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VMS 3010
> Intro to Surgery > Flashcards
Intro to Surgery Flashcards
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VMS 3010
(102 decks)
Intro to Clinical Reasoning
Intro to Surgery
Intro to Pharmacology
Adsorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Elimination
Premedication and Sedation
Injectable anaesthetic agents
Wounding and Wound Healing
Wound Classification and Management
Problem wounds and drains
Antimicrobials 1
Antimicrobials 2
Physics of radiography and radiation safety
Interpretation, Image quality and faults
Week 2- Monitoring In Veterinary Anaesthesia
Common Complications and Accidents in Veterinary Anaesthesia
Pain Management In Veterinary Medicine
Week 2- Fluid Therapy
Cancer and Chemotherapy in Veterinary Medicine
Week 4- Field Radiography
Field Surgery
Tumours of the GIT
Hepatobilliary and pancreatic disease
Approach to Colic
Approach to coelamic disorders associated with the GIT and the liver
Neonatal Calf GI Disease
Ruminant stomach conditions
Approach to the GIT Disorders in non-traditional companion animals
Approach to equine diarrhoea
Clinical Nutrition and the management of GI diseases in Cats and Dogs
Approach to equine dentistry
Adult Ruminant 3- Non-Stomach Conditions
Approach to the pig git
lameness in companion animals
Approach to Joint Dysplasia
Approach to fractures
Bone and Joint Disease
Therapeutics for the MSK System
Production animal lameness
Approach To Otitis Externa
Approach to alopecia
Approach to Equine Lameness Investigation
Bone Pathologies in Horses
Approach to common fractures in the horse
Tendon and Ligament Disease
Week 7- Approach to Conditions of the Equine Hoof
Introduction to Dermatological Diagnosis
Approach to atopic dermatitis
MSK neoplasia
nutritional support of dermatological patients
Approach to skin conditions of production animal
Therapeutics for skin
Approach to sinus formation
Approach to crust, scale, environmental and endocrine dermatosis
Approach to nodular dermatoses/ neoplasia
Diseases of the cardiovascular system
Diseases of the cardiovascular system II
Approach to Bone and Joint Diseases in the Horse
Diseases of the cardiovascular system III
Diseases of the cardiovascular system IV
Week 9- Failing heart 1
Week 9- Failing heart 2
Common Equine Cardiovascular Conditions
Approach to Respiratory Disease 1
Approach to Respiratory Distress II
Common Cardiovascular diseases of Production Animals
Approach to Airway Diseases In Pigs
Approach to common muscle diseases in horses- week 10
Respiratory and MSK diseases in NTCA
Common Cardiovascular diseases in Equine
Pleural Diseases in the Horse
Approach to Upper Respiratory Tract Disease In Equine- Week 10
Respiratory Diseases in Dogs, Cats and Rabbits- week 10
Diseases of the pleural space and chest wall
Week 3- Limb Radiography
Week 3- Head, Neck and Spine Radiography
Week 4 - Approach to Disorders of the Upper Git
Week 4- Approach to Vomiting in Companion Animals
Week 4- Approach to Diarrhoea in Companion Animals
Week 5- Conditions of the Equine Upper GI tract
Week 5- Investigating Equine Liver Disease
Week 11- Therapeutics for Cardiovascular Disease
Week 11- Drugs for the airway 1 and 2
Week 4 -GI therapeutics 1
Week 4- GI therapeutics 2
Week 5- Intestinal Neoplasia in the dog and the cat
Week 1- Inhalational agents
Week 7- Approach to Tendon and Ligament Disease In Horses
Week 7- Equine Dermatology
Week 5- Approach to distended abdomen
Week 5- Approach To Constipation
Approach to Equine Upper Respiratory
Week 9- Equine Lower Respiratory Tract Disorders
Implanted Materials
Approach to the distended abdomen
Antimicrobial stewardship and infection prevention/ control
Gastric ulceration in horses