What is the case for consideration (must not be past)
Re Mcardle, the promise to make payment came after the consideration had been performed
What is the case for consideration (must be sufficient need not be adequate)
Chappel v Nestle, the item did form part of the consideration as it provided some value
What is the case for consideration (must move from promisee)
Tweddle v Atkinson, the groom was not party to the agreement and the consideration did not move from him
What is the case for consideration (existing public duty isnt valid)
Collins v Godefrey, an existing public duty cannot be used as consideration for a new promise
What is the case for consideration (existing contractual duty isnt valid)
Stilk v Myrick, the claimant had not provided any consideration for the promise of extra money so he was entitled to nothing
What is the case for consideration (part payment of a debt isnt valid)
Foakes v Beer, the agreement amounted to part payment of a debt and under pinnels case this was not good consideration for a promise