All citizens’ complaints investigated by this Department are classified as either _________ HPM 10.4, 2-1
Category I, Category II, or “Other”
A complaint allegation will have ____ of five findings:
(1) Sustained,(2) Unintentional Error, (3) Undetermined/No Finding, (4) Departmental,
(5) Exonerated. HPM 10.4, 2-2
The _______(Complaint Investigation) will be completed for all Category I, Category II, and Other complaints. HPM 10.4, 3-1
CHP 240
The CHP 240A(Complaint Control Log) _____ be maintained in a location that ensures its confidentiality. HPM 10.4, 3-1
_____, Citizens’ Complaint Information is intended to be the primary
instrument for citizens to file complaints against uniformed (peace officer) employees,
while also informing complainants about the complaint process. HPM 10.4, 3-1
CHP 240B
____, Citizens’ Complaint Information (Non Uniformed) is intended
to be the primary instrument for citizens to file complaints against non-uniformed (non peace officer) employees, while also informing complainants about the complaint process. HPM 10.4, 3-1
CHP 240D
All complainants shall be acknowledged by correspondence within _____ business
days of the Department’s notification of the complaint. HPM 10.4, 3-3
The complainant shall be requested to return the CHP 240B or CHP 240D within ______ business days. HPM 10.4, 3-3
Any complainant who makes a claim of monetary damages, which are alleged to have been proximately caused by the actions, or inaction, of a Department employee shall be provided with a _______, Claims of $1,000 or Less. HPM 10.4, 3-6
CHP 287
As further required by law, a complainant contacting the Department by telephone regarding a ___ ________ employee shall be informed that information about filing such a complaint may be obtained via the Internet and that many local libraries offer Internet access. HPM 10.4, 3-6
When an investigation involves multiple employees assigned to different commands, a single Division, Area, or Section ______ be appointed as the primary investigative command. HPM 10.4, 4-2
Citizens’ complaints which originate while an employee is working a temporary assignment within the Department, such as a Protective Services Detail, Motor Carrier Inspection Program, watch officer, etc., remain the responsibility of the employee’s _________ commander. HPM 10.4, 4-2
Complaints _______ be investigated to the degree necessary to reach a logical conclusion. HPM 10.4, 5-1
When a complaint involves a purported injury to the complainant, every effort ______be made to thoroughly document such injuries. HPM 10.4, 5-4
Normally, an interview with the involved employee should be conducted ______ gathering all other available information. HPM 10.4, 5-5
The investigator _______ normally avoid confronting the employee immediately after receiving a complaint. HPM 10.4, 5-5
In accordance with existing case law, legal statute, and current Department of
Personnel Administration guidelines, an employee is entitled to representation when a
meeting is held with his/her superiors for the specific purpose of eliciting information
which _____ ______ to adverse action. HPM 10.4, 5-5
If the complaint investigation is of a serious nature, and/or the facts indicate adverse action may reasonably result, the employee _____ be afforded the right to representation. HPM 10.4, 5-5
As such, before refusing a request for representation, it is _________ that
commanders and supervisors consult with the Office of Employee Relations (OER) or
BIA for additional guidance (with the concurrence of Division, as appropriate). HPM 10.4, 5-5
If, during the course of a routine interview in which the employee does not have
representation, information surfaces which indicates the employee may be faced with
adverse action, the interview ______ be suspended and the employee _____ be informed of his/her right to representation. HPM 10.4, 5-5
Statements by complainants and witnesses ______ be recorded in potentially serious cases, as determined by the commander. HPM 10.4, 5-6
Complainants or witnesses who desire to use an audio tape recorder to record an interview or discussion with an investigator _____ be allowed to do so. HPM 10.4, 5-6
Should a supervisor desire to tape record an interview with an employee, outside the scope of a formal Administrative Interrogation, ____ ______must be obtained from the employee. HPM 10.4, 5-6
________ is the key to conducting a successful interview. HPM 10.4, 5-6
The employee’s complaint history _____ be examined in order to determine the
existence of previous complaints which would be relevant to the current investigation. HPM 10.4, 5-8