Legal Notes & Bulletins Flashcards
Can a police officer be in a polling place during voting hours?
Police officers cannot be in a polling place except to vote or with the permission of the precinct clerk.
Can the media be in a polling place during voting hours?
The media cannot be inside the polling place during voting hours. Members of the media, along with their cameras, are permitted to be inside the polls to observe before the polls open and again after they close. It is also an Elections Department policy to allow media to stand in the doorway of a precinct and film individuals voting, as long as ingress and egress is not being obstructed by their presence and they do not try to interview voters
How far from the polling place must people stand if they are soliciting voters?
150 FEET
Florida Statutes §102.031 (4)(a) mandates that voters may not be solicited inside the polling place or within 150 feet of the polling place. The clerk or supervisor shall designate the no-solicitation zone and mark the boundaries.
The term ____ shall include, but not be limited to, seeking or attempting to seek any vote, fact, opinion, or contribution; distributing or attempting to distribute any political or campaign material, leaflet, or handout; conducting an entrance poll; seeking or attempting to seek a signature on any petition; and selling or attempting to sell any item.
The term __ means a poll taken of a small percentage of voters as they leave the polls, used to forecast the outcome of an election or determine the reasons for voting decisions. ___ may only approach a voter after the voter leaves the polling place.
Exit polls & Exit Pollsters
is photography permitted in the polling room or early voting area?
No, photography is prohibited in the polling room or early voting area, except an elector may take a photograph of his or her own ballot. §102.031(5), Fla. Stat.
Who is in charge of a precinct?
Precinct Clerk
By statute, the Precinct Clerk is in charge over the Assistant Clerk, Poll Workers, Poll Inspectors, and Poll Deputy. Further, the Precinct Clerk is the person who makes decisions regarding the precinct operations.
Official poll watchers may be inside a polling room during voting hours. Poll watchers may not interact with voters. A political committee formed for the specific purpose of expressly advocating the passage or defeat of an issue on the ballot, each political party, and each candidate may have one watcher in each polling room or early voting area at one time during the election. To become an official poll watcher, each political committee, each party and each candidate requesting poll watchers must designate in writing ___ weeks before the election the names of their poll watchers. The Supervisor of Elections must approve all poll watchers __ days before early voting begins and each precinct receives a list of the designated and approved poll watchers for that precinct.
2 weeks & 7 days
True or False:
Police officers, even when off-duty, can be designated as poll watchers.
FALSE, they may not.
Does a Poll Deputy have arrest powers?
A Poll Deputy is appointed as a special deputy sheriff on Election Day for the purpose of maintaining order at the polls. However, a Poll Deputy has no arrest powers
Elderly - Persons age __ or older ___ be taken to the nearest designated receiving facility offering specialized care to older adults. The designated receiving facilities currently providing specialty geriatric care
60- May
* Aventura Hospital and Medical Center
* Jackson Behavioral Health Hospital
* Larkin Community Hospital
* Mount Sinai Medical Center
* Palmetto General Hospital
* Westchester General Hospital
Minors - Children __ and adolescents ___, _____ be taken to the nearest receiving facility that is licensed to serve children and adolescents. The designated receiving facilities currently providing specialized care for children and adolescents:
- 0-12
- 13-17 YEARS OLD
3- MAY
True or False:
Veterans – Any person who is known to be a veteran may be taken directly to the Veteran’s Administration-VA Medical Center, 1201 NW 16 Street, Miami, FL 33125, when requested by the veteran, to include those veterans with non emergency medical needs
What paperwork must law enforcement complete during the Baker Act process?
The officer must complete an EOIR & complete the Report of Law Enforcement Officer Initiating Involuntary Examination, CF-MH 3052A
when consigning the individual to a contract transportation service or to emergency medical personnel in the case of an individual who cannot or should not be transported in a police vehicle the Officer MUST complete which form?
CF MH 3100 form (Transportation to Receiving Facility).
*the officer must include all emergency contact information for the person that is readily accessible, including information available through electronic databases maintained by the Department of Law Enforcement or by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
Can a licensed ARF or Inpatient Detoxification receiving facility refuse to accept an individual who meets the criteria for Marchman Act?
A facility can refuse to accept an individual if it does not have the space (bed availability) for an additional patient. If the facility indicates that they are over capacity, law enforcement shall
transport the individual to the nearest emergency room.
What paperwork must law enforcement complete during the Marchman Act process?
EOIR & The officer must complete the Report of Law Enforcement Officer Initiating Protective Custody, CF MH 4002 form.
Which court case is associated with Running License Plates - Registered Owner Has Revoked License?
In Kansas v. Glover, 140 S.Ct. 1183
Kansas V. Glover
The Court’s holding is narrow in scope and currently applies only to situations where an officer is running a license plate and comes upon a vehicle registered to an owner with a __ license.
A driver with a suspended license has had their privilege to drive __ withdrawn, often for failure to pay a financial obligation. On the other hand, a driver with a revoked license has had their privilege to drive __, either for a set period of time or permanently. Revocations are usually imposed following some sort of criminal law violation (e.g., DUIs, felonies involving a motor vehicle, drug possession), three convictions for driving on a suspended license within a __ period, or for the continued violation of certain traffic offenses during a __ period.
- Temporarily
- Terminated
- 5 Years
- 5 Years
On April 28, 2023, Governor Ron DeSantis signed _, intended to protect religious liberty and address hate speech, into law. __ became effective immediately upon signing and it created and amended several Florida Statutes.
Florida House Bill 269
__ is defined as a verbal or nonverbal threat, or a combination of the two, and includes threats delivered by electronic communication or threats implied by a pattern of conduct that place the target in reasonable fear for their safety or the safety of family members or close associates, and which is made with the apparent ability to carry out the threat to cause such harm. It is not necessary to prove that the person making the threat had the intent to actually carry out the threat. Additionally, the present incarceration of the person making the threat is not a bar to prosecution.
“Credible threat”
Florida Statutes Section (FSS) 403.413 - Florida Litter Law:
An individual who intentionally dumps less than __ pounds or __ cubic feet of noncommercial litter on private property in violation of FSS 403.413(4) without intending to intimidate or threaten commits a ___.
15 & 27
-Noncriminal infraction
Florida Litter Law:
An individual who violates FSS 403.413(6)(a)1 for the purpose of intimidating or threatening the owner, resident, or invitee of a property commits a _
first-degree misdemeanor
Florida Litter Law:
An individual who violates FSS 403.413(6)(a)1 for the purpose of intimidating or threatening the owner, resident, or invitee of a property and the litter contains a credible threat commits a __.
third-degree felony
Harassment or intimidation based on religious or ethnic heritage
An individual who willfully and maliciously harasses or intimidates a person due to their wearing or displaying an item related to any religion or ethnic heritage commits a __.
First-degree misdemeanor
* Any violation of this statute requires law enforcement to report as a hate crime*
Harassment or intimidation based on religious or ethnic heritage
If, while violating FSS 784.0493(3), an individual makes a credible threat to the person who is the subject of the harassment or intimidation, the individual commits a ___.
third-degree felony
* Any violation of this statute requires law enforcement to report as a hate crime*
___ is defined as to engage in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that causes substantial emotional distress to that person and serves no legitimate purpose.
-Criminal mischief-
An individual who knowingly and intentionally displays or projects an image onto a building, structure, or other property without the owner’s written consent commits a ___
First degree misdemeanor
-Criminal mischief- (projects an image onto a building, structure, or property without written consent) If the image displayed or projected in violation of FSS 806.13(6)(a) contains a credible threat, the individual commits a __.
third-degree felony
__ is defined as a visual representation or likeness of a person or object, and includes text, graphics, logos, artwork, or any combination thereof.
An individual who willfully enters a state university or Florida College System institution without authorization, license, or invitation, for the purpose of threatening or intimidating another person, and who after being asked to leave by the university or institution remains, commits a __.
first-degree misdemeanor
Note: The only state university located in Miami-Dade County is Florida International University and the only Florida College System institution located in Miami-Dade County is Miami-Dade College.
Disturbing schools and religious or other assemblies
An individual who willfully and maliciously interrupts or disturbs a school gathering for the worship of God, an assembly of people gathered for the worship of God, an assembly of people met for the purpose of acknowledging someone’s death, or any other assembly of people gathered for any lawful purpose commits a _.
first-degree misdemeanor
*If an individual makes a credible threat while violating FSS 871.01(1)(a), the individual commits a third-degree felony u
Written reports of crashes:
Within the first __ days of filing, crash reports are confidential and exempt from public records and, during this time period, UNREDACTED crash reports may only be provided to…
60 days.
Party involved in the crash
legal representative
party licensed insurance agent
victim services program
3rd party on behalf of federal, state, or local government agency, etc, etc.
Written reports of crashes:
Within the first __ days of filing, crash reports are confidential and exempt from public records and, during this time period, REDACTED crash reports may only be provided to…
-Radio & Television stations licensed by the FCC
-Newspapers qualified to publish legal notice
In these cases, the following MUST be redacted for the involved parties:
Home & employment addresses, Driver License or ID card numbers, dates of birth and home and employment telephone numbers.
Any employee of state or local agency in possession of information made confidential and exempt who knowingly discloses such information commits a __.
Third degree felony
HB3 Designates which month/day as Law Enforcement Appreciation Day?
May, 1.
HB3: Law Enforcement
Creates Florida law enforcement recruit Bonus program providing a one-time bonus payment of up to ___ to newly employed LEO in Florida.
___ exempts veterans and applicants with an associate degree or higher from taking the basic skills test as a prerequisite to entering law enforcement basic recruit training program. __ also makes dependent children of law enforcement officers eligible to receive a family Empowerment Scholarship.
____ provides law enforcement officers who adopt a child from the Florida’s child welfare system with a $25,000 benefit for adopting a child with special needs or a $10,000 benefit for adopting a child without special needs.
HB 3
-Regulation of smoking by Counties & Municipalities-
__ provides exceptions to the state preemption of the regulation of smoking, allowing counties & municipalities to regulate smoking in certain limited circumstances. School districts may regulate smoking on school property and local governments may impose more restrictive regulations on the use of vapor-generating electronic devices.
___ renames the “Florida Clean Indoor Air Act” and expressly authorizes counties and municipalities to restrict smoking within the boundaries of any of the public beaches and public parks they own, except regarding the smoking of unfiltered cigars.
HB 105
____ House Bill (Juvenile Diversion Program Expunction) permits juveniles who completed a diversion program for misdemeanor & felony offenses, other than forcible felony or a felony involving the manufacture, sale, purchase, transport, possession, or use of a firearm or weapon, to apply to have the nonjudicial arrest record expunged.
HB 195
- This expands the current law, which only permits juveniles diversion expunction for a misdemeanor offense.
House Bill ___ (Public Records/Nonjudicial arrest record of a minor)
Provides that a nonjudicial record of the arrest of a minor who has successfully completed a diversion program and is eligible for expunction is made confidential and exempt from public disclosure, except that the record must be made available to only criminal justice agencies.
HB 197
SB 226 (Care for Retired Police Dogs)
The program will provide reimbursement for up to ___ of annual veterinary costs associated with caring for a retired police dog by the former handler or adopter who incurs the costs. SB226 Requires that the program, receive valid documentation of the dog’s retirement from a law enforcement agency and that the dog served for ___ years or more.
- $1,500
- 5 years
HB225 prohibits the use of mechanical restraints by school personnel on students with disabilities.
School Resource Officers, school safety officers, school guardians, or school security guards may use mechanical restraints in the exercise of their duties to restrain students in grades __ through __,
SB 474: Recreational Off-Highway vehicles
SB474 Increases the weight allowed for recreational off-highway vehicles from 2,500 pounds to ____.
3,500 pounds.
HB 593 (Telecommunicator Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)
Requires all 911 public safety telecommunicators who make telephone calls and provide dispatch functions for emergency medical conditions must complete telecommunicator cardiopulmonary resuscitation training and continuing education every __ years.
SB 606: Boating Safety
adds penalties for violations of livery requirements, as well as increases or adds penalties for noncriminal infractions of vessel safety laws from $50.00 to $___.
SB 606 also requires a physical residential or business address for vessel registration applicants, with a limited exception for live-aboard vessel owners.
SB 914: Florida Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles
*Requires an operator of a motor vehicle to provide proof of ins upon the req of a LEO.
*Any operator of the vehicle who does not provide proof of ins comitts a nonmoving traffic infraction. regardless if owner or not.
*Prohibits individuals who have outstanding toll violations from either renewing or replacing registration until satisfying toll violtations.
SB 1244: Statutes of limitations for offenses relating to sexual performance by a child.
There is no statute of limitations for the prosecution of any offense relating to use of a child in sexual performance or promoting a sexual performance of a child, if the offender was __ or older at the time of the offense.
SB 1262: Mental Health & Substance Abuse
Requires LEO to search certain electronic databases for emergency contact information (ECI) of Baker / Marchman Act patients being transported to a receiving facility. SB1262 also expands the entities who can access ECI to specifically include receiving facilities, hospitals, and licensed detoxification and addictions receiving facilities. SB1262 makes it a ____ misdemeanor for a person to:
1ST DEGREE Misdemeanor
knowingly and willfully: Furnish false information for the purpose of obtaining emergency or other involuntary admission for any person. Cause or conspire with another to cause any emergency or other involuntary mental health procedure for the person under false pretenses; or cause or conspire to cause without justification, denial of their rights under the Baker Act statutes.