Clinical Psychology Flashcards
Deterministic and pessimistic view
*unresolved unconscious conflict
ID- at birth
Ego - 6 months
Super ego - 5 y.o.
Defense mechanism = result of conflict between ID and Superego
Freudian- 4 Steps to treatment
Confrontation (recognize maladaptive behavior)
Clarification (understand cause)
Interpretation (link conscious to unconscious)
Catharsis (repeated interpretation)
Jungian Psychology
Behavior is effected by past and future
(Both positive and negative forces)
2 Unconscious (personal and collective)
Personal Unconscious = own experiences
Collective Unconscious = symbols passed down from generation to generation (Earth mother, etc.)
Archetypes (parts of self):
2. Shadow
3. Hero
4. Anima & Animus
*Goal = Individuation
Adler’s individual Psychology
Social interest and social connectedness
*Teleological approach = future goals affect current behavior.
Mistaken style of life (feels inferior and seeks superiority)
Healthy style of life (does not seek out competition)
Object Relations
Desire for human relationships
Normal mental representations (introjection) of the self and objects.
Sx = failed object constancy
Goal = form health new introjection / reparenting
Mahler’s 3 Stages of Object Constancy
Normal Autistic Stage (first weeks)
-unaware of environment
Normal Symbiotic Stage (1 to 5 months)
-aware of self and environment but not as separate.
Separation/ Individuation (5months - 3 years)
2. Practicing
3. Rapprochement
4. Object Constancy
Roger’s- Person Centered Therapy
Strive for full potential
Sx = Incongruence (rupture in self-actualization)
*Conditional worth = denial or distortion = maladaptive behaviors
Attuned Empathy *
Unconditional positive regard
Perl’s -Gestalt Therapy
Seek to meet unmet needs to return to homeostasis
Sx = disruption in boundaries
Goal= gain awareness of thoughts, feelings and actions
Transference is used to understand difference between fantasy and reality.
Gestalt - 5 boundaries
Introjection (take on others values)
Retroflection (do to self, what they want to do to others)
Confluence (blurred between self and others)
Deflection (avoid contact with the environment)
Frankl- Existential Therapy
*Most Important part of therapy = Authentic client-therapist relationship
We define our existence
Sx = unresolved conflict with death, freedom, isolation and meaninglessness
Normal-existential anxiety
-normal experience
-no repression
-disproportionate to threat
-limit full potential
Learn to take action
Help make choices
Support in actions
Glasser- Reality Therapy
*Choice theory - 5 basic needs
-Love and Belonging *
*Believes mental illness is a choice
Successful Identity
-meet needs appropriately
-does not negatively effect others
Failure Identity
-meets needs inappropriately
-harms others
Goal= Successful Identity
-assume responsibility
-adopt appropriate behaviors to meet needs
Positive Psychology
*Value subjective experiences
1. Wellbeing, contentment and satisfaction
2. Hope, optimism, flow and happiness
5 elements of well-being
P - positive emotions (love, joy)
E- engagement (state of flow)
R - relationships
M- meaning
A- accomplishment / achievement
Personal Construct Therapy
How we perceive events
Change perception of events to reduce maladaptive behaviors
Templates / Constructs for each situation
*bipolar dimension of meaning (unfair / fair)
*role play different personal constructs
Interpersonal Psychotherapy
*Medical Model (sx treatable medical condition)
*Brief treatment
Interpersonal roles disputes
Interpersonal role transition
Interpersonal deficits
3 stages
Initial Stage
(determine dx and interpersonal functioning)
Middle Stage
(address problem)
Final Stage
(termination/ relapse)
Solution Focused Therapy
*Focus on symptoms
*Doesn’t care about cause of symptoms
Miracle question (first session)
Exception question
Scaling question
Transtheoretical Model
Factors that affect the stages if change:
A. Decision Balance
(Do the pro’s outweigh the con’s? -
most important in contemplation stage)
B. Self efficacy
(confidence in self)
C. Temptation
(strongest in first 3 stages)
Stages of change:
1. Precontemplative (self-reevaluation)
2. Contemplative ( in next 6 months) (stimulus control)
3. Preparation (next 30 days)
4. Action (self-liberation)
5. Maintenance (counterconditioning)
6. Termination
Goal: Get the client to the next stage of change.
Motivational Interviewing
4 Processes
-Engaging (rapport)
-Focusing (identify goal)
-Evoking (motivation)
-Planning (commit to change)
O-open ended questions
A- affirmation
R- reflective questioning
*When MI is used in conjunction with other treatment, it enhances treatment outcomes.
Beck’s - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive schemas
Automatic thoughts
Cognitive distortions
Arbitrary inference (conclusion w/ out evidence)
Selective abstraction (confirmation bias)
Dichotomous thinking (black and white thinking)
Personalization (internal locus of control/ disposition attribution)
Emotional Reasoning (emotion mind)
Ellis- Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy
*Symptoms stem from irrational beliefs
A- activating event
B- belief about the events
C- consequence / behavior or emotion
D - disputing negative thought - therapist
E- effect of skills ABCD
-active disputation
-rational-emotive imagery
-systematic desensitization
-skills training
Self-Instructional Training
Problem solving skills
Cognitive Modeling (therapist models)
Overt-External Guide (therapist verbalizes task)
Overt -Self Guided (child verbalizes task)
Faded Overt Guided (child whispers task)
Covert Self-instruction (child mentalizes task)
Stress Inoculation Training
Ongoing and future stress
- Initial stage
(psychoeducation) - Skills stage
(cognitive and behavioral) - Application stage
(use skills covertly or overtly)
Brief Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention (BCBT)
3 phases
-emotional regulation
-cognitive flexibility
-relapse prevention
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention (CBT-SP)
2 phases
-Acute (identify trigger, safety plan, psychoeducation)
-Continuation (relapse prevention)
Cost Benefit Analysis
compares the monetary cost of multiple treatments
Cost effectiveness Analysis
compares other cost besides monetary cost of multiple treatments
Cost Utility Analysis
compares multiple treatments based off of QUALITY ADJUSTED LIFE YEARS