Media theorists - audience Flashcards
What was gerbners theory?
- Gerbners theory was cultivation theory
- The media generally tends to repeat representations of people and things over and over again leading to the effects of the media building up over time
What was Jenkins theory?
Jenkins theory is fandom theory.
Jenkins believes that fans play a key role in the media, they may play a role in production by giving producers ideas.
Textual poaching = audiences taking a media product and remaking it to create their own meaning
What was Shirley’s theory?
Shirkys theory is end of audience theory
Shirks believes that audiences are no longer passive, and are now more active, wanting to interact with media due to technology
What was banduras theory?
Banduras theory is media effects theory
Banduras conducted the bobo doll experiment where he discovered that children would copy behaviour they saw, particularly violence
What was halls reception theory?
Hall believes that media products are encoded with ideas / messages by the producers that make them
The producers hope that the audience can decode that message and take away the meaning intended.
There is: preferred reading, oppositional reading, negotiated reading
What are all the audience theorists?
- Gerbner
- Jenkins
- Shirky
- Banduras
- Hall (reception)