Chapter 28- Traffic Enforcement Flashcards
True or False?
Under no circumstances will an officer allow a violator who is suspected of Driving Under the Influence (DUI) to move his vehicle once it has stopped.
The cameras installed within the school zones pursuant to FSS 316.008 will be used to enforce speeding violations in excess of ___ miles per hour over the speed limit in force at the time of the violation under FSS 316.1895.
Law enforcement officers trained in SSCP shall process each potential violation within __ business days (excluding Saturday, Sunday, and County observed holidays) of its appearance in the Law Enforcement Review Queue, provided by the County approved vendor. The reviewing officer will determine which violations will be issued a Notice of Violation. Violation reviews should be completed as soon as possible after the violation enters the queue to prevent delay in resolving any potential quality control issue
Camera calibration tests must be performed ___. Calibration tests can be performed by an independent third party. The SSCP Administrator shall keep copies of all annual camera calibration
tests. Copies of independent calibration tests shall be stored in the Vendor’s Electronic Records system and available to the MDPD.
Traffic Citations Requiring Fingerprints:
Officers issuing citations under FSS 322.15(2), License to be carried and exhibited on demand, must have the person imprint either thumbprint on the reverse of the top white copy of the citation.
When the hazard is of an immediate danger or a potential life threatening condition exists, e.g., stop sign or other regulatory device is knocked down or rendered invisible to motorists, a traffic signal is malfunctioning or broken, a supervisor will be notified and the employee shall secure the scene and direct traffic. Employees and ____ will take measures to rectify the problem; e.g., a replacement and/or temporary sign or device is installed, a traffic signal is set to flash or repaired. ____ will ensure that the problem is rectified and scene remains secured until the immediate danger caused by the hazard no longer exists.
Flasher Barricades:
1. For traffic crash sites or emergency situations that are public safety related and require police presence:
a. Investigating employee will notify the CB Shift Commander.
b. The CB Shift Commander will order barricades from the approved private vendor. c. ______ hours after the barricade request, the CB Shift Commander will notify the affected district and request a visual inspection to determine whether the barricades are still needed.
When a juvenile is involved in a traffic crash, the investigating employee shall notify, or cause to be notified, the juvenile’s parent, guardian, legal custodian, or other adult relative.
Supervisory Responsibilities:
all paperwork regarding traffic activities received will be reviewed for completeness, legibility, and correctness of data by when?
Prior to conclusion of the supervisor’s tour of duty
C. Rejected Crash Reports:
1. Crash reports rejected by the element reviewer will be sent with a reject slip produced by the element describing the errors to the originator’s supervisor. This will occur within ___ hours after crash reports are submitted to the element reviewer. 2. Crash reports rejected at the CRB will be sent back to the submitting element reviewer on the same day that the crash report is rejected using a Florida Traffic Crash Report Rejection Notice. 3. The element reviewer will log and forward the rejected crash reports from the CRB to the originator’s supervisor the same day received. 4. Rejected crash reports will be corrected and resubmitted to the element reviewer before conclusion of the originator’s tour of duty on the day he receives the rejected crash report.
A. MDC Vehicle, Property, or On-duty Employee (engaged in County business) Involved:
If a MDPD owned/leased/contracted vehicle or an on-duty MDPD employee is involved in a traffic crash anywhere in MDC, whether in an unincorporated area or an incorporated municipality, a MDPD employee will be assigned to investigate the traffic crash. A traffic crash involving any other MDC owned/leased vehicle or any other on-duty MDC employee will be investigated by the law enforcement agency within the jurisdiction of the crash occurrence, unless the crash results in a life threatening or fatal injury. If the traffic crash involving any other MDC owned/leased vehicle or any other on-duty MDC employee results in a life threatening or fatal injury, a MDPD employee will be assigned to investigate the traffic crash. The Miami-Dade County Public School (MDCPS) Board is a different governmental entity than MDC. A traffic crash involving a MDCPS Board vehicle or on-duty employee is excluded from the procedure in this paragraph.
The employee assigned to investigate a traffic crash involving a MDPD owned/leased/contracted vehicle or involving an on-duty MDPD employee will fax a complete copy of the traffic crash report to the Traffic Homicide Unit, prior to the end of the employee’s tour of duty.
When all of the following circumstances exist, the involved MDPD employee’s supervisor will ensure that a MDPD ____ is completed in lieu of a Florida Traffic Crash Report Long Form
(1) Total damage is not over $500.
(2) The only damage is to MDPD owned vehicles.
(3) Only MDPD employees are involved.
(4) All MDPD owned vehicles are still functional.
(5) There are no injuries.
(6) The crash is not the result of an intentional act (e.g., aggravated assault, aggravated battery,
County Vehicle Damage Report
The Traffic Homicide Unit investigator will be responsible for issuing citations in all life threatening or fatal injury traffic crashes and MDPD owned/leased/contracted vehicle crashes.
Authority to seize tag:
Pursuant to FSS 324.201, if a law enforcement officer determines that the driver of a motor vehicle is also the owner, registrant, co-owner, or co-registrant of the motor vehicle, and is operating the motor vehicle with a driver license or vehicle registration that has been under suspension pursuant to a violation of Florida Statute, Chapter 324, Financial Responsibility, for a period of at least __ days, the officer shall immediately seize the license plate of the motor vehicle.
Authority to seize tag/
If possible, the vehicle should be removed from the scene at the owner’s request, eliminating the need to inventory the vehicle. The owner, registrant, co-owner, or co-registrant should be allowed a reasonable amount of time (approximately ___ minutes) to obtain a towing service of his choice, or the officer may request a contract towing service to remove the vehicle at the owner’s expense.
Immobilization of Vehicles/Duties and Responsibilities:
If a vehicle owner refuses to comply with the immobilization court order, the vendor’s representatives are responsible for advising the court that issued the immobilization court order. If an officer is called to the scene of a dispute over immobilization, the officer should only prevent a breach of the peace. The
owner cannot be forced to allow the vehicle to be immobilized. The officer will prepare an Offense-Incident Report documenting the incident.
All patrol vehicles must have their speedometer tested every ___ months by a speedometer shop as specified by Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 15 B-2. This certification is required to be carried as part of the vehicle’s issued equipment. Officers using their patrol vehicle’s speedometer to establish probable cause to cite a violator shall ensure a current speedometer calibration card is available as required for traffic court.
Supervisors of personnel trained to operate speed measuring devices shall establish procedures to:
1. Ensure that proper care and upkeep is given to the measuring devices.
2. Ensure that a copy of active State certification certificate is maintained in the officer’s personnel file.
3. Ensure programmed maintenance, testing, and calibration of speed measuring devices are completed
Distribution of Traffic Records:
The CRB is responsible for the distribution of all traffic records. The CRB will make photocopies of all Florida Traffic Crash Reports, then the originals will be forwarded to Florida DHSMV on a ____ basis.
Crime/Traffic Analysis Specialist:
Unit supervisor, shall be responsible for analyzing traffic and traffic enforcement data to include the type of data to be summarized, the format for summary reports, and time periods to be covered, by developing predictive and projective trends of traffic crashes in targeted geographical areas. A ____ Traffic Analysis report will be prepared regarding future enforcement activity and assignment of directed patrols.
Radioactive or Hazardous Materials:
When approaching the scene of a traffic crash which may involve hazardous materials or fire:
1.Approach from an ____ direction when possible, and avoid close contact until the danger is evaluated.
LPR Data Retention:
The retention period for all scanned data will be no longer than ___ anniversary years. Scanned data related to a particular case may be kept if required under another records series.
An All-terrain vehicle is defined by the State of Florida as any motorized off-highway vehicle ____ inches or less in width, having dry weight of 600 pounds or less, traveling on 3 or more low pressure tires.
50 inches
Zero Tolerance (Florida Statutes 322.2616):
Section (1)(a): It is unlawful for a person under the age of 21, who has a breath alcohol level of ___ or higher to drive or be in actual physical control of a motor vehicle.
In the event that a subject provides a breath sample into the Intoxilyzer resulting in a breath alcohol reading of below 0.08, or impairment is inconsistent with the reading, a ____ will be requested to perform a Drug Influence Evaluation. If a __ is not available within the district where the arrest is made, the Communications Bureau Shift Commander shall be notified to locate an available ___ If a ____ is not available, or at the direction of the ___, the processing officer will attempt to obtain a urine sample from the subject pursuant to the Implied Consent Law (Florida Statutes 316.1932) and departmental procedures
DUI/ Zero Tolerance/ Underage DUI:
After monitoring the underage driver for 20 minutes, the officer will request the driver perform a breath test on a PBT instrument, consisting of two adequate samples within ___ minutes of each other.
The Intoxilyzer 5000 Series instruments will be checked on a ___ basis by certified operators designated as Agency Inspectors assigned to the Special Patrol Bureau, DUI/DRE Squad. The DUI document locker will be restocked with the appropriate forms and supplies as needed by the courier from the Special Patrol Bureau. In the event that a subject provides a breath sample into the Intoxilyzer resulting in a breath alcohol reading of ___ or higher, the subject will be transported to Jackson Memorial Hospital.
monthly & 0.35
In the event that a subject provides a breath sample into the Intoxilyzer resulting in a breath alcohol reading of ___ or less, or his impairment is inconsistent with his breath alcohol level, the Intoxilyzer Operator will request that a DRE respond and perform a Drug Influence Evaluation.
Mandatory Blood Test:
When a motor vehicle crash involves death or serious bodily injury, including injury to the driver only, and there is probable cause to believe that the driver is impaired by alcohol or other impairing substances, blood may be withdrawn from the driver by using reasonable force, if necessary. The mandatory blood
test procedure is: 1. The first officer on a crash scene immediately initiates procedures to have a blood sample collected from the driver consistent with any medical emergency. Such blood sample should be taken within ___ hour after the crash or as soon as practicable.
Since juvenile DUI arrestees cannot be taken to the Juvenile Services Division or any adult facility, they shall be released to a parent, guardian, legal custodian, or responsible adult, or pursuant to Florida Statutes 316.193(9), held at a MDPD facility until they are no longer impaired, until ___ hours has elapsed since their arrest, or until their blood alcohol level drops below ___ percent, then released.
eight & .05
*It is necessary to complete the appropriate areas on the Complaint/Arrest Affidavit and obtain the juvenile DUI arrestee’s signature on the Florida DUI Uniform Traffic Citation to satisfy the promise to appear requirements.
*after eight hours, and if the juvenile is in such a condition that it would be adverse to the juvenile or to the community to release said juvenile, call the Florida Department of Children and Families regarding acceptance of the juvenile as a dependency case.
DUI Checkpoint/Vehicle Selection Guidelines:
- In heavy traffic, every ____ vehicle will be chosen.
- In moderate traffic, every ____ vehicle will be chosen.
3.. In light traffic, ____ vehicle will be chosen.
- fifth
- third
- every
DUI Checkpoint Contact:
If there is no evidence of intoxication or other violation requiring enforcement action, the checkpoint contact officer will direct the motorist to exit the contact lane. Contact with a driver will be limited to ___ seconds, and all checkpoint contact officers will strive to limit the contact to ____ seconds.
45 & 30
Loss of FDLE BTO Certificate:
All BTOs must maintain a valid FDLE BTO Certificate. Failure to successfully complete the ___ recertification will result in immediate decertification of BTO status.
1. If an off-road vehicle crash results in death or injury to any person, the operator of each all-terrain vehicle involved shall report said crash to the proper authorities per FSS 316.2074(4).
- If an off-road vehicle is operated on the roadway and involved in a crash, it shall be reported on the standard Florida Traffic Crash Report.
- If an off-road vehicle operated off of the roadway is involved in a crash, the standard Florida Traffic Crash Report will be prepared if there is death or injury.
- If an off-road vehicle operated off of the roadway is involved in a crash, an _____ Report will be prepared if there is only property damage
A driver involved in a crash with an unattended vehicle or other property is required to: stop and locate the owner; or notify the owner by attaching securely a written notice with his name, address, and registration number of the vehicle he is driving in a conspicuous place on the vehicle or property, and also without unnecessary delay notify the responsible law enforcement agency of his name, address, and registration number of the vehicle he is driving.
A. Review and Approval:
Initial the Request for Cancellation or Dismissal, and forward with the citation to the element commander or designee for approval. Upon approval, the form and the citation will be held by the element’s administrative office for __ days before being discarded. The blue copy of the citation will be transmitted to Florida DHSMV
Traffic Citation Audit:
A traffic citation audit will be conducted ___ by elements who receive citation books from the FAB Inventory and Supply Unit (e.g., district stations, Special Patrol Bureau (SPB), Police Operations Section, Court Services Bureau, etc.).
Traffic Safety Education Reports:
The ____ Bureau prepares and distributes traffic safety education reports for public and departmental use; for example, American Automobile Association (AAA) Pedestrian Protection Program and Pedestrian Safety Section Monthly Report.
Community Affairs
Citizens reporting a delayed non-injury traffic crash may be provided with a Florida Traffic Crash Report Driver Report of Traffic Crash <HSMV 90006>, and instructed to complete and mail the report form to Florida DHSMV. A traffic crash report will be prepared by departmental employees for any other delayed report
With supervisory approval, the Traffic Homicide Unit may be requested on a “____” signal under the following conditions:
a. Excessive travel time of the Traffic Homicide Unit.
b. The fatality victim is in plain view.
c. A crowd of onlookers is assembling near the fatality victim.
d. Traffic is being held or rerouted and causing congestion.
e. The scene is in danger of being destroyed
Pursuant to FSS 316.193(6)(d), upon conviction for DUI, the court must order the involved vehicle to be immobilized for a period of _____ , _____ or ______days. This may occur even if the vehicle is not
owned by the defendant. The immobilization is accomplished by court order, which is served on the defendant and mailed to the vehicle’s owner by the Clerk of Courts.
ten, thirty, or ninety
MDPD does not provide emergency escorts. Medical emergencies will be handled in accordance with existing procedures. The department will provide police escorts with the Director’s or his designee’s approval via chain-of-command. All request for routine escorts will be routed to the ____ bureau Major.
Special Patrol
True or False?
Speed measuring devices will not be utilized without prior approval from the element platoon lieutenant or the motorcycle squad lieutenant.
The analysis and reports of traffic crashes and traffic enforcement activities will include geographic, temporal, and causative factors, as well as fluctuations caused by variations that result in increases in traffic volume and/or crashes. The analysis, based on information gathered over the previous ____ year period, shall be used in preparing normal patrol enforcement strategies, and selective enforcement activities.
_____ defines:
An alert by the LPR system that HAS BEEN VISUALLY VERIFIED by the officer, in comparison with the LPR hot list and photo, but HAS NOT BEEN VALIDATED by the officer or dispatch as a live query transaction OR CONFIRMED AS VALID with the original entering agency.
Tentative Hit
The ____ officer, with a vehicle, will be stationed along the roadway in the approach to the checkpoint. It is the responsibility of the ___ officer to observe approaching vehicles and provide advance warning of any potentially hazardous activity. The ___ officer will not leave his position as long as the checkpoint is in operation. The ____officer is also responsible for ensuring that all flares remain lit, and that the cones and barriers remain in place.
Approach Safety Officer
The ____ officer in a vehicle, preferably on a motorcycle, observes
traffic entering and leaving the checkpoint. The ____ officer is
responsible for watching for vehicles which attempt to avoid the checkpoint and determining if the driving pattern exhibits signs
of impairment. The ___ officer may follow only after receiving permission from the checkpoint supervisor, after reporting facts suggesting impairment.
Observation Officer
____ Supervisor: One supervisory officer (sergeant or above) will monitor the traffic flow as it approaches the contact lane and direct vehicles into the contact lane based upon the written vehicle selection guidelines from the checkpoint supervisor.
The _____ officers will be the officers that approach and examine the drivers directed into the contact lane. All ____ officers should have significant training and experience in the detection and apprehension of motorists who are DUI.
Checkpoint contact
BTO’s must attend and successfully complete the _____ FDLE recertification course to maintain their certificates as BTO’s. Loss of BTO certification shall result in termination as a BTO.
Termination of BTO status occurs during promotion to any rank above officer and reassignment to a non-uniform assignment outside the district for more than ____ year.