinese) human.
Jian Wang and colleagues
2008 _____ and ______ Used single molecule sequencing to obtain the fi rst sequence of an African (Nigerian) human.
David Bentley and colleagues