HPM 100.9 Flashcards
An _________ ________ ______ is a handheld computer used to produce an electronic citation (eCitation), replicating the CHP 215, Notice to Appear. HPM 100.9 8-3
Automated Citation Device
Once properly connected, the eCitation data is extracted and uploaded into the __________ _________ ________ ______ Web application and Management Information System (MIS). HPM 100.9 8-3
Statewide Automated Citation System
The issuance of a CHP 215 is authorized by Section _____ of the California Vehicle Code (CVC). Refer to Chapter 1, CHP 215, Notice to Appear, of this manual. HPM 100.9 8-4
When deployed to an Area office, departmental use of the ACD shall be the _________ method of issuing a CHP 215. HPM 100.9 8-4
_____ the eCitation has been printed, the officer shall have the violator sign on the device screen. The printed copy shall then be presented to the violator. HPM 100.9 8-5
For officer safety and efficiency, should the ACD malfunction or become difficult to use, temporarily discontinue use and issue a _____ ___ ___. Report any such malfunctions to the CHP Help Desk. HPM 100.9 8-5
paper CHP 215
The citing officer is responsible for ensuring the eCitation hardcopy of the CHP 215, produced by the ACD, is factually correct and is in compliance with CHP policy. If the officer has any problems issuing an eCitation, the officer _____ void the eCitation and issue a paper CHP 215 instead. Any such problems must be reported to the CHP Help Desk as soon as possible. HPM 100.9 8-5
When an error is identified on an issued eCitation, a CHP ___, Notice of Correction and Proof of Service, shall be prepared as outlined in Chapter 1 of this manual. HPM 100.9 8-6
In Areas where there is no electronic transmission of eCitations from CHP to the jurisdictional court, eCitations are to be _______ using the SACS Web application and processed as outlined in Chapter 1 of this manual. HPM 100.9 8-6
The ACD eCitation data is encrypted and secure. Once the ACD logout time has _______, the eCitation data is not accessible by unauthorized persons. HPM 100.9 8-8
When a user logs onto an ACD for the first time, it must be connected to the ___ _______ during the logon process. This ensures the officer’s user ID number and password can be verified via network services. After the initial logon, the officer’s credentials are cached on the ACD, and connecting the device is no longer required before logging on. HPM 100.9 8-9
CHP network
Booking Required. Check the box in order to subject the violator to formal booking/fingerprinting under the authority of California Penal Code (PC) Section 853.6(g) prior to case disposition. Use this box only when a subject is not physically arrested for a “recordable” offense. When the box is checked, a CHP ___, Fingerprint Notification/Verification, shall be completed as outlined in General Order (GO) 100.28, Criminal Fingerprinting; JUS 8715, Adult Disposition of Arrest and Court Action; and JUS 8716, Juvenile Detention Disposition Report. In addition, the reverse of the violator’s CHP 215 shall be filled out by the booking officer at the time of fingerprinting (refer to Chapter 1 of this manual). HPM 100.9 8-14
Additional Violations. Add violations as needed, up to 11 per citation. Form CHP 215s are __ ________ for additional violations. HPM 100.9 8-14
not required
Pursuant to CVC Section _____ and PC Section 853.6(d), officers may request that a violator provide a right or left thumbprint or fingerprint for identification when they reasonably expect a question of identity might arise. Examples include: no DL in possession, and driving with a suspended or revoked DL. Refer to Chapter 1, paragraph 4.b.(33), of this manual. HPM 100.9 8-18
The notes area is used to enter the officer’s notes. When a CHP 202, Driving Under the Influence Arrest – Investigation Report, or a CHP 216, Arrest – Investigation Report, is not prepared, the officer _____ make notes in the eCitation. The notes shall contain details which establish reasonable suspicion/probable cause for the stop, violation(s) charged, explanation of the reason for extended duration of stop, and any relevant circumstances occurring during the enforcement stop to ensure details of the stop are preserved. When using MVARS, the officer shall follow policy outlined in GO 100.61, Use of Mobile Video/Audio Recording Systems. HPM 100.9 8-19
To ensure data quality, the ACD validates all data that is entered. Due to the complexities of various violations and inconsistent requirements of local court jurisdictions, the ACD validation is incomplete. It shall ultimately be the ________ responsibility to ensure the data on the eCitation is valid. The ACD validation is performed at two levels. HPM 100.9 8-19
When the user of the ACD issues a command to save or print an eCitation, the eCitation data is validated. If the validation is successful, the eCitation is saved and can be printed. In addition, the eCitation data is locked and unable to be altered. Thus, the _______ version of the eCitation will always be a factual representation of the electronic copy. This locking occurs even if the officer has not given a printed version of the eCitation to the violator. HPM 100.9 8-20
The data for the officer notes is not locked after a save or print operation because it is not on the eCitation that is given to the violator. The citing officer can update or add to their notes on the ACD or on the office computer by using the ____Web application. HPM 100.9 8-20
CHP ___, Written Warning, shall be issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in Highway Patrol Manual (HPM) 100.68, Traffic Enforcement Policy Manual, Chapter 1, Patrol and General Enforcement Guidelines. HPM 100.9 9-3
Date of Warning. Enter the date the warning(s) occurred using the ___-digit date. HPM 100.9 9-3
Time. Enter the time of the warning(s) using the __-hour clock (rather than the 24-hour clock). Indicate “AM” or “PM” accordingly. HPM 100.9 9-3
All CHP 214s issued outside an officer’s assigned Area should be coded with beat code ___. HPM 100.9 9-4
Original CHP 214s are to be retained in the Area office files for a minimum of ___ months. Division Chiefs may direct Area offices to extend the minimum retention period. HPM 100.9 9-5
Upon completion of a CHP 214 book, the copies are to be retained for ___ year. This retention period may be extended by the Area commander. HPM 100.9 9-5
During the retention period, copies _____ be available in the officer’s assigned Area office for supervisory review. HPM 100.9 9-5
The driver’s attention ______ be directed to the safety message on the back of their copy. HPM 100.9 9-6
The issuance of CHP 214s will be primarily tracked via entries in the ___ ___ application. HPM 100.9 9-6
ATS 415
A CHP ____ may be issued in addition to a CHP 215 as the result of a single enforcement action. California Vehicle Code sections charged on the CHP 215 are not to be duplicated on the CHP 281. (HPM 100.9, 3-4, 3a)
Do not give the driver a copy of the CHP 281. The violator’s copy will be _____ to the responsible party. (HPM 100.9, 3-4, 3a)
If the owner or person responsible is a passenger in the vehicle stopped for an enforcement contact, the CHP 281 should be prepared with the owner or responsible party’s information only; they should be advised to ____ the document. (HPM 100.9, 3-4, 3a)
When there is insufficient room to record all sections violated, a CHP_____, Continuation Document, should be used. In the absence of a CHP_____, more than one CHP 281 may be used. (HPM 100.9, 3-5, 3c)
Section 40302 CVC does not authorize custodial arrest for refusal to sign a CHP_____. However, refusal to sign should be considered a disqualifier for dismissal of the violation under the provisions of Section 40610(b)(3) CVC, which states: “…the violator does not agree to, or cannot, promptly correct the violation.” Under these circumstances, the use of a CHP 215 should be condered. (HPM 100.9, 3-10, 18a1)
Any person who signs a CHP 281 with a false or fictitious signature is guilty of a __________ (Section 40614 CVC). (HPM 100.9, 3-11,2)
Office/officer copies of the CHP 281 are to be retained at the Area office. The minimum retention period is ___ months to allow for possible court testimony and/or administrative inspections. (HPM 100.9, 3-13, b1)
Office/officer copies of the CHP 281 are to be retained at the Area office. The minimum retention period is ___ months to allow for possible court testimony and/or administrative inspections. (HPM 100.9, 3-13, b1)
All violations involving the standing or parking of a vehicle must be recorded on a CHP ____ with the exception of violation of Sections 21718, 22526(a), 22526(b), and 22526(c) CVC. (HPM 100.9, 4-3, 1b)
Section 21718 CVC, nonemergency stop on a freeway, shall be cited on a CHP _____, Notice to Appear. (HPM 100.9, 4-3, 1b1)
All misdemeanor parking violations (e.g., Section 22513[b] CVC, unlawful soliciting of tow services) _____ be written on a CHP 215. (HPM 100.9, 4-4, b)
Universal ________ _______ Citation (UCPC) is a generic term used to describe a parking citation developed by an individual county for use by all law enforcement agencies working within that county. (HPM 100.9, 5-3,1a)
Countywide parking
Areas/Divisions implementing UCPC programs ____ ensure Area Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) provide direction for completing, processing, and retaining UCPCs at the Area. Area UCPC SOPs shall be approved by Division prior to implementation. Training in these procedures shall be provided to Area personnel. (HPM 100.9, 5-3,2c)
The UCPCs will be retained using one of the following schedules, whichever provides for the longest retention: (1) __ months (2) As prescribed by the county. (HPM 100.9, 5-3,3e)
Assistance ______ be provided to the motoring public by clearing violations resulting from issuance of enforcement documents for mechanical, driver license, and registration violations. (HPM 100.9, 6-3,1)
Persons Authorized to Clear Documents.
(1) Uniformed California Highway Patrol (CHP) employees.
(2) A CHP Motor Carrier Specialist for mechanical violations relating to motor vehicles and trailers and correctable hazardous materials packaging violations.
(3) The Associate Automotive Equipment Standards Engineer assigned to Commercial Vehicle Section as the Department’s hazardous materials packaging coordinator for correctable hazardous materials packaging violations.
(4) _________________________________________________.
(5) Department of Motor Vehicles employees (driver license and registration violations).
(6) Licensed lamp, brake, and exhaust system installers for the specific violation(s).
(7) Smog check stations licensed by the California Bureau of Automotive Repair.
(8) Fleet owners licensed as inspection and maintenance stations pursuant to Section 2525.4 CVC. (HPM 100.9, 6-3,2a)
Nonuniformed CHP employees specifically authorized by the Area/Division/section commander (Section 40616[c] of the California Vehicle Code [CVC]).
A CHP 422, Vehicle Check/Parking Warning/Highway Damage Report, _______ be completed and attached to all unattended vehicles which appear to be abandoned, unlawfully parked, or disabled within the geographical area of departmental responsibility. (HPM 100.9, 7-3,1a)
Vehicles _____ be removed when authorized by law. The CHP 422 may be used as a warning for parking violations. The CHP 422 may be used as a Highway Damage Report. See Highway Patrol Manual (HPM) 110.5, Crash Investigation Manual. (HPM 100.9, 7-3,1a-d)
Complete the upper portion of the CHP 422 as required by _____ _________ _______ ______. Area commanders will establish procedures in their Area SOP for checking the upper portion of the CHP 422. (HPM 100.9, 7-4,b)
Area Standards Operating Procedure