Lecture 6: Kingdom Fungi Flashcards
What is in the structure of a fungus?
Chitin, mycelium, and hyphae( septa and coenocytic)
What is chitin?
The fungal cell wall
What is mycelium?
The interwoven multicellular fungal mass
What is hyphae?
The fungal filament
What is septa?
They are divisions for the cells in the hyphae and have pores for sharing resources
What are coenocytic hyphae?
Hyphae that have no septa and are continuous multinuclear cytoplasm.
What is a feature of fungi?
They have unknown flagellated protists ancestor.
What are some phylum in the fungi kingdom?
- Chytridiomycota
- Zygomycota
- Ascomycota
- Basidiomycota
What are some characteristics of chytridiomycota(chytrids)?
They translate to “little pot fungus”. They are the earliest lineage of fungi. Some may be unicellular but other have mycelia.
What is a zoospore?
A flagellated spore
What is chytridiomycosis?
A fungal disease in amphibians that is linked to worldwide decline and extinctions.
What are some characteristics of zygomycota(zygote fungus)?
It translates to “joined fungus” and has coenocytic hyphae
What is a genus of zygomycota?
Rhizopus(only) stolonifer which black bread mold
How does zygomycota reproduce?(Asexual)
Asexual reproduction where the mycelium forms sporangia that produces genetically identical zygospores.
What is kariogamy?
The fusion of the nuclei
What are some characteristics of ascomycota(sac fungi)?
The ascus translates to “sac” and means spore. The ascocarp means fruiting body as a whole.
What is a genus of ascomycota?
Saccharomyces cerevisiae which is brewer’s yeast(beer) and is unicellular. Another example is candida albicans which is the yeast in yeast infections.
How does ascomycota reproduce? (Asexual)
Ascomycota reproduce by budding which is where one individual separates. In addition, ascomycota in asexual reproduction starts with conidiophore which produced genetically identical conodia and break off as spores which land and germinate and develop into identical mycellium.
What is a genus for ascomycota that is multicellular?
Neurospora which is powdery mildew. This is used for research in mitosis and meiosis. Another example is penicillium which is penecillin.
What are some characteristics of basidiomycota(club fungi)?
Basidium means little pedestal. The basidiocarp is the fruiting body or the mushroom.
What is the stipe in a mushroom?
The stalk
What is the pileus of a mushroom?
The cap
What is the gills in a mushroom?
The produce spores
How does basidiomycota reproduce(asexual)?
In asexual reproduction, the mycelium grows underground and reproduces cell through mitosis. The fracturing of mycelium allows for each mycelium to grow on its own.
How does the basidiomycota reproduce (sexual)?
In sexual reproduction, the mating types meet and extend their hyphae and fuse through plasmogamy. They create dikaryotic cells that grow into basidiocarps(mushrooms). In the gills(basidia) there are haploids that fuse in karyogamy and create diploid cells into a zygote. Meiosis occurs to produce 4 haploid nuclei that become basidiospores that eventually fly out and spore off into new mycelia
What are decomposers?
The breakdown and absorption of dead matter
What is mycorrhizae?
The association of fungus with plant roots
What is haustoria?
When the hyphae extend to plant cells and pierce through the cell wall but not membrane, only touch. They extend their nutrients this way.
What is endophytes?
A symbiotic relationships when fungi live inside the plant tissue.
What are some benefits that fungi give to plants?
Produce toxins against animals. They also give protection against pathogens. An example is taxol that comes from yew for breast cancer and LSD that comes from rye.
What is lichen?
A mutualist relationship between fungus and prokaryotic cyanobacteria. Also a relationship between fungus and green algae.
What is mycosis?
A fungal infection
What is a genus of pathogenic fungus?
Candida albicans which is yeast infection. Another is dermatophytosis which is multiple fungal infections.
What are general fungal infections?
Tinea pedis is athlete’s foot. Tinea corporis which is in the legs, arms, trunk. Tinea cruris which is in the groin. Tine capitis which is in the scalp
How does ascomycota reproduce? (Sexual)
In sexual reproduction, they are similar to asexual but instead of landing, they land on a hyphae of a different mating type. Plasmogamy occurs and create a dikaryotic cell and encloses in a sac. Karyogamy occurs and produce a diploid zygote. Meiosis occurs whcih produced four haploid nuclei that undergo mitosis that produce 8 ascospores.
How does zygomycota reproduce? (sexual)
It can also reproduce through sexual reproduction where the mating is either + and - and called gametangia. This occurs in the hyphae extensions. The haploid gamentangia fuse through plasmogamy into a dikaryotic cell. The cell is later zygosporangium which develops a rough coat to survive harsh conditions.