Training sponsored by MDPD, the Miami-Dade School of Justice and Safety Administration, the Miami Police Department, the Florida Keys Community College, or law enforcement agencies within the geographical area between, and inclusive of, West Palm Beach and Marathon Key, where there is no cost to the Department.1. Request Procedures: The applicant prepares an MDPSTIRC-24 according to instructions and submits it through the appropriate chain-of command to the MDPSTIRC __ days prior to the event.
Seminars, Programs, and Conferences:
Authorization to attend is requested as follows: The applicant submits a memorandum through the chain-of-command to the MDPSTIRC a minimum of __ days prior to the conference or retraining session.
Students who cancel within __ hours of scheduled training shall immediately telephone the assigned training coordinator advising of the cancellation and shall send a detailed memorandum to their major organizational element commander, via chain-of-command, with a copy to the next higher supervisor; i.e., a division chief, an assistant director, Deputy Director or the Director, as appropriate.
Attendance Requirements for In-Service Training Programs: Departmentwide In-Service Training: The student may not miss more than ___ in an eight-hour work day for a legitimate reason. If other commitments conflict with training, the student will be advised to reschedule the training. The student must complete all other course requirements to receive credit for the training day.
Action Memorandum:
The concerned division chief or supervisor of elements reporting to the Director, Deputy Director, or an assistant director, must submit an action memorandum to the Director at least __ days prior to a conference or program proposing departmental involvement and endorsement.
The FTEP Coordinator will prepare a
___ field training and evaluation report, identifying and analyzing the causes for the resignation or termination of trainees.
Each station should maintain a list at all times of those applicants who have been interviewed and are acceptable for potential vacancies. The results of the oral interview and past performance are taken into consideration for acceptance to potential vacancies. This applies to initial applicants or certified personnel who have not served on a training squad for more than ___.
Active FTOs are required to attend one Executive Developmental Institute (EDI) course at the supervisory management level when available, or an FTEP approved course offered by the MDPSTIRC, to maintain annual recertification. Field training personnel not assigned to a field training squad must assess ___ BLE practicums per calendar year to maintain certification.
three eight-hour
After graduation from BLE training at the MDPSTIRC, the newly appointed PPOs are assigned to a shift in one of the districts to begin a ___ week, six phase, training and evaluation schedule as outlined in the Basic Structure. The first four phases consist of intensified field training and evaluation, and comprise the first seventeen (17) weeks of the FTEP in the field. During this time the PPO is supervised, trained, and evaluated daily by an FTO. The remaining two (2) phases cover thirty-five (35) weeks and involve special training and evaluations as depicted. The PPO is functioning alone during this time, except as described below. For the purpose of this chapter and part, a week shall be defined as a 40-hour work week.
fifty-two (52)
PROs will complete two ___-day training and evaluation phases with an FTO. Upon successful completion of these phases, the PRO will have completed the FTEP and may then be assigned to ride with any uniformed officer.
To ensure that departmental elements are afforded the opportunity to communicate their training needs, the ____, comprised of representatives of major departmental components, is established to review, evaluate, and offer recommendations relative to the Department’s training programs and more.
Valid Training Days and Weeks:
To be credited for a valid training day, the PPO must be under the direct supervision of a certified FTO. To complete the FTEP, a PPO must complete __ valid training weeks and ___ valid evaluation weeks. If the PPO must ride with an officer who is not an FTO, the PPO will not be credited with a valid training day.
12 & 4
Any absence in excess of __ calendar days, including light-duty, is cause for the district major/commander to contact the concerned division chief to discuss the necessity of reclassifying the PPO to POT until the PPO returns to his regular assignment.
PPOs, including lateral entry and former officers, will not work off-regular-duty police service jobs until satisfactory completion of Phase __.
A waiver of the End of Phase Assessment meeting at the end of Phase ___ should be carefully discussed. This is considered the most critical point in the PPO’s training, as a decision must be made as to whether the PPO is progressing at a rate that would indicate successful completion of Phase ___ and of the FTEP.
two & three
Rephasing during the FTEP, if necessary, should be done in Phase ____ if any doubt exists about the PPO’s progress. A rephase in phase ____ is still an option if criteria warrant such action; however, it should only occur in extraordinary circumstances.
2 & 3
Requests to conduct formal training programs shall be submitted to the MDPSTIRC at least ___ weeks prior to the course presentation. Courses that will require funding shall be submitted to the MDPSTIRC at least ___ months prior to their presentation.
8 & 6
The tuition refund program is designed to reimburse __ percent of tuition cost for any job-related training course or degree program. Requests to participate in the program will be coordinated by the MDPD Director.
A training coordinator will be assigned for the following:
1. Training programs, organized by a departmental element, which are at least ___ hours in duration, and for which mandatory retraining hours could be requested. 2. Intra- or interdepartmental training provided or coordinated by a specialized departmental element; e.g., Special Response Team or Bomb Squad. 3. Training, conducted by departmental elements that provides certification or recertification; e.g. First Responder, or side handle or expandable police batons.
four (4)
Tuition Refund Program- Eligibility:
All full-time career employees who have completed __ pay periods and who have an overall performance evaluation of Satisfactory or higher during the rating period prior to the beginning of class.
Tuition Refund Program- Qualifications:
: All employees who take approved coursework and achieve a grade of __ or higher, which is acceptable by the school as a passing grade, will be entitled to a reimbursement of 50 percent of tuition cost upon completion of the course. A certificate of Passing, Satisfactory, or Completed will be accepted for courses where no letter grade is given.
An authorization for Educational Institution to Disclose Financial and Course Information Form, must be submitted by the student to the educational institution at the end of each semester. The completed form, along with the grades and invoice, must be mailed to the Tuition Reimbursement Coordinator (TRC) by the educational institution within ___ days of posting grades.
Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) - 40-hour course dealing with recognition and responses to mental health disorders, depression, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This training incorporates two hours of educational training related to mental health awareness, prevention, mitigation and treatment for officers including Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. This training is mandatory for all sworn officers holding a position up to and including __. No recertification is required.
_____ is: The MDPSTIRC, Field Training Unit Supervisor coordinates the FTEP for the entire Department. ____ has overall responsibility for administration and maintenance of the program. He or she continuously monitors the program to identify problem areas and implements any necessary modifications.
Field Training and Evaluation Program (FTEP) Coordinator
True or False?
FTOs receive specialized training in instructional and supervisory techniques. FTOs will train trainees within the philosophy and objectives of the FTEP. Under NO circumstances will a PPO function as an FTO.
True or False?
Emergency Staffing: In cases of operational necessity, non-FTO certified personnel may be temporarily assigned to a field training squad with the approval of the concerned district major/commander. Temporarily assigned personnel will perform normal road unit assignments and will not train, or provide direction to, trainees until FTO certification is attained.
Termination of FTO status occurs when an FTO promotes to any rank above corporal and or transfers to a non-uniformed assignment outside of a district station in excess of ___ years.
Can probationary sergeant be assigned to a district FTO squad?
Yes, at the discretion of the major/commander and if:
1. They were promoted while actively serving on an FTO squad
2. There are no other qualified candidates in the district
3. They have been a certified FTO in excess of a year
is FTS attendance at annual recertification training sessions is mandatory?
Yes! Reasons for failure to attend scheduled training will be explained in a memorandum to the respective district coordinator with a copy to the FTEP Coordinator. Failure to attend training may cause the FTS to be removed from the program.
FTOs will not adjust schedules, except in cases of emergency or hardship, and are encouraged not to use compensatory time off, or annual leave while assigned a PPO. Utilization of an FTO as an acting supervisor when not assigned a PPO is left to the discretion of the respective major/commander. FTOs and corporals will not simultaneously act in the capacity of FTO and acting supervisor.
After graduation from BLE training at the MDPSTIRC, the newly appointed PPOs are assigned to a shift in one of the districts to begin a ___ week, six phase, training and evaluation.
fifty-two (52
During the last week of Phase __, a decision must be made whether or not to pass the PPO on to Phase ___. This is a critical point in the PPO’s training and the responsibility for this decision
does not rest with the FTO alone. It is important that the FTS and District Field Training Coordinator also participate in the decision by reviewing the PPO’s progress at this point; not only
through discussions with the FTO, but also by a thorough review of the PPO’s file to ensure that the documentation is complete, consistent, and that all weaknesses as noted verbally by the FTO are documented in writing as well.
Two & Three
*In no instance should the PPO who is marginal in Phase Two be passed on to Phase Three with the idea that if it is not successful, the PPO can be rephased in Phase Three.
Phase Five is __ weeks in duration and is completed in conjunction with the six-month evaluation, including a possible merit increase.
eight (8)
There are two types of remedial training: one is most common, spending a few extra minutes explaining or demonstrating a skill or task to a PPO. If several attempts at this type of remedial training fail to alleviate the problem, more intensive methods are necessary. It should be noted at this point that if the PPO is not responding to these normal training techniques, the weak areas should be marked ____ on the Daily Evaluation filled out by the FTO. The second type of remedial training is a prescribed remedial training plan which must be devised and put into writing in the form of a memorandum.
NRT (not responding to training)
PPOs will always be told when a training situation is a mock situation; PPOs will never be “set up.” b. Loaded weapons will never be used in a training scenario, nor will officers unload duty weapons in the field to conduct training scenarios. c. FTOs will not attempt to agitate or anger individuals for the purpose of seeing how PPOs deal with conflict. d. Handcuffed prisoners will never be released in order to see how the PPO would handle a physical confrontation or for any reason other than a legitimate one, as per departmental policy.
FTEP/ Additional Training Phase:
At the end of Phases Two, Three, and Four, the PPO’s progress and performance should be commensurate with that phase; however, rephasing allows the Department to make full use of the probationary period by tailoring specific training needs for PPOs requiring specialized attention. If the PPO has not attained the expected level of progress and/or performance at the end of Phases Two, Three, or Four, the training period may be extended for a period of ___.
1. There is a specific, identifiable problem. 2. During the previous training phases, the PPO has shown progress in this area. 3. There is a specific remedial training plan to correct the problem (see Paragraph E, Remedial
Training). 4. It is reasonable to believe that the remedial training plan should correct the problem within the
period of four weeks
Resignation/Termination: When a PPO resigns or is terminated, copies of the Advice of Personnel Action Form and resignation, if applicable, are sent to the FTEP Coordinator. The PPO’s complete file of evaluations is sent to the FTEP Coordinator within ___days of the resignation or final approval of termination.
A request to schedule a Review Board is made by FTOs and FTSs when the PPO’s progress and/or performance appears to be in need of special or remedial training, discipline, or, as a last resort, to recommend termination. 2. When a PPO is not performing to the expected level in a particular phase, and training must be extended in that phase, a Request for Additional Training Phase must be completed and forwarded to the District Field Training Coordinator. If the PPO is failing to perform overall, a Request for Termination is submitted to the District Field Training Coordinator. In both cases, a Review Board is mandatory. The following are considered non-voting members.
a. District major/commander or designee. The designee should be the district captain or the administrative Lt.
b. Platoon lieutenant (observer/advisor).
c. Psychological Services Section Supervisor or designee. Their input and participation at each point in the decision making process of those PPOs having difficulty is essential.
d. A representative from the MDPSTIRC, Basic Training
***The PPO should not be present during deliberations unless requested by the Board. The PPO may address the Board prior to a vote being taken.
Tuition Refund Program/Obligated Term of County Service: All employees receiving reimbursement under this program will be obligated to remain in the employ of the County for a minimum of one __ following completion of the coursework. Employees terminating from County service prior to the expiration of this period shall reimburse the County for refunds received during the final year of employment through deductions from their final payroll check.
Notification of Review Board Meetings:
1. Scheduling: All parties involved with the Review Board will be contacted at least __ calendar days in advance of the meeting to schedule a mutually convenient date and time.
Managing encounters with the mentally ill is an online training that is mandatory and requires recertification every ___ years.
True or False?
- POT’s are not paid for working holidays; therefore, if a holiday falls during the POT’s riding assignment, he will be given that day off.
- Disciplinary action to be taken against a POT during his/her one week riding assignment will be done at the district level as necessary.