U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations require that when a product contains toxic substances and an employee is exposed to those substances, the employee is to be informed of its hazards and related safety precautions. Additionally, a record system must be
maintained to document the list of toxic substances encountered throughout the career of departmental employees. The ___, from the Miami-Dade Public Safety Training Institute & Research Center (MDPSTIRC), will ensure departmental compliance with federal, state, and municipal safety standards


Departmental Safety Officer (DSO)

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Immediate supervisors will obtain the necessary information for employee instruction regarding the hazards, safe handling practices, and emergency procedures from the MDPSTIRC’s DSO, and instruct employees, and document as follows:
1. Within __-days of hire or transfer of an employee into their unit.
2. Whenever a new product/chemical is introduced.
3. The immediate supervisor documents each training session on the Chemical/Toxic Substances
Training form, which is distributed as follows:
a. Original to Risk Management.
b. One copy to the Miami-Dade County Human Resources Department.
c. One copy to the employee’s file, which is maintained at his/her unit of assignment



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Exposure/ Safety Data Sheet File:
1. The MDPSTIRC’s DSO maintains the Department’s SDS file.
2. Each SDS is kept on file for ___ years. 3. Employees may request a SDS by forwarding a memorandum to the DSO.4. Every element will maintain a list of chemicals stored at their facility and will have on file a SDS for each of those chemicals readily accessible to all employees.



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Any employee denied Earned Leave Pool benefits may appeal, within __ days of denial, by writing a memorandum to the Centralized Services Division Chief, via the chain-of-command



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In the event of an exposure that does not require professional medical treatment or result in lost time from work, the __ Report and the First Aid and Minor Injury Log shall be completed by the immediate supervisor.


Minor Injury

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Upon exposure, the following precautionary steps, at a minimum, shall be taken:
a. Document the exposure on the original Offense Incident Report, if applicable.
b. The affected employee shall notify the immediate supervisor of the exposure.
c. The employee’s supervisor shall immediately contact the DSO via the CB Shift Commander, who in turn will notify the County approved medical provider. The approved medical (University of Miami, Occupational Health Clinic).

(1) The DSO will evaluate the risk of the exposure and advise the supervisor of the current protocol for initial medical evaluation, follow-up testing, and medical treatment.
(2) The County approved medical provider, the emergency room physician, or the Occupational Health Clinic medical practitioner will be able to evaluate the employee’s risk of exposure and start treatment, if warranted. (3) The supervisor will complete a Miami-Dade Police Department (MDPD) ___ Form. If it is determined that the employee has met criteria for medical treatment, the supervisor will contact ____,


Exposure & TeleClaim

*If an employee has met criteria for medical consultation or treatment but refuses to respond to the County approved medical provider, University of Miami, Occupational Health Clinic, the supervisor will document the refusal on the MDPD Chemical/Toxic Substance Exposure For Section D, and obtain the employee’s signature, with a supervisor as a witness.

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Special Leave Donation:
The PMB shall be notified, via memorandum, when an employee has experienced a serious illness or injury where it is expected that the employee will be absent from work for at least __ pay periods and is ineligible for Earned Leave Pool benefits; or when an immediate family member of the employee has experienced a serious illness or injury and it is expected that the employee will be absent from work for at least __ pay periods.



*Benefits may be awarded for a time period of 90 calendar days within a 12-month period.

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____is Part of OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (HCS), provides health and safety information about products or chemicals that are classified as hazardous substances or dangerous goods.


Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

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Communicable Diseases:
Statutory Requirements- Infectious Diseases Notification:
It shall be the duty of the licensed facility receiving the patient to notify the emergency medical technician, paramedic, or his or her emergency medical transportation service employer, or other person of the individual’s exposure to the patient within __ hours, or sooner, of confirmation of the patient’s diagnosis and to advise him or her of the appropriate treatment, if any. Notification made pursuant to this section shall be done in a manner which will protect the confidentiality of such patient information and shall not include any patient’s name.



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Communicable Diseases:
____ DEFINES- Pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood and can cause disease in humans. These pathogens include, but are not limited to, Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).


Bloodborne Pathogens

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Family & Medical Leave:
Upon the birth or placement of a child, the employee is responsible for submitting the appropriate forms to the PMB to add the child to the employee’s insurance within __ days of the birth or adoption.



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Communicable Diseases:
______ DEFINES: A document, written by each employer having an employee(s) with occupational exposure, designed to eliminate or minimize employee exposure. This part serves as the Departmental exposure control plan.


Exposure Control Plan

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Communicable Diseases:
______ DEFINES: A specific eye, mouth, mucous membrane, or non-intact skin contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials, or the piercing of the skin barrier through such events as needle sticks, human bites, cuts, and abrasions where contact is made with blood or other potentially infectious materials, or prolonged exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials on a large area of intact skin, that results from the performance of an employee’s duties


Exposure Incident

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Communicable Diseases:
_____ DEFINES: An approach to bloodborne pathogen infection control. According to the concept of universal precautions, all human blood and certain human body fluids are treated as if known to be infectious for HIV, HBV, HCV, and other bloodborne pathogens. Inform other employees whenever a subject has body fluids present on his or her person or if the subject has stated that he or she has AIDS or any other contagious disease.


Universal Precautions:

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Communicable Diseases:
___ should always be worn when in contact with any subject, prisoner, or person with exposed blood or other body fluids. Gloves contaminated with body fluids shall be placed in a biohazard bag or appropriate biohazard disposal receptacle at a district station or fire rescue vehicle. If not contaminated, they may be thrown away in a regular trash can.


Disposable gloves

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Communicable Diseases:
Officers should keep an extra change of work clothing available at all times in the event their uniform becomes contaminated. All contaminated uniforms will be taken to the ___ Section for disposal. Contaminated clothing other than uniforms should be handled as instructed by applicable subordinate directives or should be cleaned using universal precautions and not be mixed with other laundry at the employee’s residence.


Property and Evidence

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Communicable Diseases:
True or False?
Supervisors shall ensure that an adequate supply of all personal protective equipment is readily accessible to all concerned personnel at the work site, and that equipment expiration dates are checked. Biohazardous waste will be taken to the PES and deposited in a biohazard receptacle.


FALSE- closest district station

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Communicable Diseases:
Equipment (e.g., flashlight, handcuffs, baton) which may become contaminated with blood or other potentially infectious materials shall be decontaminated with ___ parts water to __ part bleach solution. Protective gloves will be used during all phases of decontamination. If splashing is anticipated, protective eyewear should be worn along with a protective gown. Upon completion, all items used in the decontamination process will be placed in a designated biohazard bag/receptacle.



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Family & Medical Leave: Failure to Return to Work: Employees unable to return to work on the scheduled date shall notify their immediate supervisor and the PMB, no later than __ days in advance of expiration of their leave. If the employee wishes to extend leave, a Miami-Dade Police Department Leave of Absence Application Form shall be submitted.



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Communicable Diseases:
If the possibly infected individual is being transported to a medical facility by Fire Rescue personnel or an ambulance service, the concerned officer will ensure that his own name, badge number, and contact information is added to the Fire Department’s Florida EMS Report or the ambulance run report. A copy of this document will remain at the receiving hospital,where it will be used by the hospital to contact all persons, including the officer, who had immediate contact with the patient if he is diagnosed as having AIDS, HIV, HBV, HVC, TB, or any other infectious disease. In accordance with FSS 395.1025, this notification must be made within ___ hours after diagnosis of the disease.



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Communicable Diseases:
If an employee is injured to the extent that emergency treatment from the closest medical facility is required, the employee’s supervisor must contact the DSO via the CB Shift Commander as soon as possible and notify them of the exposure. Follow-up post-exposure treatment, if required, will be conducted at a county approved medical facility/provider for exposures. The supervisor shall ensure that a copy of the MDPD Exposure Form is forwarded or hand-delivered in a sealed and secured envelope marked ___ to the DSO, MDPSTIRC, as soon as possible. A copy of the form will also be provided to the employee.



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Communicable Diseases: EXPOSURE- CONSENT
When an officer is injured by another person or exposure occurs in a manner conducive to the spread of hepatitis, HIV, or other sexually transmissible disease, the officer shall request that the subject be screened for sexually transmissible diseases. For this screening process to occur, the affected officer’s supervisor must, immediately after the suspected exposure, accomplish the following:
1.Contact the DSO via the CB Shift Commander.
2.Ensure that the officer seek medical attention for the injury and provide the attending physician with a copy of the Physician’s Statement for completion, as appropriate.
3. Document the possible exposure on the original Offense-Incident Report.

The officer’s supervisor, after consultation with the DSO, shall immediately attempt to obtain the subject’s consent to voluntarily undergo a blood test to determine if the person has a sexually transmissible disease.


-Consent, if granted by the subject, shall be documented by completion of a Miami-Dade Police
Department Consent and Authorization to Release Information form (Annex G).
b. An Offense-Incident Report with a new case number shall be written documenting the officer’s
actions and the subject’s consent. However, the test result is not to be documented in this report
or any other report. As both the identity of the person who is the source of the exposure or
injury and the identity of the exposed or injured officer are confidential, the report is exempt
from public records provisions. The report shall be marked CONFIDENTIAL at the top and
bottom of all pages.

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Communicable Diseases: EXPOSURES- NO CONSENT:
The affected district’s on-call General Investigations detective, shall complete an Affidavit in Support of Screening for Sexually Transmissible Disease, Pursuant to FSS 384.28), attach the completed Physician’s Statement and a copy of the Offense-Incident Report to the Affidavit, and present these documents to a county or circuit judge for issue of a Order for Screening for Sexually Transmissible Disease, Pursuant to FSS 384.287(2).


When an officer secures a court order, an Offense-Incident Report with a new case number shall
be written documenting the officer’s actions. However, the test result is not to be documented in this report or any other report. As both the identity of the person who is the source of the injury and the identity of the exposed or injured officer are confidential, the report is exempt from public records provisions.

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Communicable Diseases:
Infectious disease training will be provided to employees listed in Employee Exposure Determination when initially hired and ___ thereafter. Police officer recruits and public service aides will be given infectious disease training while at the academy.



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Communicable Diseases: In accordance with the State of Florida General Records Schedule GS1-SL for State and Local Government Agencies, training records shall be kept for ___ fiscal years after separation or termination of employment. Training records shall include: a. Dates of training. b. Contents or summary of course. c. Names and job titles of the employees receiving the training. d. Names and qualifications of the instructors.
Communicable Diseases: The Miami-Dade HRD, ISD, maintains records pertaining to employee vaccinations. The MDPD DSO shall ensure the maintenance of records pertaining to exposure incidents, post-exposure incident evaluations, and other documents as required by the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act, Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens Regulation, and the needs of the Miami-Dade County Risk Management Division. Records shall be maintained for at least the duration of employment plus ___ years.
SUBSTANCE ABUSE: INFO: Employees are cautioned against using, taking, or ingesting cannabidiol (CBD) products as they could potentially contain high concentrations of THC as well as other harmful additives. Employees are cautioned against using, taking, or ingesting hemp products as they could potentially contain THC. Employees who test positive for THC will be subject to discipline. The use of a CBD or hemp product, or the possession of a medical marijuana prescription will not be an acceptable defense.
SUBSTANCE ABUSE: All employees are responsible for ensuring that any herbal teas, herbal medicines, or any other non-prescription or over-the-counter special remedies do not contain any controlled or illegal substances or traces of the same. Since there may be herbal teas, e.g., mate de coca, and herbal medications that contain controlled substances that are not listed on their labels, all employees are prohibited from using the substances listed in this paragraph within a minimum of ___ hours from the date and time of an employee’s County physical.
SUBSTANCE ABUSE: Employees shall avoid any intoxicants for a minimum of __ hours before the date and time of an employee’s County physical to avoid any positive test results.
SUBSTANCE ABUSE: No employee shall be on or off duty while under the influence of narcotics. This restriction shall not apply to the off duty use of lawfully prescribed medications (excluding ________).
marijuana *Before reporting for duty, an employee shall advise his/her supervisor of any controlled or prescribed drugs being used that may affect his/her normal faculties.
SUBSTANCE ABUSE: Substance abuse shall not be condoned. In order to provide for the protection of the Department and the well-being of the employee, the Department shall have the right and authority to require employees to submit to substance analysis. The circumstances must be documented and indicate ____ to believe that the employee is under the influence of a substance (legal or illegal, controlled or noncontrolled, narcotic, drug, or alcohol), is suffering from substance abuse; or is in violation of Miami-Dade County or departmental directives, rules, or regulations regarding the use of any such substances.
reasonable suspicion *Positive results of analysis or a refusal to submit to analysis may result in disciplinary action up to, and including, dismissal; in accordance with Miami-Dade County and MDPD directives, rules, and regulations.
SUBSTANCE ABUSE: ____ is Defined as those specific, objective facts and rational inferences that one is entitled to draw therefrom, in light of his/her experience, which would lead a reasonable person to believe that the activity in question had occurred or was occurring.
Reasonable Suspicion
SUBSTANCE ABUSE: _____ Include, but are not limited to, the ability to see, hear, walk, talk, judge distances, drive an automobile, make judgments, act in emergencies, and in general, normally perform the many mental and physical acts of daily life.
Normal faculties:
SUBSTANCE ABUSE: Police majors/bureau commanders, element supervisors, or individuals in a higher level of authority, are authorized to initiate a request for substance analysis; however, coordination will be effected with the ____ Bureau prior to submission.
Police Legal Bureau
SUBSTANCE ABUSE: The Substance Abuse Analysis Request will be prepared as an action memorandum and will be hand-carried to the concerned ___ (or equivalent commander or supervisor) for approval by the appropriate assistant director. Offices reporting to the Director will submit their request to the Director.
division chief
SUBSTANCE ABUSE: When The Substance Abuse Analysis Request is approved, one copy will be provided to the Director's office; the original (with all duplicate copies) will be sent to the___ Major. Duplicate copies will not be retained in the unit of assignment or in the chain-of-command. If the appropriate assistant director or the Director is not immediately available, the Staff Duty Officer may approve the request.
Professional Compliance Bureau
SUBSTANCE ABUSE: True or False? If the need for analysis is the result of an investigation originated by PCB, timeliness may preclude the ability to receive advance written approval for analysis. In this event, approval may be obtained verbally with written documentation to be submitted immediately thereafter
SUBSTANCE ABUSE/ Collection Procedure: Upon approval of the analysis request, the following procedures will be followed: 1. The concerned police major/bureau commander or element supervisor will contact the ___ Major or his/her designee in order to have a substance abuse analysis scheduled the same day of the request, or as soon as possible. Upon receiving an appointment for the analysis, the concerned police major/bureau commander or element supervisor will prepare a Substance Abuse Analysis Notification memorandum and order the employee, in writing, to report as scheduled to the designated collection site. Preparation of the notification memorandum will be coordinated with PLB as needed prior to delivery to the employee. 3. A supervisor in the employee's chain-of-command, in coordination with a PCB investigator, shall provide for transportation, accompany the employee, and ensure that the employee properly completes the specimen collection.
Personnel Management Bureau (PMB) *The employee will remain under the direct physical observation of the PCB investigator until the specimen is collected. The person designated by PCB to verify that the employee properly completes the specimen collection shall be of the same gender as the subject employee
SUBSTANCE ABUSE: Specimen Collection: True or False? Regarding specimen collection, An observer of the same gender designated by PCB shall be present for direct observation to ensure the specimen is from the subject employee, that it was actually passed at the time noted on the record, and that it has not been adulterated or diluted. Specimen collection will occur in a private setting, and the procedure should not demean, embarrass, or cause physical discomfort to the employee.
SUBSTANCE ABUSE: Specimen Collection: Should the employee request to have a representative or attorney present during the specimen collection procedure, the individual will be allowed up to ___ hours to make arrangements from the time the Substance Abuse Analysis Notification memorandum is presented to the employee.
SUBSTANCE ABUSE: Specimen Collection: Employees who fail to provide a specimen within a period of ___ hours from the time the Substance Abuse Analysis Notification memorandum is presented to the employee will be considered to have refused.
SUBSTANCE ABUSE: Specimen Collection- Analysis Results: Positive results: If a PCB investigation is not already being conducted, one will be initiated. Established disciplinary procedures will be followed; however, a second definitive and confirmatory analysis of the initial sample must be administered in a timely manner to verify the initial positive screening results before administrative action is taken. The second analysis must always be a different, technologically-sound, confirmatory process
Information *Result verification: The employee has the option of obtaining an independent second opinion * PER CBA-Employee will be notified within 72 hours of any POSITIVE results. *Negative results: Unless additional circumstances create a reasonable suspicion that substance abuse is again suspected, additional analysis will not automatically be initiated or approved
INJURIES & PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS: In order to monitor and maintain the physical well being of personnel, special risk employees will receive an obligatory physical examination every __ months.
24 *PER CBA - Every 5 years.
INJURIES & PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS: ___ are those injuries or exposures to illness or disease that require professional medical attention; e.g., treatment from a physician or other licensed medical health professional, or result in lost time from work.
Major injuries *If an injury or exposure neither requires professional medical attention nor results in lost time from work, it is considered to be minor.
INJURIES & PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS: The employee shall notify his immediate supervisor, or any supervisor if the immediate supervisor is not available, without delay, upon sustaining an injury in the course of duty. As soon as practicable upon notification of the injury (however, no later than _____), a supervisor shall document the injury in accordance with the classification of the injury; i.e., either major or minor. If the injury is an emergency, treatment is authorized immediately. If treatment is required after the date of the accident or for follow-up treatment, ____ must be contacted for approval.
1. the end of the injured employee's work shift 2. Internal Services Department (ISD) Risk Management
Reporting MAJOR injuries: When injuries occur that require professional medical attention or result in lost time from work, the supervisor will contact ___ at telephone number, 1-877-MDC-RISK (1-877-632-7475) as soon as possible after the accident, but no later than the end of the injured employee's shift. ____ is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The supervisor must be able to provide the employee's social security number and will be asked general questions about the injured employee and specific questions about the accident.
MAJOR INJURIES A ____should be completed by the concerned supervisor only if the employee is not in the TeleClaim data base or the supervisor is unable to contact a TeleClaim representative because of equipment failure.
First Report of Injury or Illness
MAJOR INJURIES: If the injured employee is unavailable to sign the form(s), the supervisor shall indicate NOT AVAILABLE in the spaces designated for the employee's signature. The commander or supervisor of the affected element will also ensure that copies of the completed forms are distributed within __ calendar days of the date of injury.
MAJOR INJURIES: The Employer's Supplemental Report of Injury will be completed by the injured employee's supervisor and sent to PMB, who will forward it to ISD Risk Management Division, (with a machine copy included in the employee's departmental personnel file) within __ hours of any of the following: 1. The employee loses time from work or receives professional medical attention, including time spent undergoing rehabilitative physical therapy, as a result of a previously reported injury. 2. The employee returns to work (regardless of light or normal duty).
MINOR INJURIES: If an injury does not require professional medical treatment or result in lost time from work, the Minor Injury Report and the First Aid and Minor Injury Log shall be completed by the concerned supervisor as soon as practicable. These documents, which may be handwritten, shall contain sufficient information to complete a Supervisor's Investigation Report of Employee Job Injury or Illness should the injury worsen to the extent where professional medical treatment is required or lost time from work results. The supervisor shall verify the minor injury, provide the requested information, and sign the documents in the appropriate spaces.
INFO *If the employee subsequently requires medical attention or loses time due to a minor injury, the procedures regarding Major Injuries will be followed. A copy of the Minor Injury Report as well as a memorandum explaining the delay between date of injury and the TeleClaim notification, must be forwarded to PMB with the white and yellow copies of the Supervisor's Investigation Report of Employee Job Injury or Illness.
HEART BILL RELATED CLAIMS: Info If you are diagnosed with hypertension and/or heart disease, you must notify your supervisor or a supervisor at your unit of assignment about your condition. Failure to comply with the reporting procedure may affect the employee's coverage under the Workers' Compensation law.
PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS: Employees will be notified in writing through the affected chain-of-command at least ___ days prior to the appointment. After the completion of Phase 1 of the examination, the employee will schedule Phase 2 while at the examining facility. Appointments will usually be scheduled ___ days after completion of Phase 1 and will be mutually agreed upon by the employee and the examining facility
seven & three
RESCHEDULING PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS: Within __ working days after notification of the scheduled physical examination, the employee will notify his element commander via memorandum through the appropriate chain-of-command, explaining whyrescheduling is necessary and providing an alternate date for the appointment. Upon approval, the element commander will forward a memorandum to PMB indicating the reason for rescheduling the appointment. b. If the scheduled physical examination must be canceled within ___ working days of the appointment date, in addition to the procedures in 2. a., above, a supervisor in the employee's chain-of-command will telephonically contact PMB and advise of the cancellation.
three *PMB will reschedule based upon the information provided in the memorandum from the element commander.
Injuries: Review of Light-Duty Status: The employee is required to undergo follow-up medical or psychological examinations as prescribed by the physician and provide reports as necessary and in accordance with CHAPTER 14 - PART 07 - HEALTH AND WELFARE ASSISTANCE. The affected immediate supervisor and concerned element's health and welfare officer will review medical reports concerning the employee's light-duty status ___ and document their findings.
Injuries: Return to Duty: When an employee is able to return to full-duty status, the employee shall have a Physician's Release Form, or a comparable release form, completed by the employee's physician and then submit it to the affected supervisor. The concerned supervisor is responsible for notifying which bureau?
Disabled Applicants & Employees: True of False? Medical Screening: The Department will not conduct a medical examination or make inquiries regarding disabilities an applicant may have prior to an offer of employment. Applicants are subject to medical examination and related inquiry after a conditional offer of employment has been made if such examination and inquiry has been shown to be job related. This inquiry may include questions about the ability of an applicant or employee to perform job-related functions.
Disabled Applicants & Employees: Employees are encouraged to discuss the problem with the departmental ADA Liaison Officer in __ before filing a complaint This contact may help clarify or resolve the issue. At a minimum and at the employee’s request, the ADA Liaison Officer will guide the employee in filing the complaint properly.
Traumatic Incidents: The ___ Bureau Major is designated as the Traumatic Incident Coordinator and has many tasks to include: Submitting an after-action report to the Director within __ days following activities surrounding the death of a departmental employee and Appoint a Specialized Patrol and Events Section supervisor with the rank of ___ or higher, as Information Resource Coordinator
1. Special Patrol 2. 30 3. lieutenant
Traumatic Incidents/ Notifications: In addition to any other notification process, the Communications Bureau Shift Commander will notify the Traumatic Incident Coordinator of any traumatic incident. The Traumatic Incident Coordinator will work in concert with the concerned chief, Homicide Bureau liaison with the rank of ___or higher, and other personnel in the notification of the next of kin. When the situation or time permits, the person effecting notification may be assisted by the Mental Health & Wellness Services Bureau staff and Police Chaplains.
TRAUMATIC INCIDENTS: The Special Patrol Bureau ___will respond to the scene or hospital whenever a departmental employee suffers a life-threatening injury or dies in the line-of-duty. The ___ will serve as the Traumatic Incident Coordinator's representative throughout the response to the incident.
1. Information Resource Coordinator *A representative from the Mental Health & Wellness Services Bureau will respond to the incident scene, hospital, or other required location, when a departmental employee is critically injured or dies in the line-of-duty. *A representative of the MRS will respond to any incident in which a departmental employee is critically injured or dies in the line-of- duty.
Traumatic Incidents: When a departmental employee is hospitalized as the result of a traumatic incident and security measures are necessary, the police district in which the hospital is located will be responsible for security. If the hospital is located outside a district, but within Miami-Dade County limits, security will be the responsibility of the ___ district. The element responsible for hospital security will assign a supervisor to coordinate security and compile information for the after-action report.
nearest departmental
Traumatic Incidents- Family Assistance: When a traumatic incident necessitates residential security and transportation, the district in which the affected residence is located will be responsible for providing support. If the residence is located outside a district, but within Miami-Dade County limits, security and transportation measures will be the responsibility of the __ district. If the residence is outside of Miami-Dade County or transportation support has a significant negative effect on the district responsible for providing these services, the Traumatic Incident Coordinator will be consulted to resolve the situation.
nearest departmental
Health & Welfare: The __ Bureau Major is the Health and Welfare Assistance Coordinator and reports directly to the Centralized Services Division Chief to ensure that program objectives are achieved.
Personnel Management Bureau (PMB)
Health & Welfare: ____ defines: A voluntary program that provides leave time for participating employees who have exhausted all personal leave accruals and continue to remain away from the job for a prolonged period of time due to illness or disability. It provides a means of financial assistance through the periodic contributions of annual, holiday, and compensatory leave accrual from fellow employees.
Earned Leave Pool
Health & Welfare: Immediately after notification, the Serious Injury, Illness, or Death report will be completed by the __ Bureau Shift Commander. The original will be forwarded to the Director's Office with copies to the Centralized Services Division Chief, PMB Major, and the concerned supervisor and health and welfare assistance officer of the employee's unit of assignment.
____ defines: Executive officers within major organizational elements are appointed to administer the Health and Welfare Assistance Program. They are responsible for coordinating directly with the affected employee or next of kin and ensuring that support and processing of benefits are properly initiated and completed.
Health and Welfare Assistance Officer
Health & Welfare: The ___ Division Chief is responsible for the overall planning, control, and direction of the Health and Welfare Assistance Program. Major duties include: 1. Verifying that initial notification of staff and command personnel has been accomplished. 2. Appointment of the PMB Major as the health and welfare assistance coordinator. The coordinator may designate a representative to ensure that the objectives of the program are met.
Centralized Services
Health & Welfare: Supervisor Responsibility: Supervisors may temporarily assign required support to the employee or next of kin for up to __ days following the incident or, in case of death, the burial. Normally, this support is provided only in the case of incidents involving departmental employees. If the incident involves special interest matters which might subject the employee or next of kin to undue pressure or influence from outside sources, the element supervisor may request the temporary placement of a watch order to provide security.
Health & Welfare- Earned Leave Pool: Limited to full- and part-time employees who have been employed for and have completed at least __ pay periods in a position eligible to accrue leave
Health & Welfare- Earned Leave Pool: Employees must sign an Earned Leave Pool application, forwarded to them by PMB, within __ working days following the completion of the l3th pay period.
Earned Leave Pool -Periodic Contribution Requirements: 1. When the Earned Leave Pool is reduced to $100,000, each full-time participant is required to contribute an additional __. Part-time participants must donate leave at a rate equal to the average number of hours worked per day, per pay period over the past 13 pay periods. A memorandum announcing the open enrollment will be published by PMB.
eight hours *Failure to contribute additional hours when requested results in termination of membership. *** Leave contributed to the Earned Leave Pool is not returned.
Earned Leave Pool- Benefits Criteria: 1. Employees must deplete all accrued leave balances prior to receiving benefits. 2. Requests for benefits shall not be submitted nor considered for short-term absences resulting from common ailments; e.g., flu, cold, virus, and medical, dental appointments, or elective surgery.3. Benefits may not be requested until an employee has completed __ pay periods as a member
Earned Leave Pool- Benefits Criteria: Benefits may be awarded for a time period which is different from that recommended by the attending physician, but shall not exceed __ calendar days within any 12-month period except as follows: a. Benefits may be extended for an additional __ calendar days when the following circumstances apply: (1) Upon recommendation by the Earned Leave Pool Committee and approved by the Director, or (2) When the extension is necessary to qualify the member for minimum retirement at the conclusion of the extension, and approved by the Director.
Special Leave Pool: Benefits may be awarded for a time period of __ calendar days within a 12-month period.
EARLY IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM: Established under the purview of PCB, this system provides a structured review of complaints and Use of Force incidents involving departmental employees. Utilized in conjunction with other criteria, the determination of issues that may or may not be stress or performance related is accomplished. The PCB will conduct an __ evaluation of this system
EARLY IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM- REPORT COMPOSITION: A ___ report prepared by PCB, outlining personnel complaints and Use of Force incidents will contain the names of employees who have received two or more complaints or are involved in ___ or more Use of Force incidents during a three-month period. The report will provide a brief profile of complaints and Use of Force incidents.
quarterly & three
The _____ is Instituted and operated by the PCB, this system establishes a data collection source profiling departmental employees to identify patterns of stress-induced or performance problems. This system will be reviewed annually.
EMPLOYEE PROFILE SYSTEM Profiles will document specified criteria for assessment: 1. Complaints; 2. Use of Force incidents; 3. Commendations; 4. Corrective action; 5. Promotional status change.
PSYCH SERVICES- Peer Advocate Program True or False? While the Peer Advocate will provide emotional support, the Peer Advocate is not a clinician and will not perform any duties required by a licensed mental health practitioner. The Peer Advocate will serve as a liaison for employees to receive services through the MHWB, or referrals, as needed.
PSYCH SERVICES- Peer Advocate Program The MHWB will provide and/or coordinate several trainings for the program, including an initial training and subsequent __ trainings which focus on law enforcement mental health and related issues. A MHWB clinician will be available to provide consultation to the Peer Advocates whenever needed.
Psych Services- Hostage Negotiator: The MHWB Major, or his or her designee, is the functioning Negotiator Supervisor responsible for the selection and training of crisis and hostage negotiators. To be eligible for consideration for the Negotiator Program, a police officer must: a. Have successfully completed __ years as a police officer. b. Have three consecutive rating periods with above satisfactory or outstanding evaluations.
three *Personnel assigned to a Negotiator Team must continue to maintain above average or outstanding performance evaluations in order to remain in the program. *The MHWB staff is responsible for providing monthly in-service and other specialty training to the negotiators.
Police Chaplain: In order to be eligible to become a Police Chaplain, the following criteria must be met: Be ordained by a recognized religious body, be in good standing with that body, and receive its endorsement. 2. Have a minimum of ___ years experience in the ministry. 3. Be willing to make a __ commitment to the Department. 4. Be a legal resident of the United States.5. Not have been convicted of a felony or offense involving moral turpitude.
5 & three-year
Police Chaplain- In-Service Training: Police Chaplains shall attend __ hours of in-service training per quarter, when practicable.
eight *The Police Chaplain is a non-sworn, unarmed civilian volunteer
Police Chaplain Duties: The Police Chaplain: a. Will visit a district or bureau at least once a quarter. b. Shall meet on a monthly basis with the Departmental Police Chaplain Coordinator or designee. c. Shall be responsible for following proper protocol procedures and report to the lead officer when arriving at any police scene. d. Shall know and adhere to the rules, regulations, and procedures in the Departmental Manual.
Police Chaplain Dress/Equipment: True or False? A Police Chaplain shall not carry a firearm or other weapon, concealed or unconcealed, while on departmental duty or while in County premises, facilities, offices, or vehicles, unless authorized by State law and the Director.
FMLA: EMPLOYER CONTACT: 1. Employees on approved FML shall not be contacted during the course of their FML for any work-related purpose. a. This does not prohibit PMB employees from communicating with an employee on FML regarding leave-related questions the employee may have or from taking any lawful action pursuant to MDC Leave Manual, Section 27, Family Medical Leave.2. If a supervisor feels that it is necessary to contact an employee on FML for a work-related purpose, the supervisor must contact the ____ bureau and receive approval before making contact. 3. While an employee is on FML, the employee’s supervisor(s) should not ask the employee when he/she is returning to work.
HBV Vaccinations: The HBV vaccination series will be made available to all sworn and support personnel noted in Employee Exposure Determination within __ days of starting work and at no charge to the employee. Police Officer recruits and Public Service Aides will be offered and scheduled for the vaccination series after receipt of infectious diseases training while at the academy.
Incidents reported to TeleClaim or on the First Report of Injury or Illness must also be recorded on the SAF-200 Log. An incident reported on the First Aid and Minor Injury Log would not be recorded on the SAF-200 Log unless TeleClaim was notified or a First Report of Injury or Illness was subsequently completed for that incident. The SAF-200 Log must be maintained on a calendar year basis, and logs must be retained at the work location for __ years.
Health & Welfare Assistance Officers Responsibilities: Complete the following should the injured or sick employee be unable to return to duty for an extended period of time (over __ work days): a. Personally visit the employee during the __ week, and contact telephonically at least once every other week thereafter. A personal contact will be conducted at least once a month until the employee returns to limited or full-time duty. If the absence is covered under the Family and Medical Leave Act, visitations, in person and telephonically, will not occur more than once a month.
5 & second
Earned Leave Pool Committee: The committee is comprised of the ___ Division Chief (chairperson); PMB Executive Officer; and a bargaining unit representative or a chief from a division other than the employee's division of assignment, if the employee is not represented by a bargaining unit. The committee is responsible for approving or disapproving benefits from the Earned Leave Pool.
Centralized Services
Report Light Duty Cases: Element Commanders will submit a Light Duty Quarterly Report, identifying each employee who is in a light duty status to the PMB Major on a quarterly basis. The report is due to PMB by the ___ day of January, April, July and October of each year. PMB will prepare a quarterly report, utilizing the collected information, for the Departmental Assistant Directors
Disabled Applicants/Employees/Filing a Complaint: Employees may choose to file complaints directly with one or more of the following entities: 1. An MDPD supervisor in the complainant's chain-of-command. 2. Miami-Dade Office of ADA Coordination. 3. Miami-Dade Office of Fair Employment Practices. 4. Florida Commission on Human Rights. 5. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). D. Corrective Actions: Corrective actions taken shall be in accordance with ____ guidelines, Miami-Dade County policy, and current case law. The Police Legal Bureau may be consulted regarding these issues
Officer-involved shootings: The concerned element Major/Commander will grant ___ leave as soon as recommended by the MHWB or other involved majors/commanders. The concerned element Major/Commander will temporarily reassign the employee to administrative duties, if warranted.
administrative *Prior to the affected officer’s return to work, he or she will participate in a wellness check with a MHWB clinician.
Psychological Services: True or false? A psychological fitness-for-duty evaluation will not be initiated if there is an open and relevant PCB investigation involving the employee. Communications between the affected employee and the outside psychological consultant, as well as test results, written opinions, recommendations, notes, reports, and actions taken that are produced as a result of a psychological fitness-for-duty evaluation are not privileged information and therefore may be utilized in any administrative action initiated against the employee.
Police Chaplains will be assigned to the ____ services Assistant Director’s Office, and assigned to specific police districts and bureaus, working under the direction of the Majors or Commanders.
Family Medical Leave: ____ term is a person who has put him/herself in the situation of a lawful parent by assuming the obligations incident to a parental relationship without going through the formalities of legal adoption. It includes assuming parental status and discharging parental duties such as individuals with day-to-day responsibilities to care for and financially support a child either now as an employee, or who had such responsibility when the employee was a child. A biological or legal relationship is not necessary.
In Loco Parentis
Requests for intermittent leave or reduced leave schedule must describe the length of time the employee intends to work a reduced schedule (limited to a maximum period of ____ consecutive pay periods, unless the Director approves intermittent leave), and advise whether accrued leave, leave without pay, or a combination of both is being requested.
EMPLOYER CONTACT: If a supervisor feels that it is necessary to contact an employee on FML for a work-related purpose, the supervisor must contact the ___ bureau and receive approval before making contact.
Domestic Leave: The Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance 99-5 which requires employers to grant unpaid leave for employees experiencing domestic violence. Eligibility: Employees who have been employed for at least ___ days, and have worked for at least ____ hours during the immediately preceding ___ days, shall be entitled to a total of ____work days of unpaid Domestic Leave during any 12-month period.
1. 90 2. 308 3. 30 *Domestic Leave should be recorded on the Payroll and Attendance Record as "WB."
Domestic Leave: employees requesting Domestic Leave in excess of ___ pay period shall submit, to PMB, a completed Miami-Dade Police Department Leave of Absence Application Form
Heat ____ is the most serious of heat illnesses and is considered a medical emergency. Heat stroke often occurs as a progression from milder heat-related illnesses such as heat cramps, heat syncope, and heat exhaustion. Heat stroke can be fatal or cause damage to the brain or other internal organs.
Rhabdomyolysis: Medical condition, sometimes caused by heat stress and prolonged physical exertion, in which muscle fibers rapidly break down, die, and release electrolytes and proteins into the bloodstream. Left untreated, this can lead to kidney damage, seizures, irregular heart rhythm, and death.
Procedures For a Heat Wave or When Temperature Reaches or Exceeds ___° Fahrenheit: 1. Roll call training to review high-heat procedures, encourage employees to drink plenty of water, and remind employees of their right to take a cooldown rest when necessary, and feasible. 2. Remind employees to drink plenty of water throughout their workday. 3. Supervisors are to monitor employees under their span of control for alertness and symptoms of heat stress or heat illness. 4. Employees are to report symptoms of heat illness to the appropriate supervisor. 5. If an employee displays symptoms indicative of severe heat illness such as decreased level of consciousness, staggering, vomiting, disorientation, irrational behavior, or convulsions, the employee must immediately request MDFR and a supervisor to respond to the scene. 6. Supervisors will report and complete a Supervisor Investigation Report for any employee heat-related illness or injury in accordance with the Departmental Manual, CHAPTER 14 - PART 04 - INJURIES AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS. 7. An employee showing symptoms of heat illness or injury must be monitored and shall not be left alone or sent home without being offered medical assistance
Substance Abuse Analysis Request: If the appropriate assistant director or the Director is not immediately available, the _____ may approve the request. The action memorandum will document, in detail, specific facts and observed actions that justify the request.
Staff Duty Officer
Reporting Major Injuries: If the employee disagrees with the Notice of Injury Report, points of contention may be raised via memorandum to _____ Division. The supervisor should obtain the name of the TeleClaim operator and the date and time of the contact.
ISD Risk Management
Heat illness prevention program: Acclimatization peaks in most people within _____ days of regular work for at least ___ hours per day in the heat.
1. 4-14 2. Two