I.O - Job Analysis Flashcards
Job Analysis
-Job performance
-Conditions for performance
-personal requirements
*Can be either work-oriented or worker-oriented
Work-oriented job analysis
-tasks that must be accomplished
*Task analysis
Worker-oriented job analysis
-knowledge, skill and abilities and other characteristics (KSAO) to accomplish tasks.
Positive Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)
Addresses work activity:
1.Information input
2.mental processes
3. work out put
4. relationship
5. job context
Job Evaluation
-Facilitates decision related to compensation
-Establishes comparable worth
*First start with a job analysis
Relative vs. Absolute rating scales
-evaluate employee by comparing to other employees
-evaluate employee with out considering other employees.
Paired Comparison Technique
*Relative rating scale (compare)
-rating in pairs in each dimension of job performance
*PRO: gets rid of central tendency, leniency and strictness biases.
*CON: time consuming
Forced Distribution Technique
*Relative rating scale (compare)
-provide % to employees performance categories for each dimension of job performance.
*rater asked to put 10% of employees in “poor performance”, 20% in “below average,” 40% in “average,” etc.
*PRO: get rid of central tendency, leniency and strictness rater biases.
*CON: can provide inaccurate information if all employees are performing well.
Critical Incident Technique (CIT)
*Absolute rating scale (no comparison)
-identifies employees behavior that are associated with “exceptionally poor or good” performance.
*Uses number of critical incidents to evaluate performance.
*PRO: useful info for employee feedback
*CONS: time consuming, focuses on extreme behavior not typical, and job specific
Graphic Rating Scale (GRS)
*Absolute rating scale (no comparison)
-several performance dimensions
-uses likert scale
PRO: easy to construct
CON: prone to rater bias
Behavioral Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)
*Absolute rating scale (no comparison)
-type of GRS
-each point on scale is “anchored” by a specific behavior
-Uses job incumbents, supervisor and subject experts to develop the scale.
*PRO: reduces rater biases
*CON: Time consuming and job specific
Ultimate vs. Actual Performance Measures
Ultimate Criterion
- ideal measure
-assess all important contribution to job performance
Actual Criterion
-what a measure actually measures
Criterion Deficiency
-Aspects of performance not assessed by criterion.
Criterion Contamination
-When measure is affected by factors unrelated to job performance. (gender, race, identities)
*deficiency & contamination explain gap between ultimate and actual criterion.
Distribution error (rater biase)
- Central tendency bias (all employees)
- Leniency or strictness bias (all employees)