Memory Flashcards
Mutli-store model of memory
- 3 levels of memory
1.Sensory memory
Sensory memory
-large amounts of info for brief time
- Length of storage is dependent on which sense is being used.
-Iconic (vision) = 1.5 second storage
-Echoic (auditory) = 2 second storage
-stores limited amount of info
-20 seconds or less
*Consist of:
-memory span
-working memory
-capacity is 7 +/- 2 (chunking helps to expand this amount)
-Info transferred from STM to LTM
-unlimited capacity
1. recent (secondary) *Most effected in older adults
2. remote (tertiary)
Serial Position Effect
- Immediate Recall
-exhibit primacy & recency effect (remembering letters from beginning and end of list)
-Beginning due to LTM
-End due to STM - Delayed Recall
-exhibit only primacy effect (letters at the end of list are no longer in STM).
Baddeley’s: Model of Working Memory
- Central executive (controls 3 substages)
-Phonological Loop
(temporary storage of verbal info)
-Viso- Spacial sketchpad
(temporary storage of visual-spatial info)
-Episodic Buffer
(integrates verbal, visual and spacial information into LTM)
Procedural Memory
- Non-declarative memory
- Learned skills and actions (riding a bike)
- Information is stored in the Basal ganglia and Cerebellum (muscle memory)
Declarative Memory
1.Semantic memory (facts, concepts, knowledge)
2. Episodic memory (personal experience)
Retrospective Memory
-Memories of events that happened in the past.
Prospective Memory
-Memories for events that will happen in the future.
Explicit Memory
-Memories that take conscious effort to retrieve.
Implicit Memory
-Memories that are recalled with out conscious effort.
Amnesia Study:
patients perform just as well as individuals without amnesia on word-stem completion, word-fragment completion due implicit memory not being affected. However, when asked about priming sessions (period of providing them list of words) they will report the don’t remember this priming session.
Trace Decay Theory
-memory creates physical change in the brain that deteriorates over time when not used.
Interference Theory
-disruption or memories by the preciously or more recently acquired information.
2 types retroactive and proactive
Retroactive Interference
-newly acquired information interferes with previously acquired information.
Proactive Interference
-previously learned information interferes with the ability to learn or recall new information.
Elaborative Rehearsal
-making new information meaningful by relating it to something you already know or attributing it to personal meaning.
*Taking information from STM and putting into LTM (viewed as most effective way)
first letter represents a word
phrase or word that represents the concept
Key word
paired associate learning (hippocampus = A hippo walking across campus)
Method of Loci
-memorizing list of words
-link images of each word to a specific object in a familiar location.
Encoding Specificity
retrieval from LTM is maximized when the conditions at the time of learning (encoding) new info are the same as the conditions at the time of recall.
in their study comparing the effects of age-based stereotype threat and self-stereotyping on memory performance, O’Brien and Hummert (2006) found that late middle-aged adults ages 48 through 62 who had:
an older (vs. youthful) identity did more poorly on a memory task when they were told their performance would be compared to the performance of older (vs. younger) adults