HPM 70.1 CH.12,14,15 Flashcards
Area commanders _______ establish emergency procedures for property preservation in the event of an emergency or natural disaster. HPM 70.1, 12-3
Division Investigative Services Units (ISU) _____ use temporary storage lockers for maintaining documentary property during an investigation. HPM 70.1, 12-3
The property ______ shall conduct quarterly inspections of the property system following the procedures outlined in this chapter. HPM 70.1, 12-4
During an inspection, packages _______ be opened to verify the contents. HPM 70.1, 12-4
shall not
The _________ of an inspection are as follows:
(1) Active property items will be inspected with an emphasis placed on drugs,
firearms, and money.
(2) Determine if property is packaged and stored properly.
(3) Determine if any and all movements of property items are properly
(4) Evaluate the integrity of the property security system and identify any
procedural or physical weaknesses.
(5) Determine if the required information is documented on property forms.
(6) Determine if property is missing or misplaced.
(7) Determine if property items are routinely purged.
(8) Determine if property items are being processed in a timely manner. HPM 70.1, 12-4
At least ________ of items or property numbers, with a minimum of ten items or property numbers, from activities that occurred within the property system from the date of the last inspection to current, shall be inspected. HPM 70.1, 12-4
10 percent
If discrepancies are revealed, an ______ 10 percent of the items, or at least ten additional items, shall be inspected. HPM 70.1, 12-4
The properties will be subcategorized into ________. Ten percent of each category will be inspected. HPM 70.1, 12-5
four areas
If less than ten items exist within each category, 100 percent of the items will be inspected. HPM 70.1, 12-5
100 percent
The_______ are as follows:
(a) Drugs – 10 percent by item number.
(b) Firearms – 10 percent by item number.
(c) Money – 10 percent by item number.
(d) Other – 10 percent by property number. HPM 70.1, 12-5
Property ________ shall document inspections on a memorandum to the Area. HPM 70.1, 12-6
The memorandum _____include the areas of inspection, findings, and any recommendations for corrective action. HPM 70.1, 12-6
Inspection memorandums shall be filed at the Area office and retained for ______ from the date of the inspection. HPM 70.1, 12-6
two years
_______ are to review and sign the inspection memorandum. HPM 70.1, 12-6
The Area commander or designee _____ conduct at least one unscheduled (unannounced) inspection of the property room per calendar year. HPM 70.1, 12-6
The commander or designee ____enter the property room and inspect for cleanliness, security, and order. HPM 70.1, 12-6
Known missing property shall be the Area’s _______ during the inventory. HPM 70.1, 12-7
________ all steps taken to locate the item(s) in the comment section in AIS. HPM 70.1, 12-7
_______ the property room access log is properly maintained. HPM 70.1, 12-10
_________ there are a restricted number of keys to the property room; one key
in the possession of each primary property officer and one in a sealed
envelope. HPM 70.1, 12-10
_______the property room, cabinets, and pass-through lockers meet the
minimum requirements. HPM 70.1, 12-10
______ the appropriate security precautions have been taken with all
computer systems used for the inventory and management of property. HPM 70.1, 12-10
______ the vehicles are processed in a timely manner and the Area is not
incurring unnecessary storage charges. HPM 70.1, 12-10
The log _____ document all entry into the property room by any person other than the primary property officer. HPM 70.1, 12-10
Key(s) used to access the property room ____ be permanently marked
with “Do Not Duplicate.” HPM 70.1, 12-10
There shall be a maximum of ______ for the temporary storage lockers and/or other storage unit(s). HPM 70.1, 12-10
two sets
One set ____ be assigned to the primary property officer(s) and shall be kept in the property room. HPM 70.1, 12-10
The second set (spare keys), along with the commander’s property room access
key, shall be placed in an envelope and stored in a _______ for use in an
emergency. HPM 70.1, 12-11
secure location
The _________________ shall place and seal the spare keys in an envelope with evidence tape. HPM 70.1, 12-11
primary property officer
The _______________ shall date, initial, and write their identification number on the seal. HPM 70.1, 12-11
primary property officer
In addition to conducting a 100 percent inventory, whenever a change of property officer occurs, the locks to the property room _____ be changed and/or the biometric access shall be updated immediately. HPM 70.1, 12-11
A record _____ be kept showing:
(a) The date the combination was last changed.
(b) The names of persons with knowledge of the present combination.
(3) The combination shall be changed when it becomes known to an
excessive number of employees, or if any employee having knowledge of the
combination leaves the Department, or no longer requires the combination in
the performance of their duties. HPM 70.1, 12-12
All property rooms shall be secured with a ___-___ lock. HPM 70.1, 12-13
Locks which use_______ in conjunction with a Personal Identification Number or Biometric scanner that records door access history, may be used instead of a dead bolt if used in conjunction with an intrusion alarm. HPM 70.1, 12-13
Property rooms shall ___ have windows. HPM 70.1, 12-13
To ensure the integrity of the property room, the Area primary or alternate
property officer _____ always be present when any other person is in the
property room. HPM 70.1, 12-13
Areas using key accessed lockers _____develop an Area SOP on the handling of the keys. HPM 70.1, 12-13
Properties shall not be left in temporary lockers more than _______, excluding weekends and holidays. HPM 70.1, 12-13
one day
False ceilings that would allow access to the property room are ________. HPM 70.1, 12-14
Doors ______ be equipped with inside hinges and/or other security hardware
(e.g., secure pin hinges to prevent removal of the hinge pin) to prevent
unauthorized access. HPM 70.1, 12-14
The property room should ____ be identified as such by external signs or
markings. HPM 70.1, 12-14
Drugs, currency, and valuables ______ be separated from other property in
a secure location within the property room. HPM 70.1, 12-14
The area in which narcotics are stored shall have adequate _______ to comply with Section 66261.4 of the California Code of Regulations. HPM 70.1, 12-14