GO 10.23-GO.11.8 Flashcards
Nonuniformed employees of this Department, while on duty and conducting state business, shall comply with Section 171b PC, which _______ any person from bringing or possessing specified weapons in state owned or leased buildings. (GO 10.23, 1, 3a
Although Section 171b PC provides exemptions for peace officers and persons with a valid CCW license, __________ policy prohibits all nonuniformed employees from carrying any weapon described above while on duty and conducting state business, whether or not they possess a CCW license. (GO 10.23, 2)
If a job classification is not listed, a CHP 51, ___________, shall be written detailing the job classification, job description, and justification for allowing a nonuniformed employee to handle departmental weapons. The memorandum shall be forwarded through the chain of command for approval by the appropriate Assistant Commissioner. The approved memorandum shall be placed into the employee’s personnel file. (GO 10.23, 3, Note)
During nonuniformed employee annual appraisals or evaluations, nonuniformed employees _____ review this GO and be familiar with the contents of Highway Patrol Manual 70.8, Firearms Manual, Chapter 2, Firearms Safety, regarding firearms safety and the handling of firearms. Once reviewed, a copy of this GO shall be initialed by the employee and placed in the employee’s personnel file. (GO 10.23, 3, c)
A 24-hour road patrol means patrol of a highway by an ________ on duty and assigned to patrol, or available to respond to assignments on that highway. (GO 10.24, 1, 2a)
On-call assignment means assignment of an off-duty officer to respond to emergency calls during those hours, usually at night, when traffic flow volumes and calls for service do ____ justify 24-hour road patrol. (GO 10.24, 1, 2a)
Area commanders ________ maintain 24-hour road patrol coverage on all interstate highways, United States (US) 101, US 50, and State Route (SR) 99. (GO 10.24, 1, 3a)
In Areas that do not have an interstate or any portion of US 101, US 50, or SR 99, Area commanders may _________ all road patrol in their Area during specific periods of the day (e.g., graveyard; 0300-0600) by assigning an on-call officer with the approval of Division. (GO 10.24,2, d)
Divisions approving an Area’s plan to eliminate all road patrol in that Area during specific periods of the day will inform _________ _________, Field, of the action taken. (GO 10.24, 2, e)
Assistant Commissioner
As part of its continuing effort to increase governmental transparency, the Department has been mandated to expand the information provided to __________ agencies regarding officers who have been subject to administrative or criminal action. (GO 10.25, 1, 2a)
Penal Code §832.7 protects the __________ of peace officer personnel records and limits their disclosure. An unauthorized disclosure of peace officer personnel records in violation of Penal Code §832.7 may constitute a crime. (GO 10.25, 1, 2a)
Each _________ shall inform OIA as soon as practical if any uniformed employee within that command is charged with a misdemeanor or felony offense. The command shall monitor the status of the employee’s criminal proceedings and notify the OIA of any change in case status (e.g., charges are dismissed, the charge results in a judgment, etc.). (GO 10.25, 1, 3b)
Each uniformed employee shall __________ notify their commander: (1) If they are charged or convicted of a misdemeanor or felony offense. (2) If charges for a misdemeanor or felony offense are dismissed or adjudicated. If adjudicated, the employee shall notify their commander with the outcome of the proceedings. (GO 10.25, 2, c)
The CHP desires to provide its employees with a workplace that is safe and secure. The implementation of ________ __________ _________ (SCS) policies and procedures is intended to facilitate safe and secure work locations throughout the state. Utilizing cameras to survey public areas deters crime and assists in the protection and safety of CHP facilities and personnel. The SCS will also be used to monitor access to high-risk or restricted areas, such as evidence rooms. SCS are maintained at the Area level; however, Emergency Operations and Safety Services (EOSS) section is the Office of Primary Interest. (GO 10.26, 1, 1b)
Security Camera Systems
Security Camera Systems are used and ________ by departmental personnel. These individuals are identified as users and are provided access to the software necessary to utilize the system. (GO 10.26, 2, 3)