HPM 70.1 Flashcards
The goal of packaging is to maintain the item’s evidentiary value and protect employees from potential ______. HPM 70.1 5-3
All items submitted for storage _____ be packaged in the same manner regardless of the reason for the item’s storage. HPM 70.1 5-3
It may be necessary for an Area to deviate from the policy located in this chapter in order to comply with ________________ or court requirements. HPM 70.1 5-3
local laboratory
Employees _____ place all property and evidence in the designated property and evidence temporary storage lockers prior to the end of their work shift. Employees shall not store property and evidence in a personal locker or any other location. HPM 70.1 5-3
When property is booked for safekeeping, such as a wallet or backpack, and evidence/contraband from the same incident is collected, such as drugs or weapons, the property shall be packaged ______________ the evidence/contraband. HPM 70.1 5-4
separately from
Officers shall use an appropriately sized container to package items unless an item is required to be packaged in a certain container (refer to Figures 5-1 through 5-10). The selection should be large enough to allow for adequate room to ____ and ______ an item. All containers shall be new and clean to prevent the contamination of samples. HPM 70.1 5-4
open; reseal
All packaged items shall have the following handwritten information on the package: (a) ____________________ (b) Item number(s) (e.g., Item 1, Items 3 and 4). (c) Initials, ID number of booking officer, and booking date across the evidence tape seal being sure the information overlaps both the evidence tape and the package. HPM 70.1 5-8
Property control number
Tamper resistant plastic evidence bags containing controlled substances, currency, or any other item of value shall use ____ sensitive item serialized evidence tape around the overlapping ends of the package to create an evidentiary seal where the booking officer shall write their initials, ID number, and date. HPM 70.1 5-9
The CHP 557, File/Photo Envelope, containing only a DVD recording, ________ require the use of strapping tape around the seal of the envelope. The flap shall be sealed by moistening the gummed strip and pressing the flap closed. The red evidence tape shall then cover the seal of the envelope. The booking officer shall write their initials, ID number, and date across the seal. HPM 70.1 5-9
does not
All other paper and cardboard product packaged items (i.e., envelopes, paper bags), except blood/urine kits, shall use _________ tape to securely close the package. HPM 70.1 5-9
All packaged items shall have a ________ label placed on the package. There should only be one bar code label per package unless otherwise specified. HPM 70.1 5-9
bar code
Items with no evidentiary value, low monetary value, or which will not require laboratory testing, such as in-custody property, ___ be packaged together under one item number with a detailed list of its contents made in the comments section of the item number in the evidence RMS case file. HPM 70.1 5-9
When an item needs to be returned, the booking officer and their __________ shall be sent a notification of the refusal through the evidence RMS with clear instructions on how to remedy any deficiencies. HPM 70.1 5-12
There are occasions when packages need to be opened to examine, copy, or test an item. No package shall be opened in order to verify contents during any inventory, or departmental or command inspection. If during an inventory, or departmental or command inspection a package is suspected of being tampered with, the Area commander shall be notified immediately. Do not open to verify its contents without the _______________ approval. HPM 70.1 5-12
Area commander’s
The package shall not be opened along the ________ seal. This seal must be preserved. HPM 70.1 5-13
Seal the opening that was created using _________ tape, regardless of the type of packaging material. HPM 70.1 5-13
If an item’s original packaging cannot be preserved, the item will need to be repackaged using new packaging materials. When repackaging the item, the ______________ shall be placed in the new packaging, along with the item, in order to preserve the chain of custody of the original seal. HPM 70.1 5-13
original packaging
Departmental personnel __________ perform presumptive field tests solely to confirm the identification of suspected narcotics. HPM 70.1 7-3
shall not
The ____________________ system tests and __________________________ devices are the only types of self-contained drug test kits authorized for use by the Department; however, an Area may be required by a court to use a different brand of self-contained drug test kits. HPM 70.1 7-3
narcotics identification kit (NIK); Thermo Fisher Scientific TruNarc Narcotics Analyzer (TruNarc)
To ensure other employees are not exposed, an officer handling hazardous substances shall work in an area _________ from other employees and foot traffic. HPM 70.1 7-9
_______ is the basis for both investigative and judicial decisions. It is a means of proving or disproving facts and issues on trial in a court of law. (HPM 70.1, 2-3, 3)
If a departmental MAIT or Critical Incident Investigation Team is used, the team leader or lead person will normally assume functional responsibility for crime scene coordination and collection of evidence under the overall direction of the incident commander. Unless directed otherwise by a _______, the primary investigating officer will act as the custodian of evidence and assume security responsibilities. (HPM 7-1, 3-6, b1)
_______ who are arrested must be advised of their rights regardless of questioning (Section 625 Welfare and Institutions Code). (HPM 70.1 (3-7, 3)
The number of searchers should usually be _______ to prevent the destruction of evidence and complication of future court proceedings. (HPM 70.1, 3-10, b)
Suggested search methods are: (1) Strip Method. (2) Grid Method. (3) Zone Method. (4) ____ Method. (5) Aerial Method. (HPM 70.1, 3-10, c1-4)
Conducting the search / Evaluate the Scene.
First evaluate the scene and consider:
(1) Obvious signs and traces of activity.
(2) The probable entry and exit points used by the participants or offenders.
(3) Items immediately apparent to have _________ value.
(4) The size and shape of the scene. (HPM 70.1, 3-13, 10a-e)
A ___ shall be kept of all personnel who enter and leave the crime scene in
major crime cases. (HPM 70.1, 3-14, 7)
If an investigator encounters a _______ scene beyond the skills of the personnel assigned, the investigator should request the assistance of an allied agency or local laboratory crime scene investigator in order to ensure the highest level of integrity and preservation of the items to be collected. (HPM 70.1, 4-3, 2)
Plastic, tamper-resistant bags should be used as often as possible to _______ evidence. They provide the best storage device for most evidence. Plastic bags shall not be used for packaging of items which may contain biological materials, such as blood, semen, saliva, blood stains, fingerprint evidence, living plant material, or other moist items, as it can cause the specimens to retain moisture, which promotes bacterial growth and sample deterioration. Additionally, plastic bags should not be used when other agreements have been made with the crime laboratory or district or city attorney’s office. (HPM 70.1, 4-5, b1)
Correspondence envelopes are often not ________ at the corners. Unsealed corners allow small particles of evidence to leak and become lost. If tape is used to seal the corners, avoid allowing the adhesive to contact the evidence. Adhesive on the tape can contaminate and invalidate testing of some types of evidence. Manila envelopes or kraft paper bags can be used for the storage of larger items and items which may contain biological materials such as clothing. Manila envelopes may also be subject to similar leakage; therefore, precautions should be taken. (HPM 70.1, 4-5, b2)
If it is necessary to use correspondence envelopes for the packaging of small particles of evidence that may be easily lost, place such items in a folded paper bindle to prevent loss of material, and secure with tape or a paper clip before placing in the container. Do _____ use staples to seal the paper bindle. (HPM 70.1, 4-5, 2a)
_______ should not be used to seal evidence in any type of container. Staples make opening the container difficult, and they also leave small holes that can allow evidence to leak out. (HPM 70.1, 4-5, 2b)
Items which, due to their size or shape, do not lend themselves to standard _________ should be marked with a plastic ID tag. The plastic ID tag shall have the evidence number written on it in addition to a barcode label. (HPM 70.1, 4-5, c)
All tape seals _____ have the booking officer’s initials, ID number, and date packaged written so the markings are on both the evidence tape and the packaging. (HPM 70.1, 4-6, 5a)
Many kits, such as ______ and urine kits, include labels. All of the information requested on the label should be completed. (HPM 70.1, 4-6, 5a)
All containers being submitted for storage in the _________ room shall have, at a minimum, the evidence number written on the packaging and have a barcode label affixed. (HPM 70.1, 4-6, 5a)
When describing items for notation on a CHP 36, ________ Receipt, or in the evidence records management system, they should never include assumptions or conclusions. (HPM 70.1, 4-6, 6)