Type ___ Crimes: Defined by and may be amended from time to time by Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) guidelines. Includes such crimes as criminal homicide, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny-theft (non-motor vehicle), motor vehicle theft, and arson.
Type __ Crimes: Defined by and may be amended from time to time by UCR guidelines. Includes such crimes as simple assault, forgery and counterfeiting, fraud, embezzlement, stolen property crimes, vandalism, weapons crimes, prostitution and commercialized vice, sex offenses (except forcible rape, prostitution and commercialized vice), drug abuse violations, gambling, offenses against the family and children, driving under the influence, liquor law violations, drunkenness violations, disorderly conduct, vagrancy, all other offenses, suspicion, curfew and loitering law
violations, and runaways.
Photographing, filming, or videotaping on private property is prohibited, unless the owner or legally authorized occupant is present and provides specific verbal or written consent. It is the responsibility of the concerned __ to ensure that the person granting consent to film has the authority to grant such consent.
Responsibility: The MRS on-duty or on-call personnel shall be notified of any incident where there is media interest as evidenced by news media presence on the scene, frequency of inquiries, or the nature of the incident. Any and all information released by MRS personnel will be coordinated with the __ on scene and the Communications Bureau Shift Commander. Supervisors of elements preparing news releases will obtain a News Release form (Annex A) from the MRS and expeditiously submit it for approval and release and provide a completed copy to the MRS.
commanding officer
Information that shall not be released includes:
a. Any information that could lead to the exact location of a sex offense.
b. Any information that could lead to the identity (including name, address, or photograph) of a victim of a sexual battery/offense c. Any information that could lead to the identity (including name, address, or photograph) of a victim of a lewd, lascivious, or indecent assault on a child. d. Any information that could lead to the identity (including name, address, or photograph) of a victim of child abuse.
e. Any information that could lead to the identity (including name, address, or photograph) of a victim who has invoked Marsy’s Law. f. Statements made by a suspect after arrest. g. Name, address, or photograph of a juvenile taken into custody, unless the juvenile is taken into
custody for a felony offense. h. Testimony presented to a Grand Jury and/or; i. Any information that could lead to the identification of an informant (unless required by law). j. Any information related to the existence of an ongoing Internal Affairs investigation will not
be disclosed. Any questions should be directed to the Professional Compliance Bureau Command Staff.
Approval of the concerned ___ OR ___ is required for use of honor guards, on an individual basis, for funeral services
assistant director or the Director
Funeral services of active sworn and non-sworn departmental employees: The concerned ____ will advise a member of the deceased’s immediate family of honor
guards’ availability and, if requested, notify the ___ Major.
Health and Welfare Assistance Officer &
Special Patrol Bureau (SPB)
Funeral services of retired departmental personnel, sworn personnel from other law enforcement agencies, and other ceremonies or events: All requests for the use of honor guards will be submitted to and administered by the __.
SPB Major.
Notification during regular business hours:
Immediately notify the Media Relations Section Lieutenant and the SPB Major.Notification during other than regular business hours: Immediately notify the __.
Staff Duty Officer
Only MDPD personnel with the rank of ___ are eligible to be honor guards. Interested personnel may submit an action memorandum requesting to be an honor guard, via chain-of-command, to the SPB Major.
police officer
Honor guards are required to attend training sessions to maintain proficiency in close order drill and ceremony as determined by the SPB Major. Training will be conducted ___ day per month.
Each district may have a maximum of __ officers serving as honor guards; other departmental elements may have a maximum of ___ officers. Participation in honor guard assignments is mandatory upon receipt of notice
Upon relief of assignment, the honor guard will return the equipment to the supply room within __ working days; the SPB Major will ensure and verify returns
Responsibility for the Observer Program shall be vested in the Police Services __.
Assistant Director
All departmental elements participating in the program shall obtain a control number and prior observer or training history of the applicant from the ___.
A ___ day waiting period is required from the date the application is signed to permit screening of the applicant (includes a criminal history records check) and to allow the commander of the affected element to plan for the applicant’s participation. The __ day waiting period may be waived by the
affected commander or the Director.
Applicants may ride a maximum of __ times during any 12-month period; however, three additional requests may be granted by the element commander, with the concurrence of the FAB, if determined to be of potential benefit to the Department. Any applicant requesting to ride more than five times during any 12-month period must have the approval of the Police Services Assistant Director.
A request for a control number from the FAB must be made as close as possible to the date of the initial application, and a minimum of ___ working days prior to the date of assignment.
The original of the completed form will be forwarded to the commander of the affected element to be maintained for __ years. The applicant will receive the yellow copy. The pink copy will be forwarded through the chain of command to the FAB for review and to confirm attendance of the individual.