Inspection of the normal vehicular operating fluids shall be conducted at least __ by authorized Miami-Dade County maintenance employees or the assigned vehicle driver.
once a week
*The replenishing of fluids by the assigned driver outside of Miami-Dade County facilities shall be done only in emergency situations
Speedometer calibration certificates for marked police vehicles will be kept in the vehicle and are the assigned officer’s responsibility. A file for the calibration certificates will be maintained in the glove box or saddlebags of the vehicle and is considered mandatory equipment. Supervisors will ensure compliance and validity when conducting vehicle
inspections. Certificates will be kept on file for at least __ years after the expiration date
Window Tinting:
Personnel will also have the option, for an additional cost, to have a tint strip applied to the front windshield no more than __ inches in width.
Window Tinting/Marked County Vehicle
Tinting must be scheduled and should not be conducted on County time, unless authorized by a District Major or designee.
The window tinting will be authorized at __% film opacity.
Window Tinting/Unmarked County Vehicle
The window tinting will be authorized at __% opacity for all windows, except the front windshield tint strip. The front windshield tint strip will be authorized at 35% film opacity.
Employees who are assigned to light duty or are on leave for a period of __ hours or more will have PPVP privileges temporarily withdrawn for the duration of the event.
Except for instances of light duty or leave, recommendations for withdrawal of PPVP privileges will be made by the concerned bureau or district commander to the appropriate __ for approval. Elements not reporting to a division chief will have the approval of the concerned assistant director or the Director.
division chief
Following are guidelines to be considered when withdrawal of privileges is appropriate:
- Formal Counseling ___ Working Days
- Written Reprimand __ Working Days
- Suspension __ Working Days
- Additional Suspensions ___
- 1-5
- 6-20
- 21-45
- One Calendar Year
Disposition of vehicle upon withdrawal of PPVP privileges:
If the employee has been placed on light duty or authorized leave for a period of 40 hours or more, or if privileges are otherwise withdrawn for a period of __ days or less, the unit of assignment shall retain the vehicle in a secure location to prevent unauthorized use.
The concerned unit of assignment shall ensure that the vehicle is turned in to the FMB if PPVP privileges are withdrawn, having two or more preventable accidents during the preceding 24 months, or having privileges withdrawn when suspended for a period of more than __ days.
Reinstatement of Privileges:
Recommendations for reinstatement of PPVP privileges will be made in action memorandum format by the concerned bureau or district commander to the appropriate __ for approval.
division chief
*Elements not reporting to a division chief will forward recommendations to the concerned assistant director or the Director. Upon approval, a copy of the memorandum must be sent to the FMB for implementation
Off-Duty Intervention:
Actual overtime compensation will only be authorized for __ minutes or more. All overtime compensation must be approved by a departmental supervisor during such self-initiated action. Employees will only be compensated for the actual time expended, i.e., hour for hour, which will be rounded off to the nearest quarter-hour
The Director may authorize the use of County vehicles for temporary twenty-four hour use, but in no instance shall the assignment exceed __ working days per month.
Exchange or replacement of leased vehicles must be approved by the ____.
Disabled Leased Vehicle:
If a leased vehicle becomes disabled, the replacement procedures outlined above apply. If this occurs during non-regular business hours/days: The vehicle operator may make the vehicle exchange by contacting the leasing company for road service or towing. County wreckers are not authorized to service leased vehicles
*A memorandum reporting the exchange, and a copy of the lease agreement must be sent to the FMB on the next regular work day.
Each major organizational element shall maintain an updated inventory of assigned vehicles. The Monthly Vehicle Report, prepared as indicated below, shall be submitted by memorandum through the chain-of-command to the concerned assistant director by when? Offices not subordinate to an assistant director shall submit the Report to the Director.
the first working day of each month.
The __ will maintain vehicle information for each vehicle assigned a confidential license plate.
*When advised that an inquiry has been made through the Florida Crime Information Center concerning a confidential license plate, the FMB will notify PCB and provide information concerning the inquiry. PCB will be responsible for the follow-up investigation concerning the inquiry.
Emergency Refueling:
An employee may be given __ gallons of fuel in an emergency situation through an authorized representative at Internal Services Department fuel site when a County vehicle is out of gas and there is no fuel authorization card or when an employee is unable to obtain gas due to a card error or system problem.
The ___ major shall coordinate parking space assignments and update concerned employees by memorandum as required. Approval of the Director is required for assignment of RED spaces
Warrants Bureau (WB)
*The WB is responsible for enforcing parking regulations within the Headquarters Complex. Parking violations will be reported to the WB. Appropriate administrative action will be taken against departmental employees failing to comply with parking regulations contained in this part
The Causeway Card is issued to individuals operating unmarked vehicles that have official business requiring passage over the Rickenbacker or Venetian Causeways on a recurring basis. Issue of a Causeway Card may be approved only by ___?
An assistant director or the Director.
An action memorandum containing a recommendation and background information with a copy of the case report attached will be submitted to the appropriate division chief or supervisor of an element reporting to an assistant director or the Director within _ hours of the incident.
Parking and Tolls: Actual expenditures for parking and tolls for each trip. Receipts are required for expenditures of __ cents and greater. The receipts must be secured to an eight and one-half by eleven inch sheet of paper and attached to the form.
For crashes involving MDPD vehicles from more than one unit:
The ___ will serve as the chairperson; one member from each unit with a higher classification than that of their respective driver; and one member from each unit with equal classification of their respective driver.
Departmental Safety Officer
SUPERVISORY INVESTIGATION/Reporting Investigation Results:
The results of the investigation will be reported by memorandum from the concerned commander to the concerned division chief or assistant director, or the Director, as appropriate, within __ working days of the crash.
Reporting Panel Findings and Supervisory Action:
Within __ days of the panel hearing, the affected commander/supervisor shall submit his findings utilizing the Crash Review and Supervisory Action memorandum. Attendance at the Driver Improvement Program (DIP) is mandatory when an employee has an on-duty preventable crash and has not attended the DIP during the calendar year in which the crash occurred. Remedial action and recommendations for implementation of corrective measures must be included and sent through the chain-of-command to:
The concerned division chief for personnel assigned to divisions The concerned assistant director, or Director for personnel assigned to those offices.
Within __ days of occurrence, the affected commander/supervisor shall prepare an Administrative Crash Review memorandum and submit through his chain-of-command.
When an Administrative Crash Review is conducted in lieu of review by a Crash Review Panel, the Crash Review and Supervisory Action memorandum shall not be completed. The Crash Review and Supervisory Action memorandum will be completed when the Crash Review Panel is utilized.
Departmental vehicles will not be modified or altered in any manner without approval of the ____.
Chief Financial Officer
Vehicles will be inspected __ for equipment, cleanliness, proper maintenance, and the existence of any unauthorized equipment.
True or False:
Officers are prohibited from transporting homeless individuals to locations other than the Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust, in situations where the individual is not in police custody for a crime or being taken into protective custody under the Baker Act. Under exigent circumstances and with supervisory approval, officers are authorized to transport homeless persons, who are in need and request assistance, to the Homeless Trust receiving facility located at 28500 SW 125 Avenue.
The __ has the authority to determine the eligibility of personnel in the program and the assignment and retraction of vehicles in the PPVP. The FMB shall obtain proof of eligibility for use by the Director in making the determination.
Employees assigned a PPV are permitted to travel within the geographical boundaries of Miami-Dade, Broward, ____ and ___ Counties.
Monroe & Collier
*Officers that do not reside in Miami-Dade County are limited to the geographical boundaries of Miami-Dade County, except that portal-to-portal commuting will be permitted to Broward, Monroe and Collier Counties.
Loss of PPVP Privilege:
PPVP privileges will be withdrawn upon occurrence of ___ or more preventable crashes in a 24-month period, and shall not be reinstated until sufficient time has elapsed that there is no more than one such crash on record in the 24-month period preceding reinstatement.
Pool vehicles shall be inspected ___, and the inspection recorded in the same manner prescribed for personally assigned vehicles.
Vehicles Assigned to Captains and Lieutenants:
General guidelines for operation outlined in this Section apply, except that the assigned vehicle is authorized for personal use only in Miami-Dade and ___ Counties.
Unmarked vehicles assigned to sworn personnel will carry, as a minimum, a fire extinguisher and __ kit in the vehicle trunk unless an undercover operation could be compromised by the equipment.
first aid
All hostage negotiators shall utilize a __ vehicle when responding to scenes. A negotiator without an assigned vehicle shall obtain one from the district station which best facilitates a response to the scene. Under no circumstances will a negotiator respond to a scene in a privately owned vehicle. District commanders will instruct desk personnel to make a pool vehicle immediately available for hostage negotiators. Supervisory approval to issue the vehicle is not required.
HQ Reserved Parking:
Reserved parking spaces are marked in red, yellow, or yellow and black on the curb or bumper stop as indicated below:
1.____ color curb marking is for: Command staff with offices in the Headquarters Building and other personnel with Director’s approval.
- ____ color curb marking is for: County owned or leased pool vehicles of specific activities, e.g., Property and Evidence Warehouse, Vehicle Maintenance Facility, background investigators. District majors, bureau commanders, and captains may park in any available ___ spaces when visiting the Headquarters Building.
A Crash Review Panel will review crashes which involve Miami-Dade County vehicles within __ days of occurrence, unless extenuating circumstances necessitate an extension. Following such review, the Crash Review Panel will submit a report concerning its findings to the affected commander/supervisor. Elements reporting to the Director or an assistant director shall provide their findings to those offices.
Suggestions for modifications to the entire vehicle fleet, e.g., equipment change or modification that could enhance officer safety, provide a cost savings, or enable the Department to improve delivery of service to the community, will be forwarded via the employee’s chain-of-command to the ____ for review.
Chief Financial Officer
***Departmental vehicles will not be modified or altered in any manner without approval of the CFO.
Lost/stolen license plates or decals require a police report to be prepared. A copy of the police report and an action memorandum requesting another license plate or decal will be forwarded through the chain-of-command to the ______. Replacement plates/decals will be issued by the _____.
Chief Financial Officer & FMB.