Approach to Upper Respiratory Tract Disease In Equine- Week 10 Flashcards
What is Equine Influenza Virus?
- One of the most common infectious diseases of the URT in horses
- Routine vaccination is helpful in preventing outbreaks
What is Equine HerpesVirus?
EHV 4:typically, upper respiratory disease in young horses
* EHV 1:respiratory disease, neurologic disease,late-term abortion, early foal death
What are the risk factors for Infectious diseases of the URT?
Horses of all ages, particularly common in young horses
* High traffic, large groupherd
* Virus transmission: air, direct nasal droplets, indirecttransmission via people, water
bucket, equipment
What is the clinical presentation of URT diseases?
Nasal discharge (often bilateral), enlarged LNs, fever, lethargy → typically,transient
* Consider LRT disease if + cough,tachypnoea
* Another ddx: oesophagealobstruction
How might you diagnose infectious diseases of the URT?
Nasal swab for respiratory PCR panel
How might you treat/ prevent Infectious diseases of the URT?
Often self-resolving
* NSAIDs: flunixin meglumine,phenylbutazone
* Supportive care: palatable foods, monitor hydrationstatus
* Vaccination
What biosecurity measures would you put in place to help prevent URT diseases?
- Limit nose to nose contact
- keep up with good routine hygeine practice
What is the aetiology of primary sinusitis?
either subacute or chronic, most common form of sinusitis
What is the aetiology of secondary sinusitis?
Dental/oral disease: 24%
* Sinus cyst:13%
* Others: trauma, neoplasia, mycosis, ethmoidhematoma
What is the pathophysiology of primary sinusitis?
- URT viral infection
- Reduced mucocilliary clearance
- Accumulation of mucus
- Secondary bacterial infection
- Accumulation of purulent material ‘empyema’
What two ways might dental disease cause secondary sinusitis?
Primary dental dzs with extension into sinus
* Maxillary molars (9,10,11) roots lie within
the maxillary sinus: covered by fine layer of
alveolar bone and sinusperiosteum
* Apical tooth rootinfections of these teeth
can result insinusitis
Oromaxillary fistula
What is a sinus cyst?
Unknown aetiology
o Can occur at anyage
o Benign but expansile nature
: can distort paranasal structure
What is the clinical presentation of sinusitis?
Serous/mucoid/purulent unilateral nasal discharge
o Facial swelling/distortion (maxillary orfrontal)
o Nasal airflow obstruction: abnormal respiratorynoise
o Difficulty chewing: (usually dental disease)
How might you diagnose sinusitis?
- Physical exam/ History
- Oral exam
- Imaging (radiography, endoscopy (URT sinus) CT )
What are the three main goals of treating sinusitis?
- Removal of the infective/ necrotic tissue
- Restoration of normal drainage and mucocilliary clearance
- Prevent Recurrence
How does a sinus trephination and lavage work?
Frontal, caudal, rostral maxillary
* Allows high volume lavage or instillation of antimicrobials
How does sinus flap surgery work?
- Better surgical access to sinuses
- Standing surgery
- Extirpation, curratege to remove cysts or mass
What is the guttural pouch?
Air-filled pocket extension of Eustachian tube
What is the function of the guttural pouch?
- Pressure equalization
- Warming of inhaledair
- Resonating chamber forvocalization
- Cooling of blood to the brain during exercise
What is the definition of guttural pouch empyema?
Accumulation of exudate within the Guttural Pouch
What are the clinical signs of guttural pouch empyema?
- Fever and related symptoms: anorexia,lethargy
- Lymph nodes swelling
- Unilateral/bilateral purulent discharge
How might you treat Guttural Pouch Empyema?
o Supportive therapy: NSAIDs, palatablefeed
o Lavage purulent material viaendoscopy
o Removal of chondroids via endoscopy or surgery
What bacteria causes strangles in horses?
Streptococcus equi equi
What is streptococcus equi equi?
Gram +, β-haemolytic streptococcus, Lancefield groupC
* Highly contagious URT disease of Equidae: high morbidity (~100%) ,low
mortality (~1%)
* Endemic in many countriesincluding the UK
* Significant economic and social impact within the equine industry
* Strict codes of practice for disease control and biosecurity