Lecture 24: Poultry 1 Flashcards
A group of Young chicks suddenly die. Owner informs you he just installed new heat lamps. Everything else about history is normal. What are you worried about
teflon toxicity from heat lamps containing teflon—> heat emits gaseous toxin that targets lungs causing massive pulmonary edema and hemorrhage
identify 1-3
- Tongue
- Glottis
- Choana with sharp choanal papillae
what this and what is fx
Uropygial gland or preen gland- produces lipid product onto feathers to make impermeable to water
what is circled and what are arrows pointing to
circle- thyroid gland
Arrows: syrinx
what is name of general body cavity, how many total body cavities a and air sacs
8 peritoneal cavities
7-8 air sacs
what body cavities indicated by 1-3
- Hepatic peritoneal cavity
- Ventral peritoneal cavity
- Intestinal peritoneal cavity
what does the intestinal peritoneal cavity contain
alimentary tract, pancreas, reproductive tract
Identify tract, 1 and arrow
Intestinal peritoneal cavity
1. Air sacs
Arrow: duodenal loop with pancreas
identify 1-4
- Lung
- Kidney
- Spleen
- Cloaca
what is unique about bird skull and brain
pneumatized skull (communicates with cervical cephalic air sac but no respiratory function)
Lissencephaly- no gyri and Sulci
what type of virus is hemorrhagic enteritis and who does it affect
Affects turkeys > 4weeks
what signs of you see with hemorrhagic enteritis
cloacal hemorrhage, splenomegaly, dark intestinal segments (necrohemorrhagic enteritis)
6 week old turkey- what likely wrong
hemorrhagic enteritis (adenovirus)
what type of virus is marble spleen disease and who does it affect
pheasants > 3 months
what are some signs fo marble spleen disease
- Acute respiratory distress and suffocation
- Pulmonary edema
- Friable splenomegaly
what is mortality for marble spleen disease
marble spleen disease may cause Subclinical ___, leading to __
immunosuppression, secondary bacterial infections
4 month old pheasant euthanized for severe acute respiratory distress. Perform necropsy and see this what likely wrong
marble spleen disease (adenovirus)
what are some signs of quail bronchitis
respiratory signs, catarrhal tracheitis and airsacculitis, conjunctivitis
quail trachea what likely cause of plug material in trachea
Quail bronchitis (adenovirus)
what type of virus is avian encephalomyelitis: epidemic tremors and who does it affect severely
Affects chicks 1-2 weeks old
what are some signs of avian encephalomyelitis: epidemic tremors
tremors, paralysis, ataxia
what does avian encephalomyelitis (picornavirus) cause in adults
degree egg production
what are some other lesions seen in avian encephalomyelitis
- White spots on stomach walls
- Cataracts
- Neurologic
t or f: avian influenza is zoonotic and reportable
what are some signs of LPAI
mild respiratory signs, decrease egg production
what are some signs of HPAI
respiratory, neurologic, and reproductive signs
what is mortality for HPAI
what are some lesions seen with HPAI
cyanosis, hemorrhage, edema, necrosis
Group of birds suddenly died- what wrong in pictures and what cause
shank hemorrhage, comb/waddle hemorrhage
Likely HPAI
what type of virus is lymphoid leukosis vs mareks disease
lymphoid leukosis: retrovirus
Mareks: herpesvirus
lymphoid leukosis or mareks: virus integrated into host genome
lymphoid leukosis
what age does lymphoid leukosis affect
> 16 weeks
what age does mareks disease affect
> 4 weeks
what is target cell for lymphoid leukosis vs mareks disease
lymphoid: B lymphocyte
Mareks: T lymphocyte
how is lymphoid leukosis vs mareks transmitted
lymphoid leukosis: vertical and horizontal
Mareks: horizontal
lymphoid leukosis or mareks: bursal lymphoma
lymphoid leukosis
lymphoid leukosis or mareks: neuropathy
what are some clinical findings for lymphoid leukosis
pale, emaciated, dehydrated, drop in egg production, anorexia
what are some clinical finding in mareks disease
leg/wing paralysis, depression, anorexia, incoordination, dehydration, cutaneous tumors
2.5yr old rooster, euthanized due to B cell lymphoma- is it mareks or lymphoid leukosis
Lymphoid leukosis
observe these signs in bird- what is likely the cause
Mareks disease
what are two findings that could indicate mareks or lymphoid leukosis
hepatic lymphoma and splenic lymphoma—> need to know if B or T cell
Are these signs consistent with mareks or lymphoid leukosis and what is wrong
Ballet dancer posture= infiltrates of sciatic nerves
Thickened and yellow sciatic nerves
what type of virus is chicken infectious anemia
T or f: chicken infectious anemia is immunosuppressive
what is pathogenesis for chicken infectious anemia
- Virus destroys hematopoietic cells and T lymphocytes
- Pale bone marrow
- Anemia and immunosuppression
4, secondary bacterial infections
what type of virus is duck plague: duck virus enteritis
what are some signs of duck plague: duck virus enteritis
phallus prolapse, necrosis and hemorrhage in viscera and lymphoid tissue, GI luminal hemorrhage, fibrinonecrohemorrgagic plaques on esophagus and intestines
what does histo of duck plague/ duck virus enteritis look like
vasculitis, necrosis, lymphoid depletion, intranuclear viral inclusion bodies
duck with prolapsed phallus and diphtheria membranes in intestines. Histo showed intranuclear inclusion bodies- what is likely dx
Duck plague: duck virus enteritis
from duck- whaat likely cause of these lesions
Duck plague: duck virus enteritis