HPM 9.1 Flashcards
Arbitration is an extension of collective bargaining as practiced in the United States. The purpose of collective bargaining, in part, is the resolution of __________between employers and employees over the terms and conditions of employment.
_______ _________. This type of arbitration occurs when negotiations have come to an impasse. An arbitrator is called in to resolve the issue. The Ralph C.Dills Act does not mandate interest arbitration in California.
Interest Arbitration
_______/_______ __________. Arbitration is used most commonly to settle disputes between parties of a contract as to its application or interpretation. Since such arbitration consists of determining the rights of a party to a contract, it is referred to as “rights” or more often, as “grievance” arbitration. The right to arbitration as the final step in the grievance procedure is subject to negotiations. All bargaining unit contracts administered by the Department contain a grievance arbitration provision.
Rights/Grievance Arbitration
_______- __________. These processes involve efforts by a third party to bring the parties to an agreement on their own. The mediator or conciliator has no power to enforce a settlement, since the parties did not agree, prior to their
entrance, to accept the third party’s conclusions.
Mediation and Conciliation
When the exclusive representative has the burden of proof, management ___ make its opening statement after the exclusive representative, or ___ reserve its opening statement until after the exclusive representative has completed putting on its evidence.
Every witness is subject to cross-examination by the opposing party. Among the purposes of cross-examination are disclosing facts the witnesses may not have related in direct testimony, correcting misstatements, placing facts in their “____” perspective, reconciling apparent contradictions, and attacking the credibility of adverse witnesses.
Closing Argument. Both parties have the right to make a closing argument to the arbitrator, either ______- __ __ ________. This is management’s opportunity tore focus the arbitrator’s thinking back to the important points presented through evidence, and also point out the irrelevancies in the exclusive representative’s argument.
Orally or in writing
After the presentation of evidence and arguments, the arbitrator makes a decision which is final and __________ on both parties.
9) The jurisdiction of the __________ is usually defined in the contract; the matters on which they may rule, meaning or intent of the parties, application, interpretation, and the nature of the ruling. Usually excluded from the authority of the __________ are additions, deletions or modifications of the contract.
The ability to interpret the language contained in the contract is essential to the __________ in day-to-day administration of the contract. Questions regarding what was meant by the words used in the contract will be decided through the negotiated grievance procedure.
The ability to interpret the language contained in the contract is essential to the __________ in day-to-day administration of the contract. Questions regarding what was meant by the words used in the contract will be decided through the negotiated grievance procedure.
Public Disclosure Requirement. The ______ __ ________ Act (_______ Act) contains a public disclosure clause that requires all initial bargaining proposals and counterproposals be “sun shined,” or presented at public hearings and made public record. Pursuant to this section of the Dills Act, the public is afforded the opportunity to comment on all initial proposals and counterproposals made by exclusive representatives and management.
Ralph C. Dills (Dills Act)
Management relies on several sources in anticipating potential exclusive representative demands. In addition to management’s input, a review of recent contract settlements negotiated in all the ________ ______, analyses of previous grievances and arbitration settlements and evaluations of the precise fiscal impact of the exclusive representatives’ proposals on the Department’s operating budget are completed.
California Department of ________- ___________, which is designated by the Governor as the State’s Chief Negotiator, is responsible for selecting members for the state’s various negotiating teams. Normally, employee relations staff from departments which employ the largest number of employees within a particular bargaining unit comprise the management bargaining team for that unit. The composition of these teams may vary depending on the particular series of negotiations.
Human resources
The state employer is only obligated to negotiate matters within the scope of representation, which are “limited to wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment, except however, that the scope of representation shall not include consideration of the merits, necessity, or organization of any service or activity provided by law or _______ _______.”
executive order
_________ is defined as the inability of the parties to reach agreement during negotiations. Disputes over negotiating the terms of contracts typically go to
mediation when ________ has been reached. The role of mediation is to bring the
parties together on their own terms.
___________ is defined as the effort of an impartial third party to reconcile a dispute through “interpretation, suggestion, and advice.”
The state employer _____ allow a reasonable number of supervisory employee representatives of verified supervisory employee organizations reasonable time off without loss of compensation or other benefits when meeting and conferring with representatives of the state employer on matters within the scope of representation for supervisory employees.
When a Department-wide change, within existing policy, is proposed, _______ shall be given to the supervisory organization by the commander of OER and will be discussed with the appropriate supervisory representative, if requested. This will be done prior to implementation, except in emergency situations.
written notice
The state or the employee organization begins the process by filing initial allegations of an unfair practice with the _____. The case is screened by a ______ regional attorney who conducts an investigation to determine if a prima facie case is present. For one to exist, this means the evidence, if true, is sufficient to support the charge.
Back pay ___ be awarded if an employee was discriminatorily fired, denied pay, or suffered a job-related action based upon union membership or support.
Managers and supervisors ____ guard against committing unfair labor
practices and, at the same time, continue to exercise normal control and discipline at the work place.
The _________ procedure is the problem-solving mechanism between the state and its employees. It is the orderly method by which an employee and/or employee organization confidentially raise and process a claim alleging a violation of the contract or policy. (HPM 9.1 Ch. 7 Pg. 3)
Grievance Procedure - Represented Employees. A represented employee grievance alleges a violation of the______ (HPM 9.1 Ch. 7 Pg. 3)
Complaint Procedure - Represented Employees. The complaint procedure for represented employees settles disputes over ________ and ___________ (HPM 9.1 Ch. 7 Pg. 3)
policy and procedures
The first step to initiate the grievance/complaint procedure is an ________ discussion between the employee and the employee’s immediate supervisor (HPM 9.1 Ch. 7 Pg. 5)
Issuing the Informal Response. Before issuing a decision, the supervisor _____ want to discuss it with other members of the management team. The informal verbal response should be issued as quickly as the investigation can be completed. (HPM 9.1 Ch. 7 Pg. 6)
Management must take some action before a grievant/complainant can allege a violation of the contract or departmental policy. An employee ______ file a grievance/complaint on the basis of suspicion. (HPM 9.1 Ch. 7 Pg. 8)
A grievance or complaint should be filed on either a _____ Employee Grievance/Complaint; (Annex A); a STD 630, Employee Contract Grievance; or union equivalent. (HPM 9.1 Ch. 7 Pg. 9)
CHP 94
“Grievance.” An excluded employee grievance is a dispute of one or more employees involving the application or interpretation of a statute, regulation, policy, or practice which falls under the jurisdiction of__________. (HPM 9.1 Ch. 8 Pg. 3)
California Department of Human Resources (CalHR)
Informal Discussion. The employee or the employee’s representative shall discuss the grievance with their immediate supervisor. This discussion must occur within ____ work days of the event(s) or circumstance(s) causing the grievance. Within ____ work days, the immediate supervisor shall render their decision either verbally or in writing. This must be accomplished before a formal grievance can be filed. (HPM 9.1 Ch. 8 Pg. 4)
10 and 5
If the grievance cannot be resolved by discussion, the commander shall respond by indicating the issue involves departmental policy and cannot be resolved at their level. The ________ is then responsible for appealing the grievance to the next level. (HPM 9.1 Ch. 8 Pg.5)
A grievant may withdraw a grievance at any time; however, they ______ file a subsequent grievance on the same alleged incident or issue. (HPM 9.1 Ch. 8 Pg.6)
Shall not
Arbitration is an extension of collective bargaining as practiced in the United States. The purpose of collective bargaining, in part, is the resolution of differences between employers and employees over the terms and conditions of employment. Arbitration is a third-party settlement of disputes between groups or individuals _______ a court of law. (HPM 9.1 Ch. 9 Pg.3)
Periodically, a grievance cannot be resolved in the appeal process and will be appealed to arbitration. An employee may not appeal an issue to arbitration on their own behalf. Rather, this decision can only be made by the employee’s _________. (HPM 9.1 Ch. 9 Pg.5)
exclusive representative
When an exclusive representative serves notice on the state that it plans to take an issue to arbitration, ____ will notice the Department. (HPM 9.1 Ch. 9 Pg.5)
Departmental Representation. _______ ________and CalHR will handle the arbitration hearing. (HPM 9.1 Ch. 9 Pg.6)
Office of Employee Relations
Departmental Representation. _______ ________and CalHR will handle the arbitration hearing. (HPM 9.1 Ch. 9 Pg.6)
Office of Employee Relations
Another goal of the Department’s Employee Relations Program is to ______ management’s and employees’ understanding of the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of management, employees and employee organizations. 1-3, 1., b.
The _____ _ _____ _____(OER) is responsible for developing, coordinating and administering employee relations policies and procedures for the Office of the Commissioner. The following duties have been delegated to OER: (a) Providing advice and assistance to managers and supervisors on matters relating to wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment for all departmental employees, in addition to interpreting the negotiated contracts. (b) Maintaining a liaison with the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) and employee organizations on representational matters. (c) Reviewing grievances/complaints processed at all levels and investigating grievances/complaints at the Commissioner’s level of appeal. (d) Representing the Department in negotiations for various bargaining units, including Units 4 (Office and Allied), 5 (Highway Patrol), 7 (Protective Services and Public Safety), and 12 (Crafts and Maintenance). (e) Training managers and supervisors to enhance their understanding and develop their expertise in the principles and concepts of public sector employee relations. (f) Representing the Department in arbitration, unfair labor practice charges and non-merit statutory appeal hearings. (g) Serving as the departmental authority for the administration of the Management Relations Program. 1-3 & 1-4, 2., b., (2)
Office of Employee Relations
The _____ of the contracts cannot be changed, except by mutual agreement between the employer and the exclusive representative(s); however, as a matter of operational necessity, other changes affecting working conditions may occur at any or all levels of command within the Department. Such changes, which are consistent and in accordance with existing contracts, may be implemented if the guidelines in Chapter 11, Obligation to Meet and Confer, of this manual are followed. 1-5, 4.
Commanders shall ensure that all applicable managers and supervisors, as well as first-line supervisors designated “represented” under the___ ____, are informed of the content of the published Cis (Contract Interpretations). 1-6, 6., d.
Dills Act
(Dills Act) Introduction of Formal Collective Bargaining Law. The 1970s brought increasing employee demands for an expansion of their role in determining terms and conditions of employment. After several years of effort, the _____ _____ ____ _____ ____sponsored the introduction of SB 839, the State Employer-Employee Relations Act (SEERA), by Senator Ralph C. Dills. 2-3, 1., a.
California State Employees Association (CSEA)
Excluded Employees’ Bill of Rights. Under this statute, _____ ______ have the right to be represented regarding all matters related to employment conditions and supervisory employer-employee relations. Other excluded employees have the right to be represented in their employment relations, including grievances, with the department. The state employer and excluded employee organizations shall not interfere with, intimidate, restrain, coerce, or discriminate against supervisory employees because of exercising their rights. 2-4, 3., b.
supervisory employees
Representational Rights Under the Public Safety Officers’ _____ _____ _____ _____ Act. Government Code Section 3303(i) provides a statutory right to a representative of the officer’s choice “upon the filing of a formal written statement of charges or whenever an interrogation focuses on matters which are likely to result in punitive action…” By policy, the Department has extended the protection of the Public Safety Officers’ _____ _____ _____ _____ (POBR) to all employees. Information regarding representational rights under POBR may also be found in Highway Patrol Manual 10.2, Internal Investigations Manual, and/or the appropriate bargaining unit contract. 2-5, 3., d.
Procedural Bill of Rights
- _____ Employee Rights. (1) Employee Rights. ______ employees are not entitled to bargaining units, exclusive representation, contracts, or the right to file an unfair labor practice charge. The following limited rights are provided for ______ employees: (a) To form, join, and participate in activities of employee organizations for the purpose of representation on all matters of _______ employee relations. (b) To refuse to join or participate in the activities of employee organizations. (c) To represent themselves individually in their employment relations with the state. (d) To freely associate with represented employees and join and participate in the activities of such employee organizations. (e) To use the grievance and appeal procedures set forth in Chapter 8, Excluded Employee Grievance and Appeal Procedures, of this manual, and be represented in these procedures. 2-8, 5., c.
Restrictions on Management Rights. Management’s authority is____ ____; it is dictated by the laws and rules governing state civil service and personnel administration, by the terms of the negotiated contracts, and by the responsibility to act reasonably in exercising authority over employees. Management representatives at all levels within the Department are responsible for encouraging open and constructive communication with employees, as well as employee organization representatives, where appropriate, on matters relating to terms and conditions of employment. 3-3, 1., c.
not absolute
Responsibilities. Managers and supervisors have certain duties and authorities that set them apart as members of the management team. Managerial and supervisory employees are responsible for developing sound, positive employee relations practices in their work units and ensuring that departmental policies, procedures, and the terms of the _____ contracts are administered properly and consistently. 3-4, 3., a.
Obligations. Management shall accord ____ _____ to employees, employee organizations and their representatives. Positive relationships among managers, supervisors, employees, and employee organizations contribute significantly to the effectiveness of the Department and its employee relations program. Each party must respect the rights and responsibilities of the others and pledge mutual, good faith efforts to resolve any differences that may arise. The following are considered essential techniques for managers and supervisors to utilize: (1) Understand and exercise management’s rights for the efficiency and effectiveness of the Department. (2) Be familiar with the contracts covering their staff. (3) Develop relationships with employee organization representatives. Treat them in a professional manner as equals when dealing with employee relations issues. (4) Remain alert to problems which may be brewing. Attempt to resolve them before they become formal grievances or complaints. (5) Keep the Office of Employee Relations informed of significant employee relations issues and problems with contract language. 3-4 & 3-5, 3., b.
fair treatment
Provide Reasonable Time. When determining the amount of time to which a representative is entitled, always refer to the contract and Chapter 6, Release Time/Use of State Time for Representation, of this manual. Other considerations are the legitimate needs of the employer (workload of the unit, ability of other employees to perform the work), departmental policy and practices, and how much time is needed (where the representative must go to obtain information). Keep records of the amount of time the representative spends away from regular work assignments by utilizing the____ ____, Representation Reporting. If it becomes necessary to deny time off for operational reasons, it may be necessary to provide documentation which shows management has permitted reasonable use of state time in the past and made accommodations for the future. 3-5 & 3-6, 3., c., (4)
CHP 610
Management’s Representative. As a representative of management, it is important to properly administer _____ _____ _____ _____ within the framework of the Department’s management philosophy. This will not only establish credibility, but will also provide consistency and gain the representative’s respect. Avoid taking grievances or other issues presented by the representative personally. Stick to the subject at hand when meeting with the representative. Do not allow peripheral issues to distract from the purpose of the meeting. Be attentive and reasonable, but do not allow the discussion to degenerate to a point where resolution is impossible. It may be better to adjourn and reconvene when both sides have had a chance to reevaluate their positions and meet again under more favorable circumstances. 3-6, 3., c., (6)
contract provisions and policies
Providing Feedback from Employees. The supervisor is management’s main source of information regarding employee reactions to the contract and the implementation of the negotiated provisions on a day-to-day basis. A supervisor should be well acquainted with all the provisions of the contracts and know management’s policies and rules relating to the intent and application of the negotiated language. Because management’s interpretations of the contracts are often tested through the grievance procedure, it is important that the supervisor thoroughly understand the ___ ____ ____ and also those imparted to the employee and/or the exclusive representative. 3-7, 4., c.
rights of management
Authority of Supervisors. As the front line of management, a supervisor must know their authority to adjust grievances, be a fact-finder and decision-maker, as well as an attentive listener. They must judge each case on its individual merits and be able to articulate a reason for the decision based upon a sound interpretation of the___ ___ ____. 3-7, 4., d.
contract or policy
The members of a bargaining unit ___________ choose, by secret ballot, the employee organization that will become the exclusive representative for that unit. 4-3, 1(b)
A recognized representative’s right to represent ____________ be in accordance with their appropriate contract and within their area of primary responsibility. 4-4, 1(d)(3)
An employee who is acting as a representative on behalf of an exclusive representative
is ____________ working in their capacity as a state employee. 4-4, 1(d)(4)
If a recognized excluded employee organization designates a representative, the affected command will be notified by _________ of ____________ ______________ . 4-5, 2(d)
Office, Employee, Relations (OER)
Questions regarding an organization claiming to represent departmental employees or the status of bona fide associations should be directed to ____________ of ______________ ______________. 4-5, 4
Office of Employee Relations (OER)
A representative desiring access to a work location must state the purpose and request approval from that location’s _____________ or ________________ within a reasonable amount of time prior to an intended visit. 5-3, 2(a)(2)
commander or designee
A representative must also obtain permission from their immediate supervisor to engage, during working hours, in business relating to representational matters. Permission to engage in such activity shall be granted promptly unless such absence would interfere with ______________ ____________ . 5-3, 2(a)(3)
efficient operations
A recognized employee organization may use existing employee organization bulletin boards to post information or materials concerning the following subjects:
(1) ________________________________________________________________________
*5-4, 3(a)
(1) Notices and results of any official organization committee or meeting.
(2) Notices of organization elections and their results.
(3) Notices of organization recreational and social events.
(4) Notices of other official organization business
If management contemplates removing employee organization material from a bulletin board, it ________________ make a reasonable effort to contact the affected employee organization to explain the reason. 5-4, 3( e)
A representative must also obtain permission from their immediate supervisor to engage, during working hours, in business relating to representational matters. Permission to engage in such activity shall be granted promptly unless such absence would interfere with ________________ _________________________. 5-3, 2(a)(3)
efficient operations
Employees ___________ __________ conduct or participate in employee organization business activities during assigned work hours. 5-4, 4(a)
shall not
An employee representative ______ distribute organization literature before or after working hours or during meal and rest periods in non-working areas (e.g., cafeteria, break room). 5-5, 5(a)
Employee mailboxes _______ be utilized for the distribution of organization literature. 5-5, 5(b)
State vehicles ________ ___________ be used for transportation by employees or employee organization representatives while participating in representational or employee organization business. 5-5, 7(a)
shall not
Union stewards ___________ be permitted reasonable and occasional use of machines for union representational purposes provided that such use does not result in additional cost to the state, nor interfere with state operations. 5-6, 7(d)
State release time for representational purposes is limited to those instances when representing an employee from the representative’s area of ______________ ________________. 6-4, 4(a)
primary responsibility
State release time _________ _________ be authorized for an employee to leave the work site to meet with an organization representative on a representational matter. 6-5, 4e
shall not
Transportation expenses are _____
authorized for representation activities nor employee organization business. 6-5, 4(g)
Normally, up to a maximum of _______ hours may be authorized to prepare and present a grievance/complaint at the informal level and each formal appeal level in the grievance and appeal procedures. 6-6, 5(b)(2)
An employee who is representing themself in a grievance or complaint _______ _______ have the right to state release time for preparation. 6-7, 5(d)
does not
The _____ _______, Nonautomated Personnel Contributory Time Bank, is used to donate and withdraw time for nonautomated employees. 6-8, 6(d)(1)
CHP 212
The state’s _________ Relations Program encompasses three separate groups of employees—managers, supervisors, and confidential employees—who comprise the Department’s management team. These employees are expressly excluded from collective bargaining by the Ralph C. Dills (Dills Act). (HPM 90.1, 13-3, 1)
Since the enactment of the Dills Act, the management structure within the civil service system has been significantly altered. In parallel, the salaries, fringe benefits, and conditions of employment have also changed commensurate with the individual’s role and function as an active representative of ________. (HPM 90.1, 13-3, 1)
California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) is ultimately _________ for administering the compensation, benefits, and terms and conditions of employment governing employee relations for the three categories of employees who are excluded from collective bargaining. (HPM 90.1, 13-3, 2)
The Office of Employee Relations (OER), under the direction of the __________, is
designated as the departmental authority for the administration of the Management
Relations Program of the California Highway Patrol (CHP). (HPM 90.1, 13-3, 3)
Although an integral part of the management team, _________ are not restricted in their representational rights under the Dills Act; however, supervisory issues are totally separate from those of rank-and-file employees. (HPM 9.1, 13-3, 4a)
Employee organizations have the right to _______ their supervisory employee members in their employment relations with the state. The scope of representation for supervisory employees includes all matters relating to employment conditions and supervisory employer/employee relations encompassing wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. (HPM 9.1, 13-3, 4b)
Of the three groups, designated managers “have significant responsibilities for formulating policy or administering programs.” Therefore, designated managers, have no ___________ rights under the Dills Act. Management has a significant impact upon the success of the collective bargaining process. The OER works closely with CalHR to ensure the Department’s managers are appropriately compensated for their efforts. (HPM 9.1, 13-4, 6)
Some assignments have ________ pays attached to them. When the removal involves one of these specialty pay positions, it cannot be made arbitrarily but must be done only when there is legitimate cause to take such action. This restriction is the result of the 1982 Robert White vs. County of Sacramento case which was ultimately heard by the California Supreme Court. (HPM 9.1, 14-3, 1)
_______ is defined as an articulable reason an employee cannot continue to perform in the specialty pay assignment safely and/or effectively. Management must be able to show that there is something about the employee’s performance/conduct which has a direct relationship to the employee’s ability to perform that particular skilled assignment. (HPM 9.1, 14-3, 3a)
Specialty pay is defined as a premium pay which is paid on a monthly, rather than a daily basis. Currently, only the following are considered specialty pay positions: (1) Motorcycle assignments. (2) Pilot or flight officer positions. (3) _______ positions. (4) Investigator positions. (HPM 9.1, 14-4, b1-4)
Prior to removing an employee for ______ from any specialty pay position, approval must be obtained from the appropriate Assistant Commissioner, through channels. (HPM 9.1, 14-4,4a)
If the removal from a specialty pay position is not a result of an _______ action, the commander shall provide documentation to the employee advising them of the specific reason(s) for the removal and the effective date of the action. (HPM 9.1, 14-4, 4b)
When removing an employee from a specialty pay position as part of an adverse action, prior approval of the appropriate Assistant ____________ is also required. The request for removal should be incorporated into the adverse action package as a part of the penalty. (HPM 9.1, 14-4, 4c)
Once the removal is approved and specialty pay terminated, ______ ______ _______ shall be notified either by Comm-Net message or memorandum and a copy forwarded to Office of Employee Relations (HPM 9.1, 14-5, d)
Human Resources section
As indicated in the White decision, an employee removed from a specialty pay position is entitled to an _________ hearing if desired. Upon such an appeal, the employee will attempt to demonstrate that the action taken by the Department was inappropriate and the specialty pay position should be restored. (HPM 14-5, 5)
After the verbal request for removal has been approved, the commander is to prepare a Preliminary Memorandum of Removal on a CHP 51, Memorandum. This memorandum ______ be directed to the employee and is designed to provide the employee and subsequent review levels with a synopsis of the action to be taken (HPM 14-5, 6a)
Commanders are responsible for the accuracy and thoroughness of the file prior to transmittal. All communications pertaining to the investigation are _________ and should be handled accordingly. (HPM 14-7, 8a)