Lecture 1 - Taxonomy, Structure, Physiology Flashcards
Bacteria can be classified as:
1. Frank Pathogens: capable of causing disease in ____ _____ and are always considered a pathogen when _____. Example?
2. Opportunistic Pathogens: capable of causing disease given the ______. Often a ______ and part of the ______ host flora, but is capable
of causing disease in ______ _____ tissues (most
pathogens fall into this group).
3. Non-pathogens: weak or non-pathogenic bacteria can cause disease in hosts with ?
any host, isolated, Yersinia pestis = pathogen that caused the plague.
opportunity, commensal, normal, normally sterile
weakened immune systems.
D is inversely proportional to?
–D: disease
–N: Number of organisms
–V: Virulence of the organism
–R: Resistance (innate and adaptive
host immunity) of the host
Name the three kingdoms/super-kingdoms in which microbes are characterized?
Bacteria, Eukarya, Archaea
Bacterial taxonomy is concerned with:
1. Bacterial _______ schemes are artificial in order to speed up the _______ process, identify bacteria using a limited # of _______.
2. Bacterial nomenclature involves use of a ______ system to assign a _____ and _____, specific conventions for naming.
- Example: Salmonella cholerasuis
3. Bacterial identification is normally based on ______, ________ and _______ “traits”
- other: nucleic acid profile (?). Today, classification is primarily based on?
classification, identification, characteristics, binomial, genus, species, morphological, biochemical, serological, DNA/RNA, DNA protein profiles.
Identify the image below
Identify the image below
Identify the image below.
Identify the image below.
Identify the image below
Identify the image below
Identify the image below
Club-shaped bacilli
Identify the image below
Bacilli with rounded ends
Identify the image below
Bacilli with square ends
Identify the image below
Fusiform bacilli
Identify the image below
Fusiform bacilli
Identify the image below
Identify the image below
Identify the image below