What is the case for the term or representation factor (if statement is in writing)
Routledge v Mckay, there was no mention of the date in the written agreement
What is the case for the term or representation factor (the importance attatched to statement)
Bannerman v White, C had communicated the importance of the term and relied on the statement
What is the case for the term or representation factor (Statement made by specialist with skill or knowledge)
Oscar chess v williams, the statement relating to the age of the car was not a term but a representation
What is the case for the term or representation factor (timing of the statement)
Routledge v Mckay, the statement was a representation since there was a lapse in time
What is the case for a condition?
Poussard v Spiers, madame poussard was in breach of condition and spiers were entitled to end the contract
What is the case for a warranty?
Bettini v Gye, bettini was in breach of warranty and therefore the employer was not entitled to end the contract
What is the case for innominate terms?
Schuler v Wickman tools, despite the fact the contract had expressly stated the term as a condition, the HOL held it was only a warranty