County Leave Manual- Sergeant Specific Flashcards
The basic policy is to grant __hours annual leave for one year of continuous full-time service.
___ employees are not eligible to earn longevity annual leave.
Eligible employees begin to earn annual leave with the first creditable pay period. However, annual leave balances will not appear on the PAR or pay check stub and may not be used until the employees have completed ___ creditable pay periods.
thirteen (13)
Employees changing from part-time to full-time or vice versa are eligible to use annual leave after a total of ___ pay periods are earned. To earn credit for pay periods while in part-time status, employees must be in pay status for forty (40) hours or more during the pay period. When in full-time status, employees must be in pay status longer than half the number of hours in their regular biweekly work schedules.
thirteen (13)
Eligible part-time employees earn annual leave only during those pay periods in which they are in pay status for forty (40) hours or more. Annual leave balances will not appear on the PAR or pay check stub and may not be used until the employees have completed ___ pay periods with a minimum of forty (40) hours each.
thirteen (13)
___ leave may be used for the following reasons:
a) Vacation. b) Absence due to the serious illness of a member of an employee’s family. c) Absence due to the death of a person other than a member of the employee’s immediate family (see Sick Leave: Authorized Use 02.05.00). d) Religious holidays, other than those designated as County holidays. e) Absence to take care of personal business which cannot be done on the employee’s own time. f) Absence due to medical reasons when sick leave is not available. g) To accompany school age children on the first day of school and make parental visits to schools.
Effective November 19, 2018, the maximum accumulation of annual leave which can be carried over to the employee’s next leave year is __ hours, to include all non-bargaining unit employees and all other employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement whose agreement explicitly provides for the benefit.
Should the annual leave balance of an employee on active military duty leave, exceed the maximum number of allowable hours (500), unless otherwise provided for in a collective bargaining agreement, on his/her anniversary date, the excess annual leave hours will not be forfeited. The excess leave hours will be preserved, and upon return from active duty service, the employee will have ___from the date of return to work to use the excess annual leave time.
one year (12 months)
____ leave provides leave with pay in the event of the death of an employee’s mother-in-law or father-in-law, or the parents of a registered domestic partner.
Emergency bereavement
*Note: A domestic partner of a County employee is a person with whom the employee shares a residence and with whom the employee has established a mutual caring relationship.
Employees may be granted emergency bereavement leave if they have been in an eligible status code and in pay status for ____.
one day
___ work days of emergency bereavement leave shall be granted when authorized. Absences in addition to the ___ days emergency bereavement leave may be charged to ____. More than one period of emergency bereavement leave may be granted in a year.
Five (5) & annual leave
Emergency bereavement leave is charged to __ leave if available.
emergency bereavement leave is not charged to the first ___ hours of sick leave if a prior balance is available.
True or False?
There is no special waiting period for the use of emergency sick leave. However, since the emergency sick leave is charged to sick leave, there must be sick leave available in order to use emergency sick leave.
___ provides short-term benefits for eligible employees who are injured while performing their jobs and are unable to work.
Disability leave
Eligible injuries and disabilities are those which:
a) Are approved by the Risk Management Division of the Internal Services Department; AND
b) Occur as a result of accidents arising out of and in the actual performance of job duties.
C) Both A & B
C - Both A& B.
All on-the-job injuries must be reported to the ____ Department on both the First Report of Injury and the Supervisor’s Report of Employee Job Injury or Disease forms. Each time the employee returns to work and then loses time again due to this injury, the department must submit a Supplemental Report of Injury to Risk Management.
Risk Management Division of the Internal Services
*On the day of the injury, code “DA” should be used whether or not time is lost.
Upon approval of disability leave:
The leave code will be changed to ___?
Disability Leave:
For employees in eligible status codes for nine (9) pay periods or more, there is no waiting period. For employees in eligible status codes for less than nine (9) pay periods, there is a ___ calendar day waiting period before benefits can begin.
Disability Leave Benefits:
Benefits may be approved for a period of ___ consecutive calendar days, beginning with the first day of time lost after the day of injury. For employees with less than nine pay periods in an eligible status code, the 15-day waiting period is included in the ___-day benefit period so that benefits are actually paid for 105 days.
*If at the end of the 120-day period the employee is unable to return to work, the employee’s department shall request an extension of disability leave for a maximum of 120 calendar days additional benefits.
Disability Leave Extension requires the approval of the ___Department and the County Manager.
Risk Management Division of the Internal Services
Domestic Leave:
Employees who have been employed for ___ days and have worked for at least ___ hours during the immediately preceding ___days shall be entitled to a total of thirty (30) work days of unpaid domestic leave during any twelve (12) month period.
ninety (90) & 308
True or False:
Domestic leave may be taken in addition to the twelve (12) weeks allowed under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the Family Leave Ordinance (FLO).
An employee who has exhausted his/her applicable leave balances must be granted unpaid domestic leave up to ___ days during any twelve (12) month period.
Domestic leave shall be recorded on the payroll and attendance record (PAR) as ___ To the extent permissible by law, the confidentiality of any employee utilizing domestic leave must be maintained.
During any period when the eligible employee takes leave, the County shall maintain coverage under any group health plan for the duration of such leave at the level and under the conditions of coverage that would have been provided if the employee had continued in employment continuously for the duration of such leave. The County may recover its portion of the insurance premium for maintaining coverage for the employee during any period of unpaid leave if: a) The employee fails to return from leave after a period of leave to which the employee is entitled has expired; and
b) The employee fails to return to work for a reason other than continuance or recurrence of domestic or repeat violence or other circumstances beyond the control of the employee.
A ___ may require that a request for domestic leave be supported by certification issued by an authorized person from a health care provider, attorney of record, counselor, law enforcement agency, clergy, domestic violence advocacy agency, domestic violence center, or domestic violence shelter.
department director
Floating Holiday:
Effective November 19, 2018, all eligible non-bargaining unit employees and all other employees covered by collective bargaining agreement whose agreement explicitly provides for this benefit are eligible for ____ floating holidays each fiscal year (October 1 – September 30).
*** CBA -3 FH
Employees are eligible to use the floating holiday at any time after completion of ___ pay periods.