A probationary period ______ required for appointments made from an eligible list, permissive reinstatements, and interdepartmental transfers, except as noted in paragraph 1.b. below. The employee shall not attain permanent status in the classification until the prescribed probationary period has been satisfactorily completed. 7-3, 1(a)
A probationary period is not required for mandatory reinstatements, intradepartmental transfers within classification, and interdepartmental transfers or reinstatements without a break in state service when the employee has ____________________________________________________________. 7-3, 1(b)
previously completed the probationary period for the classification while employed with the California Highway Patrol
The required hours for completion of the probationary period are prescribed in GC Section 19170 and CCR, Title 2, Section 321. The probationary reports shall be completed within ____ days of the designated probationary period, and submitted to Human Resources Section (HRS), Personnel Files Services. 7-3, 2
Employees on a 12-month probation (refer to Annex A, Classifications Requiring a 12-Month Probationary Period) will receive written appraisals at ___ months, ___months, ___ months, and more frequently as necessary. 7-3, 2(b)
4, 8, 12
An employee serving a 12-month probationary period must work a minimum of ______ hours during the 12-month period. 7-3, 2(b)
In determining total hours worked, vacation, sick leave, military leave, or other leave of absence, compensating time off, suspension or other separations, including separations subsequently voided or otherwise set aside, _________ be considered working time. 7-3, 3(b)
shall not
When it is determined that the probationary period is to be extended, the commander shall contact _____________________ to determine the official date for completion of the probationary period. 7-3, 3( c)
Human Resources Section (HRS)
Pursuant to GC Section 19170, an appointing power of an employee, who alleges a disability as defined in GC Section 12926.1, may submit a written agreement for approval by the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) that would extend the employee’s probationary period within the existing classification for up to ___ months to provide a reasonable accommodation. 7-4, 4(a)
Reasonable Accommodation Request: Qualified individuals with a disability may submit a written request for a reasonable accommodation by submitting a ____ to their commander. Refer to Highway Patrol Manual (HPM) 10.12, Equal Employment Opportunity Manual, Chapter 5, Reasonable Accommodation, for additional information regarding reasonable accommodation request procedures. 7-4, 4( c)
CHP 163
Notification of Reasonable Accommodation Request: The written agreement must be received for review by CalHR ______________________________________, and the commander shall immediately notify HRS upon receipt of this type of request to allow sufficient time for preparation and forwarding of the agreement to CalHR. If the employee’s probationary period will end during the CalHR review, CalHR will automatically extend the probationary period until a determination is made to approve or disapprove the agreement. 7-5, 4(d)
prior to the end of the employee’s probationary period
Discretionary Leave: An unpaid leave may be granted to an employee if approved by the employee’s commander or the appropriate Commissioner, depending on the type of leave. An employee ___ entitled to discretionary leave as a matter of right. 8-5, 1(c )
is not
The following are discretionary leaves:
(a) Regular Leave of absence (reasons listed in paragraph 2.d.).
(b) Adoption Leave.
(c) Temporary Leave of absence.
(d) _______________________
8-5, 1(c )(1)
informal leave
Determining factors to be considered in granting discretionary leave are:
(a) Purpose or reason for the leave.
(b) _________________________
(c) Whether the employee’s plan is to return to work at the expiration of
the leave.
(d) The effect the employee’s absence will have on the command
(e) The possibility and feasibility of filling the position while the employee
is on a leave of absence.
8-5, 1(c )(2)
The employee’s service record
Nondiscretionary Leave. When an employee meets the eligibility criteria as
specified by the Government Code (GC), California Department of Human
Resources (CalHR) rules, BU agreement, or federal or state law, the employee is
entitled to the leave as a matter of right. The following are nondiscretionary leaves:
(1) Pregnancy or Parental Leave.
(2) Veterans’ Educational Leave.
(3) Military Leave.
(4) _____________________
(5) Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)/California Family Rights Act
(CFRA) Leave.
(6) Nonindustrial Disability Insurance (NDI) Leave.
(7) State Disability Insurance (SDI) Leave.
8-6, 1(d)
Spousal Military Leave
Attendance Reporting During Unpaid Leave of Absence. Attendance reporting
is not required for the period the employee is off-duty without pay on an approved
Regular, Pregnancy or Parental, Adoption, _____________________, or Military Leave of absence. Refer to the attendance reporting instructions within this chapter for all other leaves of absence.
8-6, 1(f)
Veteran’s Educational
Uniformed employees who are on an approved leave of absence for less than ____ shall be retrained and recertified at their assigned commands. 8-7, 1(h)(1)
1 year
Uniformed employees who are on an approved leave of absence for _______________________ are required to complete Refresher Training at the Academy prior to resuming field-related duties at their assigned commands. 8-7, 1(h)(2)
12 continuous months to 2 years
Uniformed employees who are on an approved leave of absence for over _______are required to complete Reinstatement Training at the Academy prior to resuming field-related duties at their assigned commands. 8-7, 1(h)(3)
2 years
The purpose of a regular leave of absence is to provide an employee with a guaranteed right of return to the employee’s former position upon expiration of the leave. A regular leave of absence is ____________ pay and allows an employee to be away from the job for an extended period of time. The employee shall be offered the opportunity to continue medical benefits during the unpaid leave through the “direct pay” process. 8-7, 2(a)
Government Code Section 19991.1 provides, subject to CalHR rule, an appointing power may grant a leave of absence without pay to any employee under that jurisdiction for a period not exceeding _______. 8-7, 2(b)
1 year
An appointing power may grant a leave of absence without pay to an employee who has permanent status with no break in continuity of state service due to permanent separation, a probationer who has completed 6 months of service in a classification having a longer probationary period, or _____________________________________________________ . 8-7, 2(c )(1)
a probationer who was prevented from completing the probationary period because of entry into the United States (U.S.) military service
California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 2, Section 599.781 provides that a leave of absence shall not be granted to any employee ___________________________________, or who is leaving state service to enter other employment except as herein provided, or who does not intend to nor can reasonably be expected to return to state service on or before the expiration of the leave. 8-7, 2(c )(2)
who is accepting some other position in state service
Regular Leave of Absence - Reasons for Leave.
(1) __________________________________________________________________.
(2) Temporary incapacity due to illness or injury. (Not applicable when on SDI
or NDI.)
(3) Loaned to another governmental agency for the performance of a specific
(4) To seek or accept other employment during a layoff situation or otherwise
lessen the impact of an impending layoff.
(5) Family illness or obligation. (Not applicable when on FMLA/CFRA leave.)
(6) Union activity.
(7) Victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. (Refer to
Chapter 26, Miscellaneous Absences With Pay, of this manual.)
(8) For some other reason equally satisfactory as determined by the
appointing power.
8-8, 2(d)
To attend school or college, or to enter training to improve the quality of the employee’s service
Procedure to Request a Regular Leave of Absence-All Employees: The employee shall submit a _____, Leave of Absence Request, to the commander prior to going on a leave of absence. The _____ shall include the reason for the leave, the period of time requested, and the amount and type of leave credits to be used (if the leave of absence is with pay). 8-9, 2(g)(1)
CHP 737
Length of a Regular Leave: A leave for up to 1 year, for reasons identified in
paragraph 2.d., may be granted by the appropriate ________________. A 1-year leave
may be extended up to 1 additional year if approved by the appropriate
Commissioner prior to the expiration of the original 1-year leave. Requests for
extensions shall be routed through channels to the appropriate Commissioner at
least _____ days in advance of the effective date of the extension. It is Executive
Management’s practice to recommend and grant leaves and extensions in
full-month increments. Human Resources Section (HRS) will forward a copy of the
approved memorandum to CalHR. 8-8, 2(e )
Commissioner, 60
Procedure to Request a Regular Leave of Absence-All Employees: A medical leave qualifying as a serious health condition under FMLA Family and Medical Leave / CFRA California Family Rights Act shall run _______ with NDI Nonindustrial Disability Insurance or SDI State Disability Insurance. Supervisors shall check eligibility of the employee and, if eligible, designate the leave under FMLA/CFRA. 8-9, 2(g)(1)(a)
Adoption Leave: Government Code Section 19991.6(c)(3) provides an appointing power may
grant a permanent employee’s request for a leave of absence without pay for the
adoption of a child for a period not to exceed ___________. 8-9, 3(a)
1 year
Procedure to Request an Adoption Leave: The employee shall submit a CHP 737, with substantiation attached, to the commander stating the reason for the leave, the period of time requested, and _________________________________________. In addition, the request must indicate whether or not the employee wishes to continue health, dental, vision, and/or medical reimbursement account benefits. 8-10, 3(b)(1)
the amount and type of leave credits to be used prior to going on leave without pay
Commanders may grant a temporary leave of absence without pay to any employee for a period not to exceed ___________ days. 8-10, 4(a)
30 calendar
Procedure to Request a Temporary Leave of Absence: The employee shall submit a CHP 737 to the commander stating the reason for the leave, the period of time requested, and the amount and type of leave credits to be used prior to going on a leave without pay. If the request is for medical reasons, it must also include the amount of sick leave to be used and whether or not _______________________________________________________________. A physician’s statement is required to substantiate a leave for medical reasons for the time requested. In addition, the request must indicate whether or not the employee wishes to continue health, dental, vision, and/or medical reimbursement account benefits. 8-10, 4(b)
NDI Nonindustrial Disability Insurance or SDI State Disability Insurance benefits will be requested prior to a leave without pay
Attendance Reporting: Absences for temporary leave are processed and reported as dock. Once on dock status, an employee cannot use credits until after physically returning to work, unless on an ____________ leave. 8-11 4(c )
Maximum Length of Informal Leave: Commanders may grant an informal leave of absence without pay for a period not to exceed 11 working days in a 22-day pay period or 10 working days in a 21-day pay period or ______________ working days between pay periods. 8-11, 5(a)
11 consecutive
Parental Leave of Absence: Government Code Section 19991.6 provides an employee with permanent status may request and shall be granted an ______________ of absence for purposes of pregnancy, childbirth, the recovery therefrom, or care for the newborn child for a period as determined by the employee not to exceed 1 year. 8-11, 6(a)
unpaid leave
A spouse or domestic partner or parent who is a permanent employee shall be granted an unpaid leave of absence for a period not to exceed ________ to care for the newborn child. 8-12, 6(a)
1 year
When an employee first becomes aware of their pregnancy, they shall notify their commander and ____________________________________________________________________. An estimated date of delivery must be included in the statement. The health care provider’s statement is required whether or not the employee plans to request a leave of absence. A limited-duty assignment may be considered for a pregnant employee in accordance with the provisions of HPM 10.7, Injury and Illness Case Management Manual, Chapter 8, Limited Duty/Return-To-Work. 8-12, 6(b)
submit a statement from their health care provider regarding their ability to perform full or limited duties
All pregnant uniformed employees, and those pregnant nonuniformed employees who perform duties associated with firearms training, shall submit a _____, Advisory: Potential Fetal Health Hazards Associated with Firearms Training, signed by their health care provider. 8-12, 6(b)
CHP 209
Veteran’s Educational Leave: Government Code Section 19991.9 provides that any permanent employee, or an employee serving under another appointment who previously had permanent status and who, since that permanent status, has no break in the continuity of state service, who served in the armed forces, and who is eligible because of that service for education or training under applicable state or federal law shall, upon application, be granted an educational leave of absence without pay for the period during which the employee receives that education or training and for ____ months thereafter. 8-13, 7(a)
Military Leave: Short-term military leave is leave for ___ months (180 calendar days) or less. 8-14, 8(a)(1)
Military Leave: A permanent, probationary, ________, or temporary employee is entitled to a short-term military leave of absence for ordered active military duty, for 6 months (180 calendar days) or less, in the U.S. Armed Forces, National Guard, or Naval Militia. 8-14, 8(a)(2)
An employee who has had 12 qualifying pay periods of state service without a break in service immediately prior to the active duty date, or has a combination of pay periods of such state service and calendar time spent in the military service which equals 1 year, is entitled to pay for the first ___________ days (172 hours) of a short-term military leave of absence. 8-14, 8(a)(6)
30 calendar
An employee who is absent longer than 30 days (172 hours) in 1 fiscal year may use any leave credits, with the exception of ___________, to cover an absence that extends beyond 30 days (172 hours). 8-15, 8(a)(9)
sick leave
Military Short-Term Reinstatement: A permanent or probationary employee ordered to active duty must
return to state service within ___________ days after the end of the military leave, following any period of rehabilitation afforded by the U.S. military or after the termination of the state military emergency ordered by the Governor. (Refer to 38 USC § 4312.) 8-16, 8(a)(11)(c)
14 calendar
Effective Date of Long-Term Military Leave. The effective date of the leave must be within ________ days after the last day the employee physically worked or the last day the employee is on leave credits prior to the active duty date. 8-16, 8(b)(4)
90 calendar
Long-Term Military Leave - Eligibility: An employee who has ___________________ status is entitled to a long-term military leave for active duty service in the U.S. Armed Forces when the orders are for a period over 6 months, but not exceeding 5 years. 8-16, 8(b)(2)
permanent or probationary
Military Long-Term Reinstatement: An employee shall return to state service within ___ months after the end of long-term military leave. 8-18, 8(b)(12)(b)
Emergency Military Leave: Emergency military leave is a leave for members of the
National Guard during such time as the __________ may have issued a proclamation of a state of extreme emergency or insurrection under the provisions of the Military and Veterans Code Sections 143 or 146, or during such time as the National Guard may be on active duty for one or more situations in the Military and Veterans Code Section 146. 8-18, 8(c)(1)
Emergency Military Leave – Reinstatement: A permanent or probationary employee must return to state service within ___________ after the end of the military leave, following any
period of rehabilitation afforded by the U.S. or the state or after termination of the state military emergency ordered by the Governor. 8-19,8(c )(6)
14 calendar days
War or National Emergency Leave - Eligibility: An employee who is a member of the ______________ or U.S. military reserve organization is entitled to a war or national emergency military leave for ordered active military duty by the President or Congress. 8-20, 8(d)(2)
National Guard
Procedures for Claiming Pay and Benefits: To receive the difference between military pay and state pay, employees shall provide a copy of their military pay records ___ complete a Military Leave Work Sheet. 8-21, 8(d)(6)(a)
Employee Responsibilities to Return to State Service.
(1) An employee seeking to return to state service after completing military
leave must contact the commander to request reinstatement and provide a
copy of the military separation document.
(2) The separation document may be:
(a) ______________________________; or
(b) Any other correspondence which identifies the employee’s branch of
service or is printed on official letterhead from the branch of the military
(3) The military separation document must provide the following:
(a) The condition of the employee’s release from the military service
(e.g., under honorable or general conditions).
(b) The date the employee entered active duty.
(c) The date the employee was released from duty.
(4) The employee will not be denied or the reinstatement date delayed if the previous information does not exist or is not readily available. However, the employee shall provide this information as soon as it becomes available.
8-23, 8(d)(5)(f)
The Department of Defense Form 214 (DD-214), Certificate of
Release or Discharge from Active Duty
Unpaid Spousal Military Leave: Eligible employees whose spouse is on a leave from a period of military conflict will be allowed to take up to _________ of unpaid leave. Available leave
credits (excluding sick leave) may be used to receive payment. 8-24, 8(d)(5)(j)(1)
10 days
Probationary Period Extensions and Experience for Deep Class Range Change: A probationary employee who is returning from a military leave will have the probationary period extended pursuant to CCR, Title 2, Section 321. The probationary period shall be extended by the length of their employment absences, and no more than ___ months of leave credits shall be granted.
(Refer to GC Section 19775.3.) 8-28, 8(p)(1)
Pregnancy Disability Leave: In addition to leave taken under the provisions of FMLA/CFRA, an employee who is disabled due to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions is entitled to take unpaid PDL for the period of the actual disability up to ______________, per pregnancy, as medically needed. 8-30, 9(a)
four months (17.33 weeks)
Pregnancy Disability Leave – Health Care Providers: The type of health care providers who can determine what is “medically advisable” are:
(1) Marriage and family therapists.
(2) _________________.
(3) Midwives.
(4) Chiropractors.
(5) Clinical social workers.
Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL) - California Family Rights Act (CFRA) Bonding Leave: Once a child is born, an employee is entitled to choose to utilize CFRA leave immediately or continue on PDL for the period of actual disability after birth (generally 6 to 8 weeks) and then commence
an additional 12 weeks of unpaid bonding with their baby under the CFRA. The CFRA bonding leave need not be taken right after the baby is born, but it must conclude within _______ of the child’s birth. (Refer to Chapter 45 of this manual.) 8-32, 9(k)
1 year
NONINDUSTRIAL DISABILITY INSURANCE - Eligibility: An employee who becomes disabled may be eligible to receive NDI benefits if the employee meets all of the following conditions:
(1) Is a current active member of the CalPERS, State Teachers’ Retirement System, or a state officer or employee of the Legislature.
(2) Is a permanent or probationary employee with a full-time, part-time, or intermittent time base.
(3) ______________________________________________________________.
(4) Filed a Form DE 8501, First Claim for Nonindustrial Disability Insurance (NDI), which has been completed by HRS and their physician, and verified and accepted by the Employment Development Department’s (EDD) NDI office physician.
(5) If applicable, has exhausted Industrial Disability Leave, Temporary Disability benefits, and 4800.5 time.
8-33, 10(a)
is on pay status (not separated by formal leave of absence)
NONINDUSTRIAL DISABILITY INSURANCE – Enhanced Nonindustrial Disability Insurance: Employees who are in the annual leave program, and eligible for Enhanced Nonindustrial Disability Insurance (ENDI), receive ___ percent of their gross pay. This amount may be supplemented with leave credits up to ___ percent or ____ percent of full pay.
8-33, 10( c)(2)
50, 75, 100
NONINDUSTRIAL DISABILITY INSURANCE - Use of Leave Credits. Except as provided for in some BU contracts, employees ____ required to use any leave credits before being eligible to receive Nonindustrial Disability Insurance (NDI). 8-34, 10(e )
are not
STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE: The SDI Program is a wage continuation program that pays _________ an eligible employee’s wages if the employee is required to be absent from work due to a nonwork-related illness or injury or qualifying family leave. 8-36, 11(a)
part of
STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE – Eligibility / Process: Process. To receive SDI payments, the employee must meet the following conditions:
(1) _________________________________________________________.
(2) Submit a claim for SDI benefits to the EDD SDI office. Employees may file
a claim through EDD’s SDI Online or by mail. For more information, employees
may use EDD’s SDI Automated Phone Information System at 1-800-480-3287
or refer to EDD’s Web site at: http://www.edd.ca.gov/Disability/SDI_Online.htm.
8-37 HPM 10.3
(3) Obtain an approved leave of absence from the commander. (Refer to
paragraph 11.d.)
(4) Serve a 7-calendar-day waiting period (nonpayable by SDI benefits),
which includes holidays that fall within the waiting period. During the waiting
period, the employee may request to use available leave credits, be placed on
an unpaid leave, or use a combination of leave credits and unpaid leave.
Exception: A new waiting period is not required when an employee is on a
pregnancy-related disability under DI and then files a PFL claim for bonding. 8-36, 11(c )
Earn at least $300 in wages that are subject to SDI deductions (during the
12-month base period of the SDI claim).
Action to recoup an overpayment cannot be taken unless the action is
initiated within _____ years from the date of the overpayment. HPM 10.3, 11-3
The recoupable amount must not exceed _______ of the employee’s
monthly net disposable earnings (gross salary minus mandatory deductions). HPM 10.3, 11-3
Employees ______ be provided an opportunity to respond prior to the initiation of the collection process. HPM 10.3, 11-4
The commander ______ sign and date the CHP 456 to certify the CHP 456 was given to the employee, and ensure the
(1) The employee signs and dates the CHP 456.
(2) The original CHP 456 is returned to PTU within 15 calendar days from the
date of the form.
(3) A signed and dated copy is provided to the employee and also placed in the command’s confidential general personnel file.
(4) If the original CHP 456 is not returned to PTU within 15 calendar days
from the date of the form, the Personnel Specialist will contact the command
for the status.
(5) If the original CHP 456 is not returned to PTU within 14 calendar days
from the date the command was contacted, a memorandum will be sent to the
commander. The memorandum will provide notification that the CHP 456 was
not returned to PTU and collection will begin by payroll deduction from the next
pay warrant. HPM 10.3, 11-4
The California department of Human Resources has delegated authority to all departments to enter into a mutual agreement with their employees to use ____ ____ to satisfy specific overpayment conditions. HPM 10.3, 11-5
If the employee wants to use leave credits other than Annual Leave/Vacation, the employee _____ submit a signed written request to their commander indicating the leave credits to be utilized. HPM 10.3, 11-6
The immediate commander ____ determine if the employee has the available leave credits to satisfy the AR. The request _____ then be attached to the signed copy of the CHP 456 and forwarded to PTU within 14 calendar days of the date noticed; otherwise, the AR will be recouped utilizing the employee’s Annual Leave/Vacation. HPM 10.3, 11-6
_____ ______ and types available for use with this process: Annual Leave, Compensating Time Off, Excess Hours, Holiday Credit, Personal Holiday, Personal Leave Program, Personal Leave Program 2003, Vacation, and Voluntary Personal Leave. HPM 10.3, 11-6
Leave balance and types ____ available for use with this process: Furlough Hours, Personal Development Day, Personal Leave Program 2010-2011, and Holiday Informal Time. HPM 10.3, 11-6
Any outstanding monies owed the Department may be deducted from the employee’s ____ ____ warrant upon separation. HPM 10.3, 11-7
Overpayments that cannot be resolved by the methods identified above may be resolved through the _______ settlement process. HPM 10.3, 11-7
Uniformed employees, Public Safety Operators, Public Safety Dispatchers, Public Safety Dispatch Supervisors I/II, nonuniformed section commanders, and Division chiefs and their alternates ________ maintain a contact telephone number. HPM 10.3, 12-3
Employees _______ promptly report changes in names, address, telephone
number, marital status, or emergency information as outlined in this chapter, so
that their personnel records in the Department and in other state agencies can
be kept accurate and up to date. HPM 10.3, 12-3
An _________ must be completed upon the employee’s initial appointment and to report any changes thereafter in the following (refer to Chapter 29, Payroll Deductions and Salary Warrants, of this manual):
(1) Name
(2) Address.
(3) Marital Status.
(4) Withholding Tax Exemption. HPM 10.3, 12-3
STD 686
The STD. 686 is ______ used to change official state payroll records and does not replace other required forms. HPM 10.3, 12-4
Each employee shall complete a ________ upon employment with the Department and thereafter when changes occur in such information. HPM 10.3, 12-4
CHP 102
An employee may completely _______ a designation at any time by submitting a letter in duplicate to HRS, PTU, or by submitting an STD. HPM 10.3, 12-4
It is the responsibility of ________ to report name, address, and beneficiary changes directly to the companies to which they have authorized payroll deductions, such as insurance companies, credit unions, employee organizations, and deferred compensation plans. HPM 10.3, 12-5
When an employee has a name or address change and the employee is participating in a current examination, or the employee’s name appears on any existing eligible list, the employee ______ send written notification to Selection
Standards and Examinations Section, P.O. Box 942898, Sacramento, CA
The notification must include a copy of the “Notice of Examination Results” or the following information:
(1) Social security number.
(2) Examination class title.
(3) Examination date.
(4) List date. HPM 10.3, 12-5
It is the responsibility of the _______ to request confidential status through the
command by completing an INV-32 upon or during appointment to an eligible
classification. HPM 10.3, 12-6
The home address of the surviving spouse or child shall remain confidential for
_______ years following the death of the eligible employee. HPM 10.3, 12-6
Every employee _____ complete and sign a CHP 611A. The CHP 611A ____
be placed in the employee’s field personnel folder immediately behind the
CHP 102. The employee _____ review and update this information at the time of
the employee’s annual performance appraisal. HPM 10.3, 12-6
The ______ allows employees to provide specific personal information
regarding the location of family members, documents, personal assets, weapons,
vehicles, and other personal property. HPM 10.3, 12-6
CHP 611B
Completion of the CHP 611B is ______ and does not replace the CHP 102. HPM 10.3, 12-7
The _______ ________ ________ allows eligible employees to receive donations of annual leave, vacation, compensating time off (CTO), personal leave, and/or holiday credits from other eligible employees. HPM 10.3, 13-3
A ______ is an employee who contributes a portion of available leave credits, excluding sick leave, to an employee who has been authorized use of catastrophic leave donations. HPM 10.3, 13-4
Eligible leave credits ______ annual leave, vacation, CTO, personal leave, and/or holiday credits. They do not include sick leave. HPM 10.3, 13-4
- Eligible leave credits _____ be donated when the following conditions are met:
(a) Illness or Injury. - Upon written request claiming catastrophic illness or injury from
the employee, the employee’s family member, or another employee
designated by the requesting employee; - Upon determination by the commander the employee is unable to
work due to the employee’s or family member’s catastrophic illness or
injury; and - The employee has exhausted all paid leave credits. HPM 10.3, 13-4
The ________ will evaluate the catastrophic criteria and, provided the employee meets this criteria, will approve the request. HPM 10.3, 13-5
The donating employee must maintain a minimum balance of _____ hours of paid leave time to be eligible to donate. HPM 10.3, 13-6
Use of catastrophic leave may not exceed a maximum of ____ continuous months for any 1 catastrophic illness or injury. For an employee impacted by a natural disaster, use of catastrophic leave may not exceed ___ continuous months for any 1 occurrence; however, if approved by the appropriate Commissioner, use of catastrophic leave may
be for 6 continuous months. HPM 10.3, 13-7
12/ 3
Donated leave credits received for CHP employees will be processed by _____, and HRS will advise the recipient’s commander of the amount of catastrophic leave that should be added to the recipient’s vacation/annual leave balance. HPM 10.3, 13-7
Catastrophic leave _____ be used in conjunction with State Disability Insurance. Excluded employees are not eligible for SDI. HPM 10.3, 13-8
Unused catastrophic leave _____ be returned to the donor on a last received, first returned basis for the following reasons:
(1) The receiving employee returns to work.
(2) The specific need no longer exists.
(3) The catastrophic leave benefit has been exhausted. (Refer to paragraph
(4) The receiving employee is placed on IDL, TDL, or LC 4800.5 Time
benefits, and the recipient is receiving a full pay warrant due to a work-related
injury or illness.
(5) The receiving employee separates from state service.
(6) Upon the death of the receiving employee, donated leave credits should not be accepted after the date of death, unless the donations are dated and signed on or before the date of death of the ill or injured employee. Any unused donated leave credits may become part of the recipient’s estate and not returned to the donor. HPM 10.3, 13-9
A CHP employee who would like to donate leave credits to a family member must complete ___________, and check the box at the top of the CHP 12 titled “Transfer for Family Member.” HPM 10.3, 13-11
PART A of a CHP 12
Use of donated credits shall normally not exceed a maximum of ___ months. However, if approved by the receiving department, the total leave credits received may be up to ___ months. HPM 10.3, 13-12
3/ 6
California Highway Patrol (CHP) employees make many contacts within the framework of their daily duties. In these contacts, it is this Department’s policy to conduct state business solely on the basis of merit and without favoritism. A policy such as this requires CHP employees have no relationship or engage in any activity that might impair their independence of ____. They must not have personal or financial interest in suppliers of property, goods, or services that could affect their decisions or actions on the state’s behalf. They shall not accept gifts, benefits, gratuities, or unusual hospitality that may in any way influence them in the performance of their duties. (HPM 10.3, 14-3)
A copy of the Department’s Inconsistent and Incompatible Activities Statement is forwarded by Human Resources Section (HRS) with the appointment documents for each new employee. During orientation, each employee is required to complete a ____ (refer to Annex E); once completed, the CHP 18 will be permanently retained in the employee’s field folder. (HPM 10.3, 14-3)
CHP 18, Annual Internal Investigation Policy Review
____ employment activity is defined as the holding of public office, the direct or indirect ownership of business concerns, or employment for compensation, except as otherwise specified herein. This should not be construed with maintenance of an employee’s personal property when such property is not a part of a business venture. (HPM 10.3, 14-4)
Employees are prohibited from engaging in any secondary employment activity until they have received written approval from their commander on a ____ (refer to Annex F). This shall apply to employees on vacation, and all leaves of absence with pay (excepting military leave). (HPM 10.3, 14-4)
CHP 318
An outline of secondary employment activities which have been deemed inconsistent or incompatible with public service is provided in Annex C. Employees and supervisors are encouraged to submit complex questions relating to whether a proposed activity is compatible with departmental policy whenever there is a possibility activity may be in conflict. If necessary, requests for clarification shall be directed through channels to Office of Internal Affairs (OIA) for interpretation by the ____. (HPM 10.3, 14-5)
Office of the Commissioner
In cases when it is determined that the proposed employment or activity is incompatible, specific reasons as to why it is incompatible will be given. If an employee feels that the decision received is improper or discriminatory, the employee may appeal the decision through the departmental ____ procedure (refer to Highway Patrol Manual [HPM] 9.1, Employee Relations Manual, Chapter 7) (HPM 10.3, 14-5)
The employee ____ engage in the requested secondary employment activity until the commander has provided written approval. (HPM 10.3, 14-5)
shall not
Upon receiving a completed CHP 318, the supervisor shall: Make an inquiry into the proposed activity to determine if the activities will be ____ with state employment. (HPM 10.3, 14-5)
inconsistent or incompatible
Upon receiving a completed CHP 318, the supervisor shall: Discuss the provisions of the secondary employment request with the employee to ensure the request is understood and that special considerations in scheduling ____ be granted. (HPM 10.3, 14-6)
will not
If a CHP 318 is approved for employment for a duration of ____ days or less, one copy shall be given to the employee and the original shall be filed in the employee’s field folder. Forwarding of copies to higher levels is not necessary. The employee may engage in the activity. (HPM 10.3, 14-6)
30 calendar
If a CHP 318 is approved for employment in excess of ____ days, the commander shall deliver one copy to the employee, file one copy in the employee’s field folder, and forward the original to the next level of review. (HPM 10.3, 14-6)
30 calendar
The Department has determined that certain types of legal practice, as secondary employment, may be considered inconsistent and incompatible with Department employment. Due to the unique requirements of this type of secondary employment, all such requests will be forwarded through the chain of command to ____ prior to final approval being granted. (HPM 10.3, 14-7)
If an expiration date has not been set by the employee, the commander shall set the expiration date to coincide with the ____. (HPM 10.3, 14-8)
next annual performance appraisal evaluation date
During the ____ discussion, a determination needs to be made concerning whether the conditions allowing the secondary employment has changed, or if the secondary employment has adversely affected the employee’s job performance. (HPM 10.3, 14-8)
performance appraisal
Barring an expiration date coinciding with the employee’s annual performance appraisal, the CHP 318 will automatically expire when the ____. (HPM 10.3, 14-8)
employee transfers to a new command location
Employees shall, within ____ days, submit memoranda of cancellation to their commander whenever they are no longer employed, or when changing conditions render the approval void. (HPM 10.3, 14-9)
ten calendar
In accordance with Chapter 21, Sick Leave and Bereavement Leave, of this manual, secondary employment ____ considered an acceptable reason for use of sick leave. (HPM 10.3, 14-9)
is not
The ____ is responsible for providing clarifications and direction regarding secondary employment and inconsistent and incompatible activities. (HPM 10.3, 14-10)
____ should be utilized to accomplish the following: (1) Record commendable acts, outstanding levels of performance, outstanding accomplishments, or efforts toward self-improvement. (2) Record censurable acts or omissions and provide a method for correcting inappropriate employee behavior, conduct, or performance. (HPM 10.3, 15-3)
Incident Reports (CHP 2)
When appropriate, incidents of either a ____ nature are to be documented utilizing a CHP 2, Incident Report. (HPM 10.3, 15-3)
commendable or censurable
The censurable CHP 2 ____ contain the Bazemore Admonition. (HPM 10.3, 15-3)
shall not
Upon completion, the involved employee shall be afforded the opportunity to review and sign the CHP 2. In the event the employee refuses to sign the CHP 2, the supervisor shall indicate ____ in the employee signature box. In either case, the supervisor shall sign the CHP 2 to indicate the employee was afforded the opportunity to review and sign the form. (HPM 10.3, 15-3)
“Refused to Sign”
In accordance with Government Code Section 3306, an employee may file a written response within ____ to any adverse comment entered in his/her personnel file. When such responses are received, Commanders shall ensure a copy of the response is attached to all existing copies of the CHP 2. (HPM 10.3, 15-3)
30 days
A censurable CHP 2 should be used for a single act ____ to recur in the future. (HPM 10.3, 15-4)
not likely
The CHP 2 shall be prepared in triplicate with the following distribution: (1) Original shall be given to the involved employee. (2) One (1) copy shall be placed in the involved employee’s field personnel file. (3) One (1) copy shall be forwarded to ____ for review. (HPM 10.3, 15-4)
Under Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and state regulations, the Department is ____ to include the value of all personal use of a state-provided vehicle on the employee’s Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement. HPM 10.3, 36-3
Employees who use state vehicles that are not exempt under government regulations are ____
for federal and state income tax and, where applicable, social security tax for the vehicle usage. HPM 10.3, 36-3
Employees Subject to ____ :
(1) Constitutional officers and departmental directors who are permanently
assigned a state vehicle.
(2) Employees who, because of work assignments, are allowed to store a
state vehicle at their home or nearby vicinity under the Home Storage Permit
Program (refer to the State Administrative Manual, Section 4109).
(3) Employees whose use of a state vehicle includes regular or occasional
commuting whether or not a home storage permit has been issued. HPM 10.3, 36-3
Employees ___ from Tax Regulations. Employees using the following vehicles are exempt from the regulations:
(1) Clearly marked police, fire, medical, and emergency vehicles that because
of their nature or characteristics are unlikely to be used more than a minimal
amount for personal purposes.
(2) Unmarked law enforcement vehicles used by law enforcement officers for
commuting to and from their work site, if authorized by the Department.
(3) State vehicles used intermittently for incidental personal use while on
official travel status.
(4) State vehicles for commuting in official commuting van pools because the
commuters pay a portion of the commuting costs. HPM 10.3, 36-3
____ are responsible for informing impacted employees of the federal and state tax regulations and to ensure monthly reports are submitted for personal use of nonexempt vehicles. HPM 10.3, 36-4
A ____ ____ , Non-USPS Adjustment Request–Values, shall be completed by each affected employee/command to report the value of employer-provided vehicles used for commuting. HPM 10.3, 36-5
STD. 676V
The completed STD. 676V ____ be submitted to and received in HRS, PTU no later than the 4th business day of the month following the end of each pay period, with the exception of the November pay period. HPM 10.3, 36-5
The STD. 676V ____ be typewritten or completed in ink; forms completed in pencil will not be accepted. HPM 10.3, 36-5
Reports available through ____ provide information related to subjects such
as collective bargaining, cost projections, employer-sponsored deductions, expenditures, positions/classifications, employee statistics, ethnicity, gender, and
vacancies. HPM 10.3, 39-3
It is departmental policy that ____ may only request data that pertain to their own command. Divisions may request information for any command within their own Division. HPM 10.3, 39-3
Requests for statewide data or data that pertain to another command or Division will not be provided without approval by the appropriate ____. HPM 10.3, 39-3
Commands requesting a MIRS report shall prepare a ____ , Management Information Retrieval System (MIRS) Report Request. HPM 10.3, 39-4
CHP 147
The CHP 147 ____ be forwarded from the requesting command to its
Division for approval. After Division approval, the CHP 147 ____ be forwarded
to HRS. HPM 10.3, 39-4
____ and ____ shall be responsible for ensuring the duties and responsibilities of each subordinate employee are appropriate to the employee’s current classification. HPM 10.3, 40-3
Each ____ is responsible for informing the appropriate supervisor or commander when the assigned duties and responsibilities are not reflected in the employee’s classification. HPM 10.3, 40-3
Whenever ____ , accommodate temporary staffing needs by the use of civil service alternatives rather than the assignment of Out Of Class (OOC) work. Alternatives include:
(a) Limited term appointments.
(b) Temporary reassignment of work.
(c) Classification changes. HPM 10.3, 40-3
If OOC work is necessary before the assignment is made, the ___ should have a plan to correct the situation before the 120-day time period is exhausted. HPM 10.3, 40-4
The CCR, Title 2, Section 599.810, states confidential and supervisory employees ___ be compensated for performing OOC work. 10.3, 40-4
The excluded employee does not perform such duties for more than ___ in a fiscal year, except as provided in paragraph 3.b.(4). 10.3, 40-4
The CHP has delegation authority to approve OOC assignments for confidential, supervisory, managerial, and other excluded employees up to ___. HPM 10.3, 40-5
For limited periods of time, a ___ should be expected to fulfill a wide range of duties not normally part of the manager’s assignment and classification without additional compensation. HPM 10.3, 40-5
If the OOC assignment is clearly one which would not normally be expected, the Department may allow OOC compensation when the assignment ___ 90 calendar days. HPM 10.3, 40-5
Excluded or managerial employees who believe they have been performing OOC work ___ file a claim at any time while the OOC duties continue to be performed or within 30 days of the cessation of the OOC work. HPM 10.3, 40-6
An employee is ___ considered to be working OOC if any one of the criteria
listed below is met:
(1) The OOC duties were not assigned and the employee requested the work or assumed the duties without them having been assigned.
(2) The employee is performing the full range of the duties described in the employee’s job specification (i.e., an employee who is performing the duties of
the current classification the majority of the time is not considered to be working OOC even though these duties may substantially overlap those of
another classification at the same or higher level).
(3) The employee is performing the prescribed duties on a T&D assignment, in apprenticeship or other training classification, or when performing duties different from the regular duties because of injury, illness, or a return to work
(4) The California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) approves a change in allocation standards and an employee claims they were working in a
higher classification prior to the effective date of the change in the standards.
(5) The CalHR establishes a higher classification describing some duties which may also be appropriately allocated to a lower classification.
(6) The claim is based upon alleged accelerated movement in a deep class series (e.g., Staff Services Analyst, Ranges A, B, and C) or from the trainee
through journey level of a series. HPM 10.3, 40-6
If the employee desires to pursue the matter formally, they ___ proceed as follows:
(1) Represented Employee- The employee may appeal through the grievance
procedures outlined in the employee’s bargaining unit contract and Highway
Patrol Manual (HPM) 9.1, Employee Relations Manual, Chapter 7, Guidelines
for Grievance/Complaint Handling.
(2) Excluded and Managerial Employee- The employee may appeal through
the grievance procedures as outlined in HPM 9.1, Chapter 7, and Chapter 8,
Excluded Employee Grievance and Appeal Procedures. HPM 10.3, 40-6
The commander shall initiate the request for an OOC assignment by completing a ___ , Out-of-Class Assignment.
CHP 46
The commander shall ensure the assignment will not exceed ___ __ . The following
documents must accompany the CHP 46:
(1) A CHP 129, Duty Statement, identifying the current duties assigned.
Refer to HPM 10.3, Personnel Transactions Manual, Chapter 33, State’s Personnel Classification Plan, for procedures.
(2) A CHP 129 identifying the work to be performed in the proposed higher classification.
(3) Organization chart. HPM 10.3, 40-7
120 DAYS
The CHP 46 must be received by CH at least ___ __ _ prior to the commencement of OOC work. The request will be reviewed and the command will
be notified of the approval/denial by the return of the CHP 46. HPM 10.3, 40-7
Upon approval, the ___ shall direct the employee, as appropriate, to perform the full range of duties of the higher classification, clearly indicating the
duties to be performed and the percentage of time to be spent performing the duties. HPM 10.3, 40-7
Career Executive Assignment (CEA) ___ be entitled to a salary rate within the range of the CEA level being appointed that is 5 percent above the new appointee’s prior salary or the minimum of the CEA range, whichever is greater. HPM 10.3, 43-3
Salaries shall ___ exceed the maximum of the authorized CEA level. HPM 10.3, 43-3