Chapter 20- Communication Procedures Flashcards
Only the __ is authorized to assign or change unit numbers. Assignment of unit numbers is based on departmental needs. Requests for new unit numbers or changes to existing unit numbers must be submitted by action memorandum to the ___.
CB - Communications Bureau
It is imperative that the police complaint officer screen all calls involving an altercation, assault, or missing person to determine whether an encounter with a mentally ill individual is likely so the most appropriate qualified officers can be dispatched to the scene However, ___supervisors are still required to respond to all calls dealing with mentally ill individuals and must state that over the primary radio frequency to the dispatcher.
first line
In accordance with the three-tier model for managing encounters with the mentally ill, all sworn departmental personnel are trained to the tier-__ level and may respond to any call involving mentally ill individuals that are considered routine in nature.
At the tier-__ level, a field training officer who, in accordance with the three-tier model, has received Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) and ECD training will be dispatched as the primary unit to all calls involving mentally ill persons or locations that have a violent history, threats of violence, or the potential for violence based on the caller’s comments.
*If a crime has been committed and arrests or formal detention of the mentally ill person is likely, an officer who has received CIT should respond and handle the call. b. If a physical confrontation or resistance to treatment is threatened, even if not for a crime, an officer who has received CIT should be dispatched first. 2. When an officer who has received CIT is unavailable, an officer who has received ECD training will be dispatched as the primary unit and a supervisor who has received CIT will be dispatched as a back-up. 3. When an officer who has received CIT and/or ECD training is unavailable, a uniform officer will be dispatched as the primary unit and a supervisor who has received CIT and ECD training will respond as back-up.
When requested, the police dispatcher will transmit a BOLO provided that no more than __ hour has elapsed since the incident occurred.
*If more than an hour has elapsed, the unit will make the
request through the Complaint Desk- incidents are exceptions:
a. Missing infants, young children, mentally ill individuals, or disturbed persons of any age. b. Persons and vehicles involved as suspects or victims of serious crimes
BOLOs received via the frequency will be read once and kept for 24 hours at the affected dispatch console. BOLOs requested via the Complaint Desk will be read as often as requested for up to __ days with the approval of the CB Shift Commander.
Emergency Transmissions: [CALEA 81.2.4c]
- When an officer requires emergency assistance and cannot key up via the radio (because its being utilized, etc.), The “3-15” button must be firmly depressed for how long?
- The radio will immediately provide a __second open microphone.
- one-half second
- five
Emergency Signals/Types:
Code __ emergency call: A situation or sudden occurrence which poses an actual threat of serious injury or loss of human life and demands swift police action. Code __ calls are preceded by a tone indicator and the signal prefixed by a __.
Code 3
Emergency Signals/Types:
Code __ emergency call: A situation which poses a potential threat of serious injury or loss of human life which may require swift police action. Code __ calls are preceded by a tone indicator and the signal prefixed by a __.
Code 2
Routine Signals:
Routine signals are dispatched by transmitting the signal without use of prefix, suffix, or tone indicator. The Area Supervisor (Sergeant) will be notified if a call is holding for __ minutes, and the Platoon Commander (Lieutenant) if the call is holding for __ minutes.
15 & 30
Supervisory Backup:
A sergeant will be utilized as a backup when only ___ unit is available in a patrol area. Supervisors may decline a backup signal if involved in other matters requiring immediate attention. If the sergeant from the affected area is unavailable, a unit or sergeant from another area will be dispatched as a backup.
Prohibited Mobile Computer Unit Signals: Due to officer safety concerns and call for service requirements, which THREE signals require a voice transmission and recognition from the affected police dispatcher to initiate the signal?
- 12 - Meal Break.
- 13 - Area Check or Subject Check.
- 19 - Traffic Stop.
All Department employees will refrain from using Department-issued and private cellular telephones while driving a Department vehicle unless a __ device is utilized. If the cellular telephone does not have a __device, the employee is expected to pull off the roadway before using the handheld cellular telephone.
Radio Turn-In:
Relief from duty or suspension with or without pay when the duration of the relief or suspension exceeds or is anticipated to exceed __ days. Turn-in must be done within __ hours of the event.
30 & 72
Radios: the responsible party will notify the CB Shift Commander as soon as practicable so that the radio may be deactivated. Copies of the case report will be forwarded to the CB, the FAB, and ITD within __ hours of the incident via the appropriate division chief or supervisor of an element reporting to an assistant director, Deputy Director, or the Director.
Missing, Lost, Damaged, or Stolen Radios, Cellular Telephones, or Electronic Sirens: An action memorandum with the recommendation and background information and a copy of the case report attached must be submitted to the appropriate division chief or supervisor of an element reporting to an assistant director, Deputy Director, or the Director within __ hours of the incident.
*If the device is missing, lost, damaged, or stolen due to employee negligence, the employee has the option of paying the replacement cost or receiving the appropriate level of discipline. The chosen option must have approval indicated on the action memorandum.
Missing, Lost, Damaged, or Stolen Radios, Cellular Telephones, or Electronic Sirens: Electronic sirens: True or False? There is no provision for payment of replacement cost in lieu of disciplinary action.
Radio Reward Program:
The radio reward program is coordinated by the ITD. A reward of $__ will be paid from the budget of the element to which the radio was assigned. 800 Mhz portable radios will have a reward label affixed containing the telephone of the CB Shift Commander (305-596-8176). Upon being contacted by a citizen who has recovered a lost or stolen radio.
The ___ Bureau, Automated Systems Unit, enters alert messages on Federal Deportable Detainees released from federal prisons throughout the United States. The majority of these detainees have extensive criminal histories, and the WB Career Criminal Unit is responsible for tracking these individuals.
Central Records
Unit assignment notification (line-up): Uniformed patrol unit assignment information will be furnished to the CB via facsimile by district desk personnel within __ minutes after completion of roll call. The following information is required:
a. The unit radio number.
b. The name of officers assigned to each unit.
c. The area assigned (boundaries).
d. Any special equipment.
e. Any relevant information concerning court or special details.
f. The transfer time.
g. The pool vehicle number, if used.
Illegal dump sites: Upon discovery of debris in excess of 100 cubic feet in volume or ___ pounds in weight containing paperwork with possible identification of source of material, or subject is on scene, the Environmental Investigators services is required.
Signal Change and Report Status: True or False?
Field units will advise the police dispatcher of any signal change or of any No Report before checking into service (e.g., 26 changed to a 27). A correct signal which does not require police action and is No Reported will not be changed to a 14 (e.g., 34, no police action, no report). When there is no signal change, units should take a 09 Report Written or 09 No Report utilizing the appropriate status messaging function. An arrival must have been taken prior to attempting to 09 using status messaging.
Wrecker service:
A substitute wrecker will not be ordered until __ minutes have elapsed.
Signal 55-P: Anonymous firearm tip calls received via Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers. When a unit is dispatched on a signal 55-P and upon arrival the officer finds another crime has been committed, such as a robbery, the 55-P signal must not be changed. Instead, the officer should take an additional signal and case number reflecting the new incident and cross-reference the report with the 55-P case. The OI, A-Form and property receipts must be forwarded to the Community Affairs Bureau via email to within __ days of the arrest.
*Town or village commanders in contract cities where a signal 55-P has been dispatched must forward the tip information to the Community Affairs Bureau via email to the same email address within three days, even if no arrest is made
Career Criminal Identification Signals:
The ___, Career Criminal Unit, is responsible for tracking individuals designated as habitual or violent offenders. These individuals are those offenders classified by FS as Florida Career Offenders, or classified by departmental protocol as signals 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, or 500. These signals are communications alert identifiers that classify habitual and violent offenders in accordance with the Miami-Dade County State Attorney’s Office criteria and alert officers during contacts with these career criminals.
Warrants Bureau
Signal ___ - Gort violent career criminal:
(1) The subject has been incarcerated in a state or federal prison (2) The subject is currently charged with one of the following crimes: aggravated assault, aggravated battery, aggravated child abuse, aggravated stalking, aircraft piracy, arson, burglary, escape, kidnapping, lewd, lascivious or indecent assault on a child, murder/manslaughter,robbery/carjacking/home invasion robbery, sexual battery, or throwing, placing, or discharging a destructive device or bomb. Any FS, Chapter 790felony firearm violation, or any felony which involves the use or threat of physical force or violence against any individual.(3) The subject has three or more convictions on separate sentencing dates for any of the crimes listed above.(4) The subject was convicted or released from incarceration on one of the above felonies within the past five years.
Signal ___ – Federal armed career criminal (when all of the following apply): The defendant’s instant charge includes possession of a firearm and the firearm was recovered. The defendant has three forcible felony convictions and/or trafficking convictions with separate case numbers (includes convictions outside of Miami-Dade County).
Incident Notification:
Unusual incidents that develop require the assigned unit to notify the CB Shift Commander of the exact nature of the incident as soon as possible so that notification can be made to the Director and/or other key personnel. Officers on the scene of incidents that have not yet been assigned shall make immediate notification. The following are examples of incidents requiring notification:
1. MDPD officer seriously injured or killed.
2. MDPD officer, on- or off-duty, shoots or critically injures a person.
3. MDPD officer arrested and/or the arrest of any County, Municipal, State employee, or governmental official.
4. Civil disturbances or major crowd control situations.
5. Aircraft crash.
6. Incidents of a newsworthy nature (e.g., multiple homicides, kidnapping, explosion, or media on
7. Incidents involving VIPs or public officials.
8. Radiological incident
9. Any major incident where there may be a question as to the Department’s liability or which may
generate heightened community interest.
10. County vehicle crashes involving death, injuries, hospitalization, and/or damages in excess of $_____ per vehicle.
11. Electronic Control Device (ECD) deployments involving juvenile and elderly persons (___ years and older), mentally ill persons, or subjects(s) transported to a medical facility for injuries sustained as
a result of the ECD deployment.
12. Death, critical injury/hospitalization, or non-critical illness of an MDPD employee, regardless of whether they were on-duty, off-duty, or retired.
$5,000 & 65
POL-TAC 1 and 2 are reserved for _______ and ______.
perimeters & CPs.
POL-TAC 3, 4, and 5 are reserved for special details utilizing resources of more than one district (e.g., a DUI check point involving SPB units and district units).
A POL-TAC talk group shall not be used for a special detail without prior approval of the CB designee. If time does not permit for the request to be received by the CB ____days prior to the event, the request may be sent by facsimile to the CB and the original request can be sent by interoffice mail for filing. Last-minute requests may be made by telephone to the CB Shift Commander with the written request to follow and are subject to the availability of a talk group. POL-TAC 1 and 2 will not be utilized for a special detail when POL-TAC 3, 4, or 5 are available.
Verbatim recording review and reproduction: In order to provide a temporary historical reference, all radio transmissions and Complaint Desk telephone calls are recorded and preserved for ___ days.
Arson call-out procedures:
There are several arson call-out criteria, one of them being Vehicular arson fires related to an ongoing domestic violence case where there has been more than ____ incident of violence within the last ___ months.
one & 12
Canine call-out procedures: Caution will be utilized in deploying canines in heavily populated or congested areas. Canines will not be used for crowd control or civil disorders without the authorization of the ________.
Director or designee.
If a missing person has not been located by the end of the responding uniform officer’s shift, the information will be logged on the _____ and brought to the attention of the on-duty Platoon Commander. The Platoon Commander will review the facts of the case, determine if further action is warranted, and ensure that proper notifications have been made. Prior to shift transfer, the Platoon Commander will notify the relieving Platoon Commander of the case status.
District Daily Incident Report
Any officer who encounters a subject impersonating a police officer or is in possession of police equipment (e.g., badges, radios, police shirts, blue lights) shall contact Operation ___ via the CB Shift Commander prior to releasing the subject and/or prior to clearing the call.
The _____Task Force must be contacted any time an officer recovers a firearm during an arrest and the subject is or is believed to be a convicted felon. A Task Force Officer (TFO) will telephonically interview the arresting officer and assess if the arrest fits the federal criteria for prosecution. If the arrest meets the criteria, a TFO will respond to take custody of the prisoner and all evidence related to the gun charge. The TFO will prepare the federal arrest complaint and, if possible, transport the prisoner to the Federal Detention Center.
*The FIRE TFO will evaluate the case to ensure that it meets the criteria and assist the arresting officer(s) with the post-arrest investigation. If the arrest meets the state criteria, the officer will
write “FIRE TASK FORCE Responded/Notified” on the bottom portion of the arrest affidavit.
With reference to vehicle or residential burglaries, in any of the following cases, officers are required to notify a ___ supervisor during regular business hours via the CB Shift Commander:
(1) When the victim or resident is a police officer.
(2) In any case where police equipment or paraphernalia is stolen.
(3) When there is an attempt to take police equipment or paraphernalia. When occurring after regular business hours, the incident shall be reported to ____ the following business day.
Force Analysis and Training Development Unit (FATDU) criteria and call-out procedures:
a. Any time a person is seriously or critically injured as a result of a MDPD officer’s action or while in the custody of a MDPD officer.
b. Any time a person expires as a result of a MDPD officer’s action or while in the custody of an MDPD officer.
c. Any time a person has sustained a gunshot wound due to a MDPD officer’s action.
d. Any time a firearm is discharged by a MDPD officer in the scope of their duty, or while off-duty and taking police action.
e. Animal shootings by MDPD officers.
f. Accidental discharge of a weapon by a MDPD employee ONLY when requested by the ___ or the _____ Division Chief.
Director & Compliance and Standards
any contact shooting stemming from a hunting accident will be the responsibility of the _____. If _____ is unavailable, the District GIU in which the incident occurred will respond and investigate.
Florida Wildlife Commission (FWC).