Aphasias / Neuroplasticity/ Split brain/ migraines Flashcards
Slow-labored speech
Impaired repetition
Intact comprehension of written and spoken word
Broca’s Aphasia (expressive aphasia) -non fluent
Impaired comprehension of written and spoken word
Impaired repetition
Fluent speech, with word errors and no meaning
Wrenick’s Aphasia (receptive aphasia) fluent
Intact comprehension
Fluent speech with errors
Impaired repetition
Conduction Aphasia ( damage to the Arcuate Fasciculus - connection between Broca’s and Wernicke area)
Homologous Area Adaptation
*brain plasticity
-Early damage to specific area
-Function shifts to another area of the opposite hemisphere.
-Preexisting function of opposite hemisphere may weaken or end entirely
Cross-Model Reassignment
*brain plasticity
-Area responsible for sensory input is deprived of input.
-Function of neurons of the area changes
*see in blind people (other senses heighten / occipital lobe adapts to different functions)
Map Expansion
-Temporary or permanent enlargement of a functioning cortical region as result of practice or exercise.
-Recruiting neurons from bordering regions.
*occurs when learning a new skill.
Compensatory Masquerade
-Can’t perform a task using cognitive processes
-Use alternative cognitive processes that are mediate by undamaged areas of the brain.
Split brain:
Shown image to the right eye
They are able to name the image and pick it our with their right hand only.
Split brain:
Shown image to the left eye
Not able to say what it is but can pick out the object with their left hand.
Classic Migraine
*With aura (clAssic = Aura)
-starts on one side
-sensitive to light and sound
-nausea -vomiting
Common Migraine
*Without aura
-starts on one side
-sensitive to light and sound
-nausea -vomiting
Causes of migraines
abrupt weather change
not eating
low serotonin
Treatment for migraines
anti - inflammatory
Beta Blockers
***Thermobio feedback