I.O. - Decision-Making /Motivation Flashcards
Rational-Economic Model
-decision maker chooses the optimal alternative after identifying and evaluating all possible alternatives
Bounded Rationality Model
-recognizing that rational decision making is limited by many factors both organization and decision maker.
-people often “satisfice” when making decision, by considering alternatives only until one meets minimum standards.
(Group will look for a solution until they find one that is “good enough” - aka satisfice, and will then choose that. They do not consider all options).
Hull- Driver Reduction Theory
Humans are driven to maintain a state of equilibrium
When experiencing disequilibrium, people engage in corrective behaviors.
When behavior is reinforced by satisfying a need, it becomes a habit.
McClelland - Acquired Needs Theory
Needs shaped by early experience
3 types
- Achievement
-motivated by success
-moderate difficulty in task and risk
-assumes personal responsibility
-doesn’t delegate - Power
-motivated by opportunities to control
-gain status - Affiliation
-high need to be liked and accepted
-motivated by chances to form relationships
Maslow- Needs Hierarchy Theory
- Physical
- Safety/security
- Social
- Self-esteem
- Self-actualization (never completely satisfied)
Herzberg - Two Factor Theory
Satisfactions & motivation
- Hygiene Factors (job context factors)
-working conditions
*When low = dissatisfaction
*High quality = does not affect satisfaction or motivation - Motivator Factors (Job Content Factors)
*High = satisfaction & motivation
*Low = doesn’t affect dissatisfaction
Job Enrichment
-provides motivating factors (more responsibility)
-effects depend on workers traits.
-younger and more educated workers are more likely to benefit.
Job Enlargement
-adding new tasks to job
-decreases boredom
-doesn’t effect motivation or satisfaction
Adam - Equity Theory
-motivation linked to social comparison and processes that workers compare their own in-put & outcome to their coworkers.
When in-put / outcome ratio are similar, workers experience a state of equity and maintain performance levels
Overpayment = in-put / outcome ration is less than that of others (overpaying)
-no change in behavior
*Underpayment= in-put/ outcome ratio is more than that of others (underpaying).
-motivation decreases and so does quality and quantity of work.
Vroom- Expectancy Theory
Motivation is result of:
- Expectancy
-effort will result in successful performance - Instrumentality
-successful performance will result in specific outcomes - Valence
-value of outcomes will be desirable and positive
*motivation is high when all 3 are high
Latham- Goal-Setting Theory
Most important contributor to a workers motivation to achieve goals is the worker acceptance and commitment to those goals.
Maximize goals = moderately difficult and provided with feedback.
*employee participation is not necessary to set goals
*employee participation is beneficial when work
has high need or goals.
*When worker makes goals = more difficult
*group goals = better performance than individual goals when task needs high and degree of interwork dependence.
*group goals alone are as effective as group goals and individual goals combined.
“A supervisee’s participation in setting goals is not always necessary for his/her commitment to goals but is important when a supervisee is not likely to accept assigned goals.”
Programmed decisions
Repetitive and routine and are governed by rules, policies, and procedures.
(A new order of a supply is sent out every month to ensure the company is fully stocked)
Nonprogrammed decisions
Non-repetitive and complex and rely on the decision-maker’s judgment and problem-solving skills
A person with an allocentric personality is?
group centered
A person with an idiocentric personality is
Hackman & Oldham - Job Characteristic Model
Jobs vary with regard to 5 core job characteristics
- Skill variety
- Task identity
- Task significants
- Autonomy
- Feedback
*These characteristics are effected by 3 psychological states:
- Workers experience the job as “meaningful”
- Workers feel responsible for outcomes
- Workers have knowledge of the results
*These psychological states have positive interactions with satisfaction and motivation.
Job outcomes depend on Growth-Need - Strengths
High GNS = seek higher order needs / more likely to be positively affected by a job that provides 5 core characteristics.
People low in self-monitoring rely on
their own attitudes, beliefs, and feelings to determine how to act in social situations and, therefore, act similarly in different social situations.
People who are high in self-monitoring are
concerned about the impressions that others have of them and adapt their actions to fit the emotions and behaviors of other people. As a result, they may act differently in different social situations.