Lecture 17: Vertebrates I Flashcards
What is phylum chordata?
It means “ has a spine”
What are some features of phylum chordata?
- triploblastic
- one way gut
- bilateral symmetry
- coelomic
- deuterostomes
- segmented
- Four special characteristics of a dorsal nerve cord, notochord which is the cartilaginous skeletal rod supporting the body, pharyngeal gill slits, and post anal tail
What are the subphylum of phylum chordata?
- tunicata
- cephalochordata
- vertebrata
What is subphylum tunicata in phylum chordata?
They are tunicates and are the sea squirts
What are some characteristics in subphylum tunicata?
- larvae have all 4 special characteristics such as dorsal nerve cord, notoschord, pharynx with slits, and post anal tail.
- The larvae are free swimming but non-feeding
- adults only have pharyngeal gill slits and become sessile filter feeder.
What is subphylum cephalochordata?
It means “head cord” and they are lancelets or amphioxus. They also have the special 4.
What is subphylum vertebrata?
Where the notochord is the backbone
What is class agnatha in subphylum vertebrata?
It means “no jaws” and they are lamprey and hagfish
What are the classes in subphylum vertebrata?
- agnatha
- chondrichthyes
- osteichthyes
What is class chondrichthyes in subphylum vertebrata?
It means “cartilage fish”. they are the sharks, rays, and chimeras
What are features of class chondrichthyes?
- Their skeleton is made of cartilage
- have external gilll slits
- have heterocercal tail(top and bottom tail are different sizes)
- have two chamber heart
- are ectothermic(body temp is according to water)
- have placoid scales which are dermal denticles
What is class osteichthyes in subphylum vertebrata?
They mean “bony fish”
What are some features of class osteichthyes?
- their skeleton is made of bone
- have gills covered by operculum
- have homoceral tail(top and bottom tail are the same size)
- have two chamber heart
- are ectothermic
- have leptoid scales where they overlap to reduce drag
What is the order of class osteichthyes in subphylum vertebrata(ray finned only)?
- salmoniformes
- perciformes
- scorpaeniformes
- cypriniformes
- siluriformes
- anguiliformes
- pleuronectiformes
- syngnathiformes
What is order salmoniformes in class osteichthyes in subphylum vertebrata?
salmon, trout, and char
What is order perfiformes in class osteichthyes in subphylum vertebrata?
perch, tuna, bass, sheephead, sailfish, marlin
What is order scorpaeniformes in class osteichthyes in subphylum vertebrata?
scorpionfish, lionfish, rockfish, sculpin
What is order cypriniformes in class osteichthyes in subphylum vertebrata?
carp(goldfish) and minnow
What is order siluriformes in class osteichthyes in subphylum vertebrata?
What is order anguilliformes in class osteichthyes in subphylum vertebrata?
What is order pleuronectiformes in class osteichthyes in subphylum vertebrata?
flounder, halibut, sole
What is order sygnathiformes in class osteichthyes in subphylum vertebrata?
pipefish and sea horse
What is the order of class osteichthyes in subphylum vertebrata(lobe finned only)?
- coelacanthiformes
- lepidosireniformes
What is order coelacanthiformes in class osteichthyes in subphylum vertebrata?
What is order lepidosireniformes in class osteichthyes in subphylum vertebrata?
What did the lobe finned fish evolve to?
What is class amphibia?
What are some features of class amphibia?
- live in the water and land
- egg lack amnion(protective outer coat)
- aquatic larval stage where they hatch in the water (ex: tadpoles)
- need to keep their skin moist
- can breathe through their skin
- three chamber heart
- ectothermic
What are the orders of class ambhibia?
- gymnophiona
- urodela
- anura
What is order gymnophiona in class amphibia in subphylum vertebrata?
limbless caecilians similar to snakes but not the same
What is order urodela in class amphibia in subphylum vertebrata?
What is order anura in class amphibia in subphylum vertebrata?
frogs and toads. Also translate to “no tail”
What is class reptilia?
What are some features of class reptilia?
- live mostly on land
- have amniotic eggs
- no larval stage(don’t hatch on water)
- breathe through lungs
- three chamber heart except for order crocodilia
- ectothermic
- keratinized scales to pretect them or hard scales
- scute which are bony external plates like turtle shells or crocodile skin
What are the orders in class reptilia?
- testudines
- squamata
- rhynchocephalia
- crocodilia
- ornithischia
- saurischia
- pterosauria
- plesiosaurus
- ichthyosaurus
What is order testudines in class reptilia in subphylum vertebrata?
turtles of tortoise
What is order squamata in class reptilia in subphylum vertebrata?
lizards and snakes
What is order rhynchocephalia in class reptilia in subphylum vertebrata?
tuatara. Only genus is spenodon
What is order crocodilia in class reptilia in subphylum vertebrata?
crocodiles and alligators
What is order ornithischia in class reptilia in subphylum vertebrata?
Dinosaurs(bird hipped) such as triceratops, stegosaurus, ankylosaurus, hadrosaurus
What is order saurischia in class reptilia in subphylum vertebrata?
Dinosaurs(lizard hipped) such as theropods(velociraptor and carnivores) and sauropods(brachiosaurus/apatosaurs and herbivores)
What is order pterosauria in class reptilia in subphylum vertebrata?
Winged lizards reptiles like pterodactylus or pteranodon
What is order plesiosaurus in class reptilia in subphylum vertebrata?
Near to lizard marine reptiles
What is order ichthyosauria in class reptilia in subphylum vertebrata?
Fish lizard marine reptiles like ichthyosaurus