Chapter 30- Driving Procedures Flashcards
There are two types of emergency response:
a. Code ___ Emergency: A situation or sudden occurrence which poses an actual threat of serious injury or loss of human life and which demands swift police action; e.g., seriously ill or injured person, shooting, sexual battery, etc.
There are two types of emergency response:
Code ___ Emergency: A situation which poses a potential threat of serious injury or loss of human life which may require swift police action; e.g., assault, robbery, or burglary of an occupied structure in progress; hazardous chemical spill; toxic gas leak; serious motor vehicle crash in which the extent of injuries is unknown, etc.
Generally, only authorized recipients of a Code 3 or Code 2 signal from a dispatcher will engage in an emergency response; however, supervisors are authorized to respond in an emergency response mode on their own initiative, but must advise the ______.
Code 3 emergency calls are preceded by a tone indicator and the signal prefixed by 3. When appropriate, police officers responding to Code 3 emergency calls may exceed the posted speed limit, but not by more than ___ miles per hour.
Code 2 emergency calls are preceded by a tone indicator and the signal prefixed by 2. Police officers respond to Code 2 emergency calls in the same manner as Code 3 calls and may exceed the posted speed limit, but not by more than ___ miles per hour.
Only ____ departmental units are authorized to actively pursue: the primary pursuit unit and the support unit. Pursuits shall be conducted in strict compliance with Florida Statutes and departmental directives. Police drivers may exceed the maximum speed limit as long as life or property is not endangered.
Decision to Pursue and Determination of Maximum Safe Speed: Officers may only engage in pursuits when they have a reasonable belief that the fleeing subject has
committed or attempted to commit a felony which involves the use or ____ of _____ or violence to a person. All other pursuits are prohibited.
threat of physical force
Active Pursuit Units:
The primary pursuit unit and the support unit will be the only two police vehicles actively involved in the pursuit unless the ____ controlling the operation directs otherwise.
Air SupportUnit Responsibilities:
1. When the Air Support Unit arrives, it becomes the primary pursuit unit. Vehicular ___ pursuit and support units shall then restrict radio communications, decrease speed, and follow at a safe distance.
The Air Support Unit supervisor shall be responsible for submission of an Aviation Pursuit Report, in compliance with the Aviation Pursuit Report Instructions sheet, through the chain-of-command to the ____ Operations Division Chief, within ___ hours after the incident.
North & 72
Supervisory Responsibilities:
The supervisor of the officer initiating the pursuit shall be responsible for submission of a Vehicle Pursuit Report, in compliance with the Vehicle Pursuit Report Instructions sheet, through the chain-of-command, to the concerned division chief within ___ hours after the incident.
Major Organizational Element Responsibilities:
Supervisors of all major organizational elements will forward a monthly memorandum to the PCB Commander by the ___ of each month, via the chain-of-command, that reports the number of vehicle pursuits initiated by their respective personnel during the preceding month.
Professional Compliance Bureau Responsibilities:
The PCB will review all pursuit reports and corroborate information from Aviation Pursuit Reports, CB tapes, and other relevant documentation as required. The PCB will provide a ___report to include the element, number of pursuits, and names of personnel, to be forwarded to the concerned division chief.
The PCB will prepare an ___ documented pursuit analysis report that provides an analysis of all departmental pursuit reports written during the preceding year, and it shall include a review of the pursuit policy and reporting procedure recommendations.
Officers shall not become involved in the other agency’s pursuit unless: Involvement is specifically authorized by a ___. It is clearly demonstrated that a lone unit from the other agency is unable to request departmental assistance. It is clear that an emergency exists which dictates immediate intervention and assistance by units from MDPD.
*Informal notification by another jurisdiction of a pursuit in progress shall not be construed as a request to join the pursuit. The caller from the outside agency must be specifically asked if they are making a request for assistance or merely making a notification.
Termination of Pursuits:
The officer loses visual contact with the fleeing vehicle for an extended period of time (approximately __ seconds)
Authorization to Use: The use of the VCTM is limited to officers that have been trained in its execution and application and are assigned to:
a. Robbery Intervention Detail (RID).
b. Special Response Team (SRT).
c. Street Terror Offender Program (STOP).
***VCTM= Vehicle Containment Tactical Maneuver:
Pre-planned application: In pre-planned operations requiring the use of the VCTM, a MDPD ___ or above must be present during all operational phases.
Pre-determined application: There may be occasions where operational necessity requires that a VCTM be conducted on a pre-determined basis, for example during surveillance of an individual where an immediate apprehension is imperative for the safety of the officers and the community. In these situations, a VCTM may be conducted on the orders of a MDPD ___ or above, if the properly trained personnel and equipment needed to proceed safely, are available
Tire Deflation Devices:
Supervisory Responsibilities: Utilization and deployment of tire deflation devices and the response between all involved officers will be coordinated and controlled by a supervisor with the rank of ___ or above.
Tire Deflation Devices/ Prohibitions:
Will not, unless the use of deadly force is justified, deploy tire deflation devices to terminate the pursuit of:
(a) Any two-wheel vehicle.
(b) Any tractor-trailer combination vehicle.
(c) Any vehicle transporting hazardous materials. (d) Any large capacity passenger vehicle such as a bus, if the vehicle contains occupants other than the fleeing subject
Tire Deflation Devices:
Upon receiving a request from an outside agency, a supervisor with the rank of ___ or above will evaluate the totality of the circumstances for compliance with
departmental policy and guidelines prior to authorizing deployment of tire deflation devices.
Tire Deflation Devices/Reports:
The concerned supervisor will report the deployment of a tire deflation device in a Supervisor’s Report of Response to Resistance and in a ____.
Vehicle Pursuit Report
Tire deflation devises will be inspected how often?