Chapter 26- Juveniles Flashcards
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act: The JJDPA provides definitions for secure juvenile detention and correctional facilities, as well as staff secure facilities. Thus, the JJDPA requires monitoring of agencies to determine if and when a juvenile is being held in secure or non-secure custody. As part of this monitoring, all districts/bureaus that take juveniles into custody will generate a monthly statistical report of juveniles taken into secure or non-secure custody. This report is due to the ___ Administrative Section on the ___ day of each month.
- Professional Compliance Bureau (PCB)
- last
Officers taking a juvenile between the ages of 7 and 12 into custody for committing a misdemeanor or nonviolent felony, must first contact the JSD Shift Commander. The JSD will consult with the State Attorney’s Office to determine if there are any alternatives to arrest. Within a reasonable period of time, but not exceeding ___ minutes, the JSD and SAO will make a decision as to the best course of action and the officer will be advised. Taking a child under the age of __ into custody is prohibited unless the child commits a forcible felony.
30 & 7
Juveniles taken into custody for a criminal violation must be provided with a detention hearing within ___hours. Failure to hold a hearing within ___ hours may lead to a child being released from custody regardless of the seriousness of the crime.
An officer who has a juvenile in custody for a felony must complete an Offense-Incident Report and Complaint/Arrest Affidavit. If known, include the name of the school that the juvenile attends. If the juvenile attends the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind, a university developmental research school, or a private elementary or secondary school, notification must be made to the appropriate institution. The juvenile must then be transported to the JSD for processing.
Misdemeanor traffic:
True or False?
Juveniles arrested for misdemeanor traffic criminal offenses are not accepted at the JSD. The only exception is a juvenile arrested for the traffic offense of Driving Under the Influence. The juvenile will be accepted at the JSD after the juvenile has been seen at a medical facility and a medical letter of clearance has been provided.
The JSD will only accept juveniles with dependency pickup orders that specifically order or state ____.
“Court Ordered to Secure Detention.”
Prostitution-related crimes: If a juvenile is suspected of being involved in a prostitution-related crime, immediately contact the Organized Crime Section of the ___ Bureau via the Communications and Technology Services Bureau (CTSB) Shift Commander.
Fire rescue will be requested to respond for juveniles in custody suffering an immediate medical emergency. If the juvenile is cleared by fire rescue, but rescue recommends immediate treatment, the officer must document the clearance on the Offense-Incident Report and Complaint/Arrest Affidavit by including the statement “___________.”
“Fire Rescue Advised Further Medical Attention is Necessary.”
*The JSD will not accept juveniles with any injury, regardless of cause
Juveniles are not eligible to receive a juvenile civil citation if the misdemeanor involves possession or use of a firearm; exposure of sexual organs or other sexual-related behavior, e.g., prostitution, lewd and lascivious behavior; relates to gang activity. Graffiti and criminal mischief cases are eligible, but require 40 hours of community service and restitution to the victim. Additionally, juveniles who have committed felonies, or
misdemeanors for the ___ time, are not eligible for the Civil Citation Initiative (CCI) and must be given an arrest affidavit. Participation in the CCI for eligible juveniles is voluntary.
When the officer issues a Juvenile Civil Citation Form on the scene, the form should be completed using the following procedures: Officers must call the JSD, Intake and Screening Unit to verify the juvenile’s eligibility. If the juvenile is eligible, the Intake and Screening Unit will provide the officer with the hearing date in accordance with the ___-day court calendar, for entry on the Release Agreement.
*Positively identify juvenile using Florida Identification Card, Driver’s License, School
Identification with Photograph, and/or the juvenile’s parents.
MDC Juvenile Curfew Ordinance:
It shall be unlawful and a violation for any person under the age of 17 years to linger, stay, congregate, move about, wander, or stroll in any public or semi-public place in Miami-Dade County, either on foot or in or
upon any conveyance or vehicle being driven or parked thereon, during curfew hours. The curfew hours are Sunday through Thursday evenings from ___ p.m. until ___ a.m. the following morning; and Friday and Saturday evenings from 12:00 midnight until ___ a.m. the following morning.
- 11:00 & 6:00
- 12:00 midnight & 6:00 a.m.
***There are numerous exceptions to this ordinance. Please familiarize yourselves.
The Assistant State Attorney has authority to file any information if a juvenile was __ through ___ years of age at the time of the offense and if the public interest requires that adult sanctions be considered. Criteria warranting this decision include seriousness of the offense and past record of the juvenile. Officers should
include relevant facts and circumstances in the Offense-Incident Report and the Complaint/Arrest Affidavit upon which such a determination can be made.
Juvenile in Detention Facility:
An officer who desires to remove a juvenile from the Department of Juvenile Justice for the purpose of an on-location investigation will:
- Receive prior approval from the concerned unit commander or designee,
- Contact the Assistant State Attorney assigned to the particular juvenile and request appropriate court action permitting the juvenile to be released, 3. Ensure that two officers accompany the juvenile while on-location and at line-ups and that the juvenile is provided proper security and care, and 4. Return juvenile to Department of Juvenile Justice within ___ hours or the period specified by court
Criminal Gang:
An ongoing organization, association, or group of ___ or more persons, whether formal or informal, which meets both of the following criteria: 1. Has a common name or common identifying signs, colors, or symbols. 2. Has members or associates who individually or collectively engage in or have engaged in criminal activities.
Gangs: Concerned elements/investigators will forward gang-related information to HSVTF within ___ hours.
A juvenile offender who has been charged with or adjudicated for conduct which would not, under the law of the jurisdiction in which the offense was committed, be a crime if committed by an adult is considered to be a ______.
Status Offender
The processing or presence of a juvenile in police custody/facility for purposes other than criminal charges being brought against them defines ______.
Non-Delinquent Youth
_____ is a condition under which a juvenile’s freedom is controlled by MDPD personnel.
Non-Secure Custody
- Shall be held in an unlocked, multipurpose area designed for administrative use, e.g., report writing room or an office; 2. Can be handcuffed, but not to a stationary object; 3. Will be held only long enough to complete identification, investigation, and processing and then released to a parent, guardian, legal custodian, or responsible adult, or transferred to a juvenile facility or court; and 4. Will be under continuous visual supervision until released.
JJDPA Core Requirements/Sight and Sound Separation:
Accused/Adjudicated delinquent offenders, status offenders, and non-offenders shall not have contact with ____ inmates or inmate trustees. Contact is defined to include any physical or sustained
sight or sound. Also, the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice policy prohibits the processing or placing of a non-delinquent youth in the same area as a delinquent youth. The JJDPA limits this prohibition to secure areas only.
A situation in which a parent, legal custodian, or responsible care giver, who, while being able, makes no provision for the child’s support and makes no effort to communicate with the child. If a parent’s efforts to support and communicate with the child are, in the opinion of the court, only marginal efforts that do not
demonstrate a settled purpose to assume all parental duties, the court may declare the child to be ______.
Abandoned Child
Juveniles taken into custody for dependency pickup orders only shall be transported to ______.
Juveniles taken into custody for dependency pickup orders only shall be transported to the Florida Department of Children and Families, 401 N.W. 2 Avenue, SOUTH Tower.
Non-delinquent, Ungovernable, and Dependent:
Contact the Florida Department of Children and Families via the Abuse Registry Hotline at telephone number 1-800-962-2873 (1-800-96-ABUSE) for juveniles who are nondelinquent, ungovernable, or dependent. Copies of Offense-Incident Reports pertaining to dependency must be forwarded to the Florida Department of Children and Families within ____ hours
If a juvenile is in investigative custody __ hours after the time of arrest, officers must notify the JSD. This applies to misdemeanors, felonies, pick-up orders, etc. The JSD 24-hour contact number for booking is 305-755-6130. Be advised that the JSD requires a minimum of six hours to complete their risk assessment and transport a juvenile to a detention hearing.
True or False?
When writing arrest affidavits on referrals where juveniles are not actually being taken into custody, officers are not required to enter an arrest date and time. Instead, officers are required to note “Referral” on the arrest affidavit.
True or False?
Juveniles admitted to a medical or mental health facility are not excluded from the 24-hour detention hearing requirement. The officer should leave a copy of the Arrest Affidavit at the hospital with the juvenile who will remain under security. The original Arrest Affidavit must be brought to the JSD as soon as possible for processing by a Police Records Technician and then taken to the JSD (second floor), State Attorney’s Office, and Juvenile Division.
Warrants: Officers arresting juveniles with outstanding Alias-Capias, Capias, or Probation Warrants that have been bound over for Circuit Court, MUST verify with the JSD that the juvenile has been ____ as an adult prior to transporting the juvenile to an adult correctional facility.
Juveniles arrested for some Miami-Dade County ordinances considered misdemeanors will be accepted by the JSD. The arresting officer should consult with the JSD to determine if the juvenile will be accepted for a particular penal ordinance violation. The following are some of the penal ordinance violations for which the juvenile can be transported to the JSD:
(1) Consumption of alcohol or possession of open containers of alcohol prohibited in motor vehicles (Miami-Dade County Code 30-210.1)
(2) False alarms and reports (Miami-Dade County Code 21-24)
(3) False statements with intent to receive benefit (Miami-Dade County Code 21-24.1)
(4) Graffiti (Miami-Dade County Code 21-30.01)
(5) Parks (after hours) (Miami-Dade County Code 26-1, Rule 13(a))
A juvenile cited for a violation of state traffic laws may be:
- Allowed to sign the citation and released. 2. Held in nonsecure custody for the purpose of identification and notification, and released to a parent,
guardian, or legal custodian.
The juvenile may be taken to a police facility and held separate from adults, not behind bars, and for not more than ___ hours. No regular sight and sound contact between the child and adult inmates, or trustees is permitted.
Prior to releasing the child to a responsible adult, other than the parent, guardian, or legal custodian, the person taking the child into custody may conduct a criminal history background check of the person to whom the child is to be released. If the person has a prior felony CONVICTION, or a conviction for child abuse, drug trafficking, or ____, that person is not a responsible adult for the purposes of this section.
Grand Jury Indictment:
Juveniles will be transported by ___ Bureau personnel to an adult facility for criminal processing if the crime is punishable by death or by life imprisonment.
Upon reason to believe that a child has run away from the parent, guardian, or legal custodian, the child may be taken into custody to be delivered without unreasonable delay to the parent or legal guardian. If unable to make contact with the parent, guardian, or legal custodian, contact an authorized agent of the Florida Department of Children and Families for the purpose of seeking a shelter home.
- If the child is a local runaway, an effort will be made to return the child to the parent, guardian, or legal custodian.
- If the parent, guardian, or legal custodian cannot be contacted or the child is a non local runaway, the child shall be placed in a ______.
temporary shelter
Since the legislative intent of this statute is to keep children in school, police enforcement necessitates the identification of children strictly by ___. If an officer has reasonable suspicion to believe a child is of school age and is truant from school, the officer may stop and question the child. Accordingly, it is
necessary that an officer observe that a child appears to be of school age, that it is a school day, and that the observation occurs at a time when schools are in session.
True or False?
The search incident to arrest exception to the warrant requirement does apply to taking a truant child into custody.
because truancy is not a crime and is not an arrest. However, if there is reasonable suspicion that the truant is carrying a dangerous weapon, the truant should be frisked for weapons prior to being delivered to the appropriate school system site. If the frisk produces evidence leading to a conclusion that there is probable cause for arrest, then the procedures for juvenile arrest should be followed.
Court Order:
Any outstanding juvenile pick-up order or dependency order will be verified by contacting the Warrants Bureau.
For “Non-delinquent, Ungovernable, and Dependent” court orders: Contact _____ for juveniles who are nondelinquent, ungovernable, or dependent. Copies of Offense-Incident Reports pertaining to dependency must be forwarded to the ____ within ___ hours.
Florida Department of Children and Families & 72.
The JSD will not accept juveniles with any injury, regardless of cause: that affects the juvenile’s ability to focus or open their eyelids, or causes an extreme bloodshot appearance to the eyes; that results in the loss or loosening of a tooth, or any mouth injury which prevents a youth from speaking clearly, and which continues to bleed after first aide is applied; that results in severe complaints of pain, broken bones, head or chest injuries; or an injury resulting in wounds that are actively bleeding. Additionally, youths will not be accepted: with conditions which require medicine for treatment; who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol (BAC level greater than ___); who have sustained animal or human bites; or who are in severe pain or are having difficulty breathing. The ultimate decision whether or not a youth will be accepted without a medical clearance will be made by the JSD Shift Commander
Juvenile Civil Citations provide officers with an alternative to arresting a juvenile charged with certain enumerated misdemeanors if they meet the following criteria:
- First-time misdemeanor offender.
- Second-time misdemeanor offender as long as first misdemeanor case was closed, and the juvenile is not presently under the supervision of the Department of Juvenile Justice or any other diversionary program.
*juveniles who have committed felonies, or
misdemeanors for the third time, are not eligible for the Civil Citation Initiative (CCI) and must be given an arrest affidavit. Participation in the CCI for eligible juveniles is voluntary
Regarding Juvenile Civil Citations:
A Supervisor must review and initial all documents for accuracy.
Bring all documents (Juvenile Civil Citation Form, Release Agreement, Complaint/Arrest Affidavit)
to station and facsimile to Juvenile Services Referral Reduction Coordinator at (305) 755-6301.
Telephone the Referral Reduction Coordinator at (305) 755-6239 and leave a message that the package was faxed along with the officer’s name and contact telephone number.
Forward the documents to the JSD within ___ hours via courier or interoffice mail.
If the officer chooses to transport the juvenile to the JSD and a decision is made to issue a juvenile civil citation, CCI’s related paperwork, can be prepared at the JSD. The arrest affidavit must be completed prior to arriving at the JSD
The district Crime Analysis
Unit shall mail the ___ copy of the Complaint/Arrest Affidavit to the parent, guardian, or legal custodian of the referred juvenile.
True or False?
When enforcing the Juvenile Curfew Ordinance, complete only the Miami-Dade County Juvenile Curfew Violation form; completion of the Offense-Incident Report is not necessary. The completion of a Juvenile Curfew Violation form qualifies as a report, and the dispatcher will be advised that a report is written in each of these cases.
*A separate Juvenile Curfew Violation form with its own case number will be prepared for each juvenile in violation of the ordinance, even if it’s the same incident, e.g., if four juveniles are taken into custody on a curfew violation, a Juvenile Curfew Violation form, and a separate case number is required for each juvenile.
When a detention for curfew violation occurs at a business establishment, the owner/operator will be cited on a Complaint/Arrest Affidavit using a separate case number. The printed words “Complaint/Arrest Affidavit” must be crossed out by the officer and the words “Juvenile Curfew Violation” will be written on the top of each Complaint/Arrest Affidavit prepared for this purpose.
District Crime Analysis Units will enter the Juvenile Curfew Violations into the Crime Analysis System and maintain the original violation forms. Copies of all the Juvenile Curfew Violation forms will be electronically transmitted to the JSD, at, each __ morning. The CAU will maintain transmittal logs
Interrogation must take place in a ____ atmosphere; e.g., if in a police facility, uniformed officers, weapons, holding cells, police radios, and excessive numbers of police personnel shall not be
visible. Officers will explain departmental and juvenile justice system procedures to juveniles being interrogated. Interrogation of juveniles is not permitted at the JSD.
Juvenile Confidential Stamp:
Documents pertaining to the interrogation of juveniles will be stamped JUVENILE CONFIDENTIAL unless the juvenile was taken into custody for a felony or had previously been found by a court to have committed ___ or more misdemeanors.
A person is considered a Criminal Gang Member if said person has been observed in the company of one or more known criminal gang members ___or more times. Observation in a custodial setting requires a willful association.
____ is an Officer assigned by the Homicide Bureau (HB), Homicide Street Violence Task Force (HSVTF), to conduct criminal investigation as well as to document, monitor, report, and coordinate the exchange of intelligence concerning the identity of criminal gangs, gang members, gang associates, and gang-related activity impacting on Miami-Dade County.
Gang Specialist
To ensure that these records are exempt from disclosure, beginning in January, 1987, and at least annually thereafter, each element that maintains Field Interview Backers will review them and remove backers relating to individuals who are no longer gang members. The element supervisor will forward a memorandum reporting results of the review to the HB Major. Questionable or unconfirmed Field Interview Backers will be reviewed within __ months of receipt
True or False?
Adults in the Custody of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation:
The JSD will NOT accept all adults from the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation who have verified juvenile pick-up orders from Miami-Dade County.
False- They will.
*The JSD will not accept adults from the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation who have pick-up orders from counties other than the Department of Juvenile Justice’s District Eleven jurisdiction (Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties).
Gang Members:
Officers who bring gang members or juveniles with gang affiliations to the JSD will notify the JSD _____ immediately upon arrival at the JSD.
intake officer
In misdemeanor cases that do not occur in the presence of the police officer, or in a felony case where the juvenile cannot be located after all efforts have been exhausted, the officer can prepare a _______.
Referral for Judicial attention
Officers wishing to have juveniles retained in secure detention after the preliminary hearing will contact the ____, Juvenile Division, prior to the detention hearing, and articulate reasons for requesting detention.
Assistant State Attorney
A parent, guardian, or legal custodian will be contacted to authorize medical treatment for a juvenile in custody. In an emergency or life-threatening situation, a physician has authority to provide
medical treatment, but the juvenile’s parent, guardian, or legal custodian will be notified as soon as practicable.