I.O. - Leadership Flashcards
Ohio State Study
2 dimensions of leader behavior
- Initiating
-task oriented
-focus on achieving performance goals - Consideration
-person oriented
-focus on fostering trust and respect
*can have both high or both low initiating and consideration
High considerations = greater job satisfaction
High initiation = greater performance
Leadership & Gender
-with task & person orientation
-females viewed as more effective in social service agencies (aka feminine settings)
-males viewed as more effective in military agencies (aka masculine settings)
Females more likely
-take on a democratic style
- take on transformative leadership style.
- engage in contingency reward (transactional
-males more likely to engage in management by expectation (transactional leadership) and hands off approach.
5 Basic Powers
- Reward
- Coercive
- Legitimate
- Expert
- Referent
coercive = most likely to experience resistance
reward & legitimate = compliance
expert & referent = commitment
Fielder’s - Contingency Theory
*Effective leadership depends on favorableness of the situation.
-task structure
-positive power
- Low LPC (talks about coworker in negative light)
-task oriented
-focus on task performance - High LPC (talks about coworker in a favorable way)
-person oriented
-separation of coworkers personality from task
High LPC = most effective in Moderately favorable situations.
Low LPC = most effective in Low or High favorable situation.
Hersey- Situational Leadership Theory
-optimal leadership depends on employee maturity
4 leadership styles
- Telling
(Leader = High in task & Low in personal) (Employee= Low in abilities & Low in willingness)
- Selling
(Leader = High in task & High in personal)(Employee = Low in abilities & High in willingness)
- Participating
(Leader = Low in task & High in personal)(Employee = High in ability & Low in willingness)
- Delegating
(Leader = Low in task & Low in personal)(Employee = High in ability & High in willingness)
Houses- Path-Goal Model
-effective leaders act as facilitators that help employees achieve their own goals.
4 styles:
A. direct
B. achievement oriented
C. supportive
D. participative
*best style depends on employee
-Direct (employees who are authoritarian, and task is ambiguous/ complex)
-Supportive (employee who has high needs for affiliation and low job satisfaction and job is not challenging).
Vroom-Yetten-Jago - Contingency Model
-Views leadership as a decision making process
*Original model = decision making tree
*Current model = decision making matrix
5 stages
Al -make decisions alone
All - get info and then make decision alone
Cl - discuss with others individually then make decision
Cl - discuss with a group but make decision alone
GI - discuss with a group and determine decision together
Leadership Member Exchange (LMX)
Leader effectiveness and employee outcome determined by quality of interaction between leader and employee.
- in-group
-more attention and support, participate in decision
making, given interesting tasks. - out-group
-more formal relationship, given direct orders
in-group vs. out-group depends on:
1. Competence
2. Trustworthiness
3. Willingness to assume responsibility
Tranformative vs. Transactional
-idealized influence (positive model)
-inspirational motivation (communicate vision )
-intellectual stimulation (stimulate creativity)
-individualized consideration (foster individual growth)
-contingency reward
-management by expectation
-leader intervening to correct worker
1. Active (monitor closely)
2. Passive (low monitor but correct with
severe rule violation)