The selection process shall be evaluated ___ to ensure that it is effective in recruiting and selecting the best job applicants to meet departmental needs. The __ evaluation will address each step in the procedure to ensure compliance with the law.
The PMB publicizes position vacancies at
least __ working days prior to the official application filing deadline.
Any current MDPD employee who provides a written letter of reference to an applicant who is successfully hired by the Department for the position of Police Officer will be granted _ days of administrative leave (AD). Any AD days earned pursuant to the Recruitment Incentive Program must be used within __ months from the award date.
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*Employees are ineligible to receive this recruitment incentive toward the referral of any person that is related to the employee by blood or by marriage. Employees are ineligible to receive this recruitment incentive if the applicant and the employee are currently or have in the past resided together in a domestic relationship. Employees of the PMB are ineligible to participate in this incentive program.
Single usage of substances listed in Schedule I, for the purpose of experimentation, as long as the usage is not within __ years prior to the date of application.
Applicants will be disqualified if found guilty of, or have pled guilty or nolo contendere to, driving under the influence within the past __ years.
If the Police Officer applicant is approved for a conditional offer of employment, the applicant then becomes a selectee, and the file is returned to PMB for final evaluation based upon the results of part 2 of the psychological test and medical screening data. Completion of the file by PMB shall be accomplished within __ days.
If the Police Officer applicant is disapproved for employment, the file is returned to PMB. The applicant will be notified in writing, within __ calendar days of the specific reason for the decision. Disqualified applicant files will be retained for __ anniversary years after personnel action and any litigation is resolved.
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All new hires must pass their examination for alcohol and drug screening no more
than __ days prior to their first day of work.
Applicants who fail the JTA may be retested. The psychological examination may be retaken after __ year. If disqualification is based on other factors, the candidate will be advised by PMB when reapplication can be made
Employed as an MDPD Police Reserve Officer and completed at least __ eight-hour riding assignments (excluding police academy training). Employed in a full-time sworn classification by (or separated within preceding 24 months from) another police agency, in possession of a Basic Recruit Certificate of Compliance from the State of Florida or its equivalent, completed probation with a Florida law enforcement agency, and acquired at least one year of police experience.
Employees should contact PMB at least __ weeks prior to the anticipated date of return from a leave of absence. This will permit the orderly processing of necessary forms and allow the Department time to verify that the employee meets all qualifications for return to duty.
A probationary Police Officer or Police Officer trainee who takes a voluntary demotion to a lesser classified position will be required to fulfill a mandatory ____ month period of satisfactory performance while in the classification prior to reapplying for consideration as a Police Officer candidate
Police Reserve Officers:
Candidates must be at least 19 years of age at the time the application is submitted. Additionally, for retired LEO, compensation or salary shall not be paid to police reserve officers who are appointed under these circumstances, for police reserve officer duties or off-regular-duty assignments, until month __ of retirement.
To meet State minimum standards which are established by the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission, each police reserve officer trainee must complete the departmental ___-hour Field Training and Evaluation Program (FTEP) and mandatory in-service training which equal that required for full-time officers performing the same duties and responsibilities.
**Police Reserve Officers DO NOT ATTAIN PERMANENT STATUS & are subject to dismissal for infraction of departmental rules or directives.
A trainee who misses __ percent of departmentally-prescribed training, or State minimum standards training, shall be dismissed from the PROP.
The police reserve officer receives a daily and weekly evaluation after each FTEP riding assignment, and an end-of-phase evaluation at the conclusion of each __-day phase. Evaluations are prepared as enumerated in the FTEP guidelines. The FTEP is comprised of two phases consisting of __ eight-hour riding assignments.
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The total number of police reserve officers is limited to __ per district.
The contractual cities may utilize MDPD sworn law enforcement officers, certified as police reserve officers, who have met the requirements to transfer: Officers shall not exceed more than ten percent of the contractual cities’ assigned sworn law enforcement officers, to a maximum of __ police reserve officers.
Reserve P.O: Responsibilities:
Work a minimum of __ hours per month (48 hours per quarter) in the assigned position. Should the police reserve officer, during any particular month, be unable to fulfill the monthly obligation to the PROP, the officer shall be afforded the opportunity to make up the hours during the respective quarter within the calendar year. Failure to meet the quarterly obligation is considered abandonment of position.
Reserve P.O: Responsibilities:
Forward copies of all daily activity reports, including training days and special details, to the district master sergeant or unit supervisor, along with a Police Reserve Officer Time Sheet, no later than the ___ of every month.
District Coordinator:
Forward the Police Reserve Officer Monthly Summary Sheet, including copies of the reserved officers’ signed Daily Activity Reports and Police Reserve Officer Time Sheets, to the PROP Coordinator no later than the __ day of every month for the previous months’ work.
Providing a vacancy exists, inter-district transfer of police reserve officers requires approval of the PROP Coordinator and the Assistant Director, Police Services. The concerned police reserve officer must have completed at least __ months of satisfactory performance in the initial district of assignment. Detachments to a specialized element will not exceed __ months.
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The district master sergeant provides the PROP Coordinator with a roster of assigned police reserve officers. The roster is forwarded with the district work schedule not less than __ weeks prior to each shift rotation.
The ___ of Police Services is delegated responsibility for coordinating the PSA program.
Assistant Director